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Lesson 7,Are you a teacher?,本课内容,复习/ / 及上一节课的知识 学习/ /, / / 单词学习 练习 日常用语 作业,读下列单词及词组,number,doctor,daughter,today,rudder,elevator,colour,camera,machine,calendar,player wonderful weather,modern facilities,burning with fever,单词,Mr. Miss good morning new student,先生 小姐 好 早晨 新的 学生,French German nice meet JapaneseKorean Chinese too,法国人 德国人 美好的 遇见 日本人 韩国人 中国人 也,专业词汇,pressure engineer spanner manager camera machine rework piece dollar operator leader,压力 工程师 扳子 经理 照相机 机器 返修 美元块 操作者 领导,/ /,发音方法:发音时舌中部比发/ /音时略高,双唇扁平。 发音规则:er,ir,ur在重读音节中,ear,or,er,ir在重读音节中,term,herb,verb,her,serve,servant,refer,defer bird,shirt,third,girl,irk,irksome,birth,birthday,sir,stir First come,first served.,ur在重读音节中,urge,urban,burn,blur,spur,church,turtle,murder,nurse,incur,Tursday,further,return,urgent,ear,or,earn,erath,search,earthquake,learn work,word,world,worm,worst,/ /,发音方法:发音时舌尖和舌端两侧轻触下齿,舌后部靠前部分稍抬起,唇形稍扁,开口度较大,与/ /相似。 发音规则:o,u,ou,oo,o在字母m,n,v及th前,come,money,honey(honeycomb),love,mother,brother,above,opportunity Opportunity knocks,but once.,u在闭音节,duck,luck,sun,up,supper,lunch,fun,gun,hunt,cup,bus The sun comes up in the east.,ou,oo,young,enough,touch,trouble,rough blood,flood keep in touch,单词学习,特殊疑问词 what, where, who, whom, when, which, how, how many, how much, how long, how far, how often. 特殊疑问句=特殊疑问句+一般疑问句 Whats your name?What nationality are you?What time is it?Whats your job?,keyboard 电脑键盘key 钥匙allen key 六方扳子board 板blackboard 黑板drawing board 绘图板 operator 操作人员operation 手术;操作;工序operate 操作,engineer 工程师process engineer 工艺 worker 工人lay-up/assembly operatorinspector 检验blue collar 蓝领white collar 白领,练习,-Whats your job?-Im 用以下单词做替换练习:policeman,policewoman,driver,air hostess,postman,nurse,mechanic,hairdresser,housewife,milkman,练习2,看书上16页练习B keyboard operator-Whats her job? Is she a keyboardoperator?-Yes, she is.,日常用语,打破交流中僵局 How to Break the Ice 引出话题Introducing a new topic of conversation By the way, . I forget to mention that .,Giving your responses during the talk 交流中做出反应,You can smile, nod your head and have the eye contacts. Also you can say like these: Good for you! / Really? / You dont say! / Yes. / I think so. / I see. Please tell me more. Glad to hear that. / Sorry to hear that.,Interrupting 适时打断,Im sorry to disturb you, but may I ask a question? Lets be open here! Can we have a chat before?,作业,背诵第七课课文,并继续熟练之前课文的背诵。 背本课单词及专业词汇。 熟练运用本节课所讲解的日常用语。,
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