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语法专题复习方略第二讲代语和 it 的用法 .用适当的代词填空1.One of the most important questions they had to consider wasof public health. 解析: 句意:他们必须考虑的最重要的问题之一就是公众的健康问题。句中that 特指前面的question 。答案: that 2.The CDs are on sale! Buy one and you getcompletely free. 解析: 语意为:光盘特价了!买一送一!空白处填one ,指代one CD。答案: one 3.Being a parent is not always easy , and being the parent of a child with special needs often carries withextra stress. 解析: 句意:当一名父亲或母亲并不总是容易的,当一名有特殊需要的孩子的父亲或母亲经常还要承受额外的压力。此处的it 指代的是前面提到的“ being a parent is not always easy”这种情况。答案: it 4.Over the past 20 years , the Internet has helped change our world inway or another for the better. 解析:考查固定短语。 in one way or another 意思是 “以某种方式 ”,相当于by some means。答案: one 5.Jane was asked a lot of questions , but she didnt answerof them. 解析: 句意: Jane被问了许多问题,但她一个也没有回答。not any 表示完全否定,也可以说: Jane was asked a lot of questions , but she answered none of them。答案: any 6.I like this house with a beautiful garden in front, but I dont have enough money to buy. 解析: it 用来替代前面提到的同一事物,该句中指这套房子。答案: it 7.I felt so bad all day yesterday that I decided this morning I couldnt faceday like that. 解析: 句意为:我昨天一天都很难受,以至于我今天早晨决定再也不能面对像那样的一天了。 another 表示 “又一,另一;别的,另外的;类似的,相似的”,符合句意。答案: another 8.Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educating their children compared withof their parents. 解析: 从句意可知,所填代词代替的是前面的approach,因此用that,相当于the approach。答案: that 9.Many fast-growing countries are less concerned with protecting against climate change. 解析: protect oneself表示 “自我保护 ” 。答案: themselves 10.The English spoken in the United States is only slightly different from spoken in England. 解析: 此处用that 代替前面已出现过的名词(通常有后置定语),以避免重复。此句中 that 代替 the English。答案: that 11.It was hard for him to learn English in a family, in which of the parents spoke the language. 解析: 句意:对他来说,在家里学习英语很难,因为他的父母都不讲英语。neither两者都不。答案: neither 12.Id like some more cheese. Sorry, theres left. 解析: 根据上下语境可知没有cheese ,所以用none(三个或者三个以上都不)代替。答案: none 13.Make sure youve got passports and tickets and before you leave. 解析: 句意:你离开之前务必要带着护照、车票和所需的全部东西。everything 一切;一切东西。答案: everything 14.Do you want tea or coffee?.I really dont mind. 解析: 根据 “I really dont mind.” 可知茶和咖啡两者中任何一种都行,所以用either( 两者中的任何一个)。答案: Either 15.Could we see each other at 3 oclock this afternoon?Sorry, lets make it time. 解析:句意:我们下午三点见面好吗? 对不起,还是另外约个时间吧。another指 (同类中的 )另外一个。答案: another 16.felt funny watching myself on TV . 解析: 句意:看着自己上了电视感觉很好玩。根据句子结构,空缺部分是句子的主语。依据句意,空格部分只能是形式上的主语。只有it 可以作形式主语来代替真正的主语watching myself on TV。答案: It 17.The book is of great value.can be enjoyed unless you digest it. 解析: 句意:这本书非常有用,但如果你不理解内容就无法欣赏它。从unless you digest it 和语意可知主语应含否定意义。答案: Nothing 18.Have you heard the latest news?No, what is ?解析: 句意: 你听说最新的消息了吗? 没有,什么消息?题干上文中news(消息,新闻 )为不可数名词,下文中的代词应指代这一名词,it 代指单数名词,且与上文中的名词为同一事件,故填it。答案: it 19.He got his first book published.It turned out to be a bestseller. When was ?was in 2000 when he was still in college. 解析: 句意: 他的第一本书出版了,非常畅销。是什么时候的事? 是在 2000年,当时他还在上大学。that 指代上文。 第二空的句子是强调句型。只保留了前半部分It was in 2000 when he was still in college,省略掉了that he got his first book published。答案: that; It 20.Little joy can equal of a surprising ending when you read stories. 解析: 用 that 代前面的不可数名词joy。答案: that .语法填空To be a more optimistic person,youd better end negative messages as soon as they start by using the one-word command: stop !In theory ,stopping is a simple technique.1practice,its not as easy as it sounds ,to be effective at stopping,you have to be forceful and 2(strong-mind).Raise your voice when you give the command.Picture yourself fighting against the inner voice of fear. Vincent , a hard working bachelor in his 20s, was 3executive in a large company.His mother died when he was young , and his father raised him.They had gotten along well,4his father was overprotective,5(fill) Vincents head with worrisome thoughts.Without realizing 6, Vincent carried these thoughts into his adult life.His fathers role 7(take) over by his inner voice.Vincent was a worrier. Although 8(attract) to a woman in his department, he never asked her for a date.His worries trapped him :“ 9is not a good idea to date a co- worker,or,if she says no,itll be embarrassing.”When Vincent stopped his inner voice and asked the woman out, she said ,“ Vincent,10took you so long ?”语篇解读: 本文讲了人要变得乐观,就要在内心争斗,去掉消极信息,命令自己迅速行动。1.解析: in theory 和 in practice 为两个相对应的词组。答案: In 2.解析: 由上文可判断此处应用形容词,strong-minded 意志坚定的。答案: strong-minded 3.解析: 考查冠词的用法。答案: an 4.解析: 由上下文可看出,此处为转折关系。答案: but 5.解析: 现在分词作状语。答案: filling 6.解析: 指代上文所说的事。答案: it 7.解析: 考查过去完成时的被动语态。答案: had been taken 8.解析: 过去分词作状语,表示被吸引。答案: attracted 9.解析: 句意:和同事约会并不是一个好的主意。答案: It 10.解析: 句意:什么使得他花了那么长时间才开口约会那位女同事。答案: what (21 世纪教育网)
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