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1. C.P.I. (consumer price index) 消费(者)物价指数2. monopoly 垄断 3. par value 票面价值4. IPO (initial public offering) 新股票上市;股票初次发行5. financial institution 金融机构 6. income funds 收益型基金7. GNP (gross national product) 国民生产总值8. production line 生产线9. C.I.F. (cost, insurance and freight) 到岸价10. board of directors 董事会 11. registered capital 注册资本12. F.O B 离岸价 13. circulating fund 流动资金14. Clean Bill 光票 15. public relations 公共关系16. red chips 红筹股 17. bank account 银行帐户18. government bond 政府债券19. GDP (gross domestic product) 国内生产总值20. bill of exchange 汇票 21. premium 保险费22. commission 佣金 23. durable goods 耐用品24. savings bond 储蓄债券25. stock exchange 证券交易所 / 股票交易所26. mutual fund (共同)基金 27. market share 市场份额28. product mix 产品组合 29. Letters of Credit (L/C) 信用证30. income statement 损益表/ 收入表 31. retailer 零售商32. stock market 股市/ 股票市场 33. tangible product 有形产品34. product line 产品线 35. current assets 流动资产36. installment 分期付款 37. H shares H 股38. inventory 存货/ 库存 39. common shares 普通股40. preference shares 优先股 41. net asset 净资产42.bearer bond 无记名债券 43. stock certificate 股权证44. promissory note 本票 45. policy holder 投保人46. insurance policy 保险单 47. middleman 中间商48. publicity 推广 49. mass selling 大众推销50. target return目标收益(定价法) 51. 信用证 letter(s) of credit 52. 营销组合 marketing mix 53. 风险资本 venture capital 54. 普通股 common stock(s) 55. 索赔 claim 56. 资产 asset(s) 57. 直销 direct selling 58. 保险单 insurance policy 59. 促销 promotion 60. 购买力 purchasing power 61. 有限责任公司 limited (liability) company 62. 预算 budget 63. 固定资产 fixed asset(s) 64. 证券交易所 stock exchange 65. 汇率 rate of exchange / exchange rate 66. 物流 physical distribution / logistics 67. 佣金 commission 68. 折旧 depreciate/depreciation 69. 客户服务 customer service 70. 红利 dividend 71. 面值 face value / par value / denomination 72. 市场细分 market segment / market segmentation 73. 流动资产 current asset(s) / floating asset(s) 74. 公共关系 public relations 75. 净收入 net income 76. 合同 contract 77. 优先股 preferred shares (stocks) / preference shares (stocks) 78. 人寿保险 life insurance 79. 债券 bond(s) 80. 有限责任 limited liability (-ies) 81. 保险 insurance 82. 净资产 net asset(s) 83. 退货 return(s) 84. 集装箱 container 85. 汇票 bill of exchange 86. 期初存货 beginning inventory 87. 股东 shareholder(s) / stockholder(s) 88. 离岸价 F.O.B/ free on board 89. 电汇 T T / telegraphic transfer 90. 债券持有者 bondholder 91. 电话销售 telemarketing 92. 垄断 monopoly 93. 定价 pricing 94. 盈亏平衡点 break-even point 95. 购买力 purchasing power 96. 投资经纪人 investment broker 97. 营销组合 marketing mix 98. 利率 interest rate/ rate of interest 99. 收入保险 income insurance 100. 保险费 premium
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