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Lesson 2 At the Sports Store,runners,a pair of,a pair of,runners,I have,I have some runners I dont have any runners,Do you have any runners?,总结:some和any都指“一些”,some 一般用于肯定句中,而在否定句和疑问 句中用any。,例如: I have some shorts.我有一些短裤. Do you have any shorts?你有一些短裤吗? I dont have any shorts.我没有一些短裤.,总结:some和any都指“一些”,some 一般用于肯定句中,而在否定句和疑问 句中用any。,practice,1.We have some books.变为一般疑问句。,Do you have any books?,2.他们有一些漂亮的图片。,They have some beautiful pictures.,Do they have any beautiful pictures?,this,that,This is a T-shirt.,That is a T-shirt.,these,those,Do you like these runners or those runners ?,总结:this 和that 后用is加名词单数, these 和those 后用are 加名词复数。,practice,1.你喜欢这本书还是那一本呢?,Do you like this book or that book?,2.你喜欢这些乒乓球还是那些呢?,Do you like these ping-pong balls or those ping-pong balls ?,How much are they?,These shorts are thirty yuan, those are sixty yuan.,总结:how much 表示寻问多少钱。,practice,1.他们总共多少钱?,How much are they ?,2.这些乒乓球五块钱,那些两块钱。,These ping-pong balls are five yuan. those are two yuan.,Do you have any runners?,I am going to buy those runners.,I will buy those runners.,=,总结:be going to 和will 都表示 将要干某事,是一般将来时, 其后都加动词原形。,practice,1.他们将要去运动品商店。,They are going to go to the sports store.,They will go to the sports store.,Homework:,1.熟读课文3次。,2.用this/that /these/those 各造一个句子。,3.做一个去商店买水果的情景对话。,
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