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高一英语期末考试范围:,(1)外研社教材Book 1 & Book 2 (侧重Book 2); (2)新概念L1 L6 (侧重L4 L6) ; (3)积极英语AR2 U1 - U4 (侧重U5 - U7)重点语法内容:时态语态,状语从句,定语从句全卷满分:120分 ;考试时间:120分钟(含听力25分钟)试题难易度比例:6:3:1,1. 题型分值:听力 20 (单选 五段对话,3*5*1=15,听取信息 独白,5*1) 2. 单选 20 (包括句子结构和语法,20*1) 3. 完型 15 (15*1) 4. 阅读 10 (两篇,5*2*1) 5. 词汇短语25 (首字母+变形15*1,短语10*1) 6. 翻译10 (五句,5*2) 7. 附加20 (阅读两篇,5*2*2),期末翻译复习,NCE 4-6 ACT 4-7 (侧重5-7),NCE L.4,1. 设计者为节省燃料牺牲了速度。 (sacrifice) 2. 你愿意放弃一场足球赛,去跟一个女孩子约会吗? (sacrifice) 3. 我们今晚和史密斯教授在一起十分荣幸。(privileged) 4. 没有人会怀疑他的学者身份。 (status) 5. 我们决定不安装新的暖气设备,原因就是它造价太高。( for the reason that) 6. 有关选举的这番言论不可避免地引起了广泛的谣言。 ( give rise to) 7. 贫穷会使大部分人感到很沮丧,在我父亲看来却不是这样。 ( in the case of),8. 虽然这项工作很辛苦,但最终还是值得的。 ( be worth it ) 9. 这个问题很值得考虑。 ( worth / worthy) 10. 他走了老远了。(well ) 11. 他看上去三十好几了。 (well),Key,1. 设计者为节省燃料牺牲了速度。 (sacrifice) The designers have sacrificed speed for fuel economy. 2. 你愿意放弃一场足球赛,去跟一个女孩子约会吗? (sacrifice) Would you sacrifice a football game to go out with a girl? 3. 我们今晚和史密斯教授在一起十分荣幸。(privilege / privileged) It is a privilege to be together with Professor Smith this evening. We are very privileged to be together with professor Smith this evening. 4. 没有人会怀疑他的学者身份。 (status) None will question his status as a scholar. 5. 我们决定不安装新的暖气设备,原因就是它造价太高。( for the reason that) We decided against installing new heating apparatus, for the reason that it would be too costly. 6. 有关选举的这番言论不可避免地引起了广泛的谣言。 ( give rise to) The remark about an election inevitably gave rise to widespread rumors. 7. 贫穷会使大部分人感到很沮丧,在我父亲看来却不是这样。 ( in the case of) Poverty depresses most people; in the case of my father it was otherwise.,8. 虽然这项工作很辛苦,但最终还是值得的。 ( be worth it ) It was hard work, but it was worth it in the end. 9. 这个问题很值得考虑。 ( worth / worthy)A. be worth +n = be worthy of + n. The matter is well worth consideration = is well worthy of considerationB. be worth doing= be worthy of being done = be worthy to be doneThe matter is well worth considering. The matter is well worthy of being considered. The matter is well worthy to be considered.c. It is worthwhile to do / doing sth. It is worthwhile to consider the matter= It is worthwhile considering the matter.10. 他走了老远了。( well ) He is well on the way. 11. 他看上去三十好几了。 He looks well over thirty.,女孩子们很怕蛇, 她们极其小心地择路而行.( extreme)我手头正好有最新的人口统计资料。(statistics) 编辑说他们不可能刊登他们收到的所有的信函。 (editor, publish)他对听不懂他讲课的学生很耐心。(impatient) 她收到一盒巧克力,附带着一封信说她被解雇了.(fire),NCE Lesson 5,The girls were afraid of snakes and picked their way along with extreme caution. I happen to have the latest population statistics with me. The editor says they cannot publish all the letters they have received. He was never impatient with students who could not follow him.She was sent a box of chocolates along with a letter saying she was fired.,NCE Lesson 5,NC L6,1.夜晚的宁静被她突然的一声尖叫打破。(break the silence)2. 她转过身来赞赏得凝视着丈夫。(gaze at)3. 他喝醉了并开始砸东西。(smash) 4. 连着开车好几个小时之后, 我准备停一下。(at the wheel)5. 他在保险箱里放着价值三百万美元的钻石。(worth n.),1. The silence of the night was broken by her sudden scream. 2. She turned to gaze admiringly at her husband.3. He got drunk and began to smash things. 4. After many hours at the wheel, I was ready to stop. 5. He keeps in the safe $3 million worth of diamonds.,NCE lesson 6 1.她对那个男子凝视了一会儿,最后终于认出他来了. 2.女主人将生客作彼此介绍以打破矜持的气氛. 3.他迅速踩刹车,汽车及时停住,刚好避免了一场车祸 .(come to a stop) 4.由于习惯于工作井井有条,我首先试着按重要程度把照片排好。 5. 那个罪犯被双手反铐着带了进来.(with复合结构),NCE lesson 6 1.After gazing at the gentleman for some time, she finally recognized him. 2.The hostess broke the ice by introducing the strangers to each other. 3.He quickly stepped on the brakes, and his car came to a stop just in time to avoid an accident. 4.Being accustomed to working methodically, I tried at first to arrange the photographs in order of importance. 5. The murderer was brought in, with his hands tied behind his back.,ACT L.4,1. 这家酒店由意大利建筑师设计,可容纳600位客人。 ( accommodate) 2. 大学必须为一年级学生提供学生宿舍。(accommodation) 3. 医生们建议采取预防措施防止皮肤被晒伤。(take precautions) 4. 我撕开盒子,却发现有些零件不见了。( only to find that) 5. 我们需要知道你的信用卡的有效期限。 6. 我们需要商定下次会议的日期。(agree on ),Key,1. 这家酒店由意大利建筑师设计,可容纳600位客人。 ( accommodate) Designed by an Italian architect, the hotel can accommodate 600 guests. 2. 大学必须为一年级学生提供学生宿舍。(accommodation) Universities have to provide student accommodation for first-year students / freshmen. 3. 医生们建议采取预防措施防止皮肤被晒伤。(take precautions) Doctors recommend taking precautions to protect your skin from the sun. 4. 我撕开盒子,却发现有些零件不见了。( only to find that) I tore open the box, only to find that some of the parts were missing. 5. 我们需要知道你的信用卡的有效期限。 We need the expire date / expiration date on your credit card. 6. 我们需要商定下次会议的日期。(agree on ) We need to agree on a date for our next meeting.,这个国家的南海岸虽然并不那么繁华迷人,但也遍布着干净漂亮的小旅馆. (glamorous)一开始,我们打算去苏格兰旅行,但最终没有去成. (originally) 有什么东西能取代母亲的爱和关怀吗? (replace) 从繁忙的日程表中牺牲一些时间来陪陪别人要比在高级的百货公司中买贵重礼物送人有意义多了。 (upscale) 政府对奢侈品的进口采取了严格的管制。 (luxury),AR Unit 5 Chapter 1,The south coast of the country is less glamorous but full of clean and attractive hotels.,2. Originally, we had planned a tour of Scotland but we didnt go in the end.,
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