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摘 要 鞭炮结鞭封装机广泛应用于花炮生产中的各种型号鞭炮等产品的生产。设计从市场调研开始,深入了解了现有鞭炮生产设备的先进以及不足之处,择优选择一体式设计方案,集结鞭、封装功能于一体。此设计主要进行封装机的设计,主要进行了结构和传送带设计并分担了此一体式鞭炮机的传动和传送传动机构的设计。其主要封装机构包括下封装纸卷、上封装纸卷、上封胶纸涂胶辊和引导辊,还有收纸折纸导引件、浮动压件和一对压辊等。说明书整理并介绍了整个设计流程以及设计中遇到的问题和解决方式,各个市场已有产品的对比择优,如何研究开发新的机构等,同样也指出了仍然未能解决的问题。依次介绍封装结构、传送带、齿轮传动、带传动等的设计步骤设计数据和如何 3D 建模等。说明书中还提供了诸多 3D 建模图片,可以更直观的了解鞭炮结鞭封装机中的封装结构。另外,由于分担的是封装系统,一体化中的结鞭机不在重点之列,但是本说明书仍然会在最后对一体机中的结鞭部分进行简单的描述,以照应其他部分设计的统一性。关键词 :包装机械;鞭炮机械;一体化;封装机大学本科生毕业设计1ABSTRACTFirecrackers whip knot Fireworks are widely used in packaging machines for various models of the production of firecrackers and other products. Design from the beginning of market research, in-depth understanding of the existing advanced production equipment firecrackers as well as inadequacies in selection of the best all-in-one design choice, whip assembly, packaging functions. This design mainly the design of packaging machines, the main conveyor belt to the structure and design and to share this all-in-one machine firecrackers transmission transmission and transmission design. The main package, including the packaging of paper rolls, paper rolls on the package, sealed with adhesive tape on the glue roller and guide rollers, as well as guided land origami pieces of paper floating pieces and a pair of pressure rollers, such as pressure. Manual collation and describes the entire design process and design problems and solutions in various market products that merit comparison, how to research and development of new institutions, but also pointed out the problem is still unresolved. Package in order to introduce structure, conveyors, gear drive, belt drive, such as the design of steps and how to design data such as 3D modeling. Manual also provides a number of 3D modeling pictures, can be more intuitive understanding of firecrackers whip end of the packaging machine packaging structure. In addition, the package as a result of sharing systems, the integration of the node is not the focus plane of the whip out, but this will still be in the final specification of the machine end of the whip simply the description of parts in order to take care of other parts of the unity of design .Keywords: packaging machinery; firecrackers machinery; integration; Packaging Machine大学本科生毕业设计2目 录第 1 章 绪论51.1 相关市场51.2 相关技术61.3 相关设备71.4 发展方向7第 2 章 总体方案设计82.1 功能与应用范围82.2 鞭炮结鞭封装总体布局图82.3 结构组件分类102.4 工艺分析13第 3 章 各机构的设计计算 173.1 曲柄摇杆及偏心轮机构设计计算173.1.1 机构的选择 173.1.2 机架长度的选择 203.2 带式输送机机构设计计算213.2.1 输送方式的选择 213.2.2 带式输送机的设计计算 223.2.3 输送带不打滑条件校核 253.2.4 拉紧力计算 253.3 减速器的设计与计算26第 4 章 传动系统的设计计算 274.1 电动机的选择274.2 传送带的设计284.3 链条的设计314.4 计算传动装置的总传动比并分配各级传动比324.4.1 传动装置的总传动比 324.4.2 计算传动装置的运动参数和动力参数
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