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李阳疯狂英语突破口语要素MP3 第一部分最常用的10 个口语要素以下十个口语要素美国人几乎每日必说。用我们美国老师Kim 的话来说,这十个句子绝对“ Super American”! 掌握了这十个句子,你将能达到以一顶十的功效。为了方便你的记忆,我们特地把这十个口语要素都编入了同一组对话中。你所要做的事就是,彻彻底底地把这组对话掌握。( All you have to do is completely conquer the following dialogue. )有印象吗? “All you have to do is”这是来自我们实战系列之口语要素 美国电影台词精选中的一个口语要素! 当然!TOP 1.Sure! 真的?TOP 2.Really? TOP 太棒了!3.Great! 对不起!TOP 4.Sorry! TOP 5.That s 没关系。OK. 好的;好吧。TOP 6.All right. TOP 7.Thank 谢谢!you! 没问题!TOP 8.No problem! TOP 9.Forget 算了吧;不用客气!it! 太好了;做得好!TOP 10.Good job! 【疯狂实战】A: I ve been thinking of taking a Crazy English course. Do you think it s a good idea? B: Sure! You should do anything you can to improve your English. A: Really? Do you think English is that important? B: Of course it is. In fact, I ll even take the course with you if you want.A: Great! It s always better to do things with a friend.B: Do you have the phone number? I need to call for registration. A: No, I left it at home. Sorry! B: That s OK. I can get it from you later.A: So, do you want to go somewhere for dinner and practice our English together tonight? B: All right. I know a great restaurant near here. But, it s a little expensive and I don t have much money with me.A: No problem. I just got paid. Its my treat. B: Thank you! I ll be sure to return the favor after our first class, OK? A: Forget it! That s what friends are for! Besides, I have a VIP card for a discount. B: Good job! This is going to be a great night! A: I think so too. Let s go!【参考译文】A:我正考虑参加疯狂英语班,你觉得好吗?B:当然好了!你应该尽一切可能提高你的英语水平。A:真的?你觉得英语真的那么重要吗?B:当然重要了。事实上,如果你愿意的话,我要和你一起参加。A:那太好了!和朋友一起做事总是比较好的。B:你有电话号码吗?我要打电话去报名。A:没有,我把它忘在家里了。对不起!B:不要紧,我迟点再问你要。A:那么,你想不想找个地方吃顿饭,我们今晚一起练习一下英语啊?B:好吧。我知道这附近有家挺不错的饭店,只是贵了点,而且我带的钱不够。A:没问题。我刚发了薪水,我请客。B:谢谢!上完第一次课,我一定回请你,好吗?A:不用客气了!我们是朋友嘛!再说,我有张VIP 卡可以优惠。B:太好了!我们今晚一定过得开心的!A:我想也是。我们走吧!
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