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物流英语一、单词翻译:Vendor 供应商、Exporter 出口商、Airline 航空公司、Means of transport and route 运输方式和路线、Net weight 净重、Measurement 尺码Goods商品、 collect由收件人付款、L/C 信用证、manifest 载货单、cost-effective 节约成本的、berth 停泊处,锚位、TEU 标准箱、 lanes线路、logistics物流、 Shipper 托运人,发货人,货主、Consignee收件人、 agent 代理商、 Vessel船、 Container 集装箱、 Gross weight毛重、 quantity 数量、Commodity 商品,货物、 Cargo 货物,船货、prepaid 预付、 Total 总数、 Consolidation 集中托运、 B/L 海运提单、Contract 合同、Letter of credit 信用证、Stow堆装,理舱、 trim 整理、Dunnage衬垫、hatch舱口、demurrage滞留费、 rail 铁轨,横栏,栏杆stipulate规定、 endorse背书、 exempt免税者、 claim 声称,索赔二、短语翻译1.Signature of authorized signatory授权签约方签名2.Number and kind of description of goods package 商品包装的数量和种类描述3.Country/region of destination 目的地国家或地区4.Final destination 最终目的地5.Original of certificate 原始凭证6.customs invoice 海关发票7.packing list 装箱单8.in words 口头上9.Declared value for carriage 运输声明价值10. agent s IATA code 代理人国际航空运输代号11. Place and date 地点和日期12. Airport of departure 启运机场13. bill of lading 提货单14. Commercial invoice 商业发票15. weight list 重量单16. Airway bill航运收据17. in figure / in words 小写或大写18. Declared value for customs 海关申报价值19. Said to contain 据称内装20. Marks 3 份不可转让的已装船清洁提单,注明“运费已付”2) Signed invoice in triplicate; 签署发票一式三份3) Certificate of Origin in duplicate; 原产地证明书一式两份4) Insurance Policy in duplicate covering WPA & War for full invoice value plus 10%. P155涵盖水渍险及战争险,全部按发票金额外加10%的保险单一式两份,2、UWDC performs not only stock storage, , picking and packing in the logistics center, but also offers customs clearance services and can arrange for transportation within the U. S. A. with the assistance of other NYK affiliates. UWDC also boasts a global network of NYK/NEW WA VE group, providing an optimum international logistics services. P7 UWDC 不仅是集仓储,进出库业务操作,分拣和包装于一身的物流中心,还提供海关清关服务, 可通过 NYK 在美的子公司安排运输服务。UWDC 还以有一个 NYK 新浪潮集团的全球网络为豪, 能提供最 佳的国际物流服务。3、UWDC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK), has opened in the city of Carson, where many Japanese companies offices and warehouses are located. P6 UWDC, 是日本邮船公司完全拥有的、在卡森市开办的一个子公司,在那里设有许多日本公司的办 事处和仓库。UWDC is a U. S. Customs Bonded Warehouse with an advanced computer system which extends to on-line Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) for shipping and receiving orders. UWDC 是美国海关的保税仓库,配有先进的计算机系统,使用在线的EDI 收发订单。4、The seller shall bear all the risks before the goods pass over the vessel s rail and 50% of all loading expenses. The loading expenses shall mean all expenses accrued in the handling of the goods from side of the ship to the cabin(to where the buyer s vessel derrick can reach in the vessel), including all crane charges for heavy goods, but not, including stowing charge, trimming charge, consolidation charge, dunnage charge or open and close hatch charge. P142 卖方承担所有在货物越过货船栏杆之前的所有风险和50%的装载费用,装货费用即在将货物由船 侧移入船舱 (货轮上的吊车可以到达的地方)的过程中所发生的所有费用,包括超重物品所产生的 吊运费,但不包括堆垛费、平舱费、固定费、垫板费、或开关舱盖费。5、It is agreed that the goods described herein are accepted in apparent good order and condition (Except as noted) for carriage. SUBJECT TO THE CONDITION OF CONTRACT ON THE REVERSE HEREOF.THE SHIPPER S ATTENTION IS DRAWN TO THE NOTICE CONCERNING CARRIER S LIMITATION OF LIABILITY . Shipper may increase such limitation of liability be declaring a higher value for carriage and paying a Supplemental charge if required. P131 双方同意接受在此所描述的货物的良好表面状况和承运条件(除非另有说明)。根据此合同背面所定的条件,托运方的注意力应放到通知有关承运人的责任范围上。如果有需要,托运人可以增加这样的责任限制,以说明一个更高价值的运输费用和补充费用。6、This credit expires on August 18, 1994 and is subject to the Uniform Customs& Practice for Documentary Credits (1983 Revision) International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 400. P155该信用证的有效期到1994 年 8 月 18 日,并且遵循国际商会第400 号出版的跟单 信用证统一惯 例(UCP) (1983 年版) 。7、The operation instructions and technical documents as stipulated in the contract appendix or a certificate which certifies that all documents mentioned above have already been packed and dispatched together with each consignment. The documents mentioned above shall be made separately according to the shipping mark, the different shipping mark shall not be listed in the same set of the Bills. The seller shall send one set of the above mentioned documents, except 4 and 5 to the China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation at the port of destination with the vessel, and within 3 days after shipment is effected, two sets by airmail to the buyer and one set to the China National Foreign Trade Transporation Corporation at the port of destination. P143 技术文件的操作说明书 ,合同规定的附件或证书, 上面提到的所有文件确保已经打包并以最快的速度发 出。上面提到的文件应当分别依据各自的装运标志填写,不同的装运标志不列入同一套账单。卖方要发送一组上述文件,除4和5外,随船发到目的港的中国对外贸易运输公司,并在装船后3天内 完成,两组用航空邮件寄给买方,一组发到目的港的中国对外贸易运输公司。(操作指令和技术文档是列在合同的附录中或一份证明,证明我们上述的所有文档已打包及发运,上述这些文档应依据运输标志填写,我们在同一份提单内不能标注不同的运输标志,卖方应该把 一套上述文档除了第4,5 项随船发给在目的港的中外运公司并且在起航三天内两套应通过航空邮递寄 给买方,以及有一份交给目的港的中外运公司。)8、 The credit is available by beneficiary s draft at 60 days sight ,1interest per month can be debited on invoice value,85 of such amount only has to be paid to the beneficiary while remaining 15 to be held for Italian taxes信用证受益人汇票时可在60 天远期内见票付款,每月依
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