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标准化中的知识产权 与中国企业的对策 The IPR in Standards and the Strategy of China Enterprises,WTO:标准化中的知识产权 (北京)国际研讨会2007年4月17-18日 倪光南,. 私有标准导致不平等竞争Proprietary standard leads to unfair competition. . 应当提倡采用开放标准Promotion of open standard . 标准化中的知识产权问题及其对策The IPR in standards and the strategy of China enterprises . 大力推广开源软件Promotion of OSS . 推进一些至关重要的开放标准Promotion of some important open standards.结束语Conclusion,3,. 私有标准导致不平等竞争 Proprietary standard leads to unfair competition,一旦某些私有技术或产品在市场上占据了垄断地位而成为“事实标准”,这些标准就是“私有标准”,它助长垄断,阻碍其他竞争者的发展。 Once proprietary technology/product becomes de facto standard, it will enforce monopoly and destroy fair competition.,4,例如微软的Windows操作系统、Office办公套件和IE浏览器等都是各自领域的事实标准,它们所涉及的许多标准都属于私有标准,其他企业很难在这些领域与微软进行竞争。 For instance, Software such as Windows, Office and IE are de facto standards of their corresponding areas. They involve proprietary standards. Other companies could hardly compete in these areas.,5,采用私有标准的弊端(1) The disadvantages of proprietary standards,1. 不利于公平竞争。Against fair competition.由于私有标准不开放,用户被锁定于私有标准,使竞争对手很难开发与其兼容的产品,从而很难打破垄断。Proprietary standards are closed and users are being locked in. Thus competitors are very difficult to develop products/technologies compatible products. The monopoly resulted is very difficult to be broken.,6,例 1:文档格式.doc, .xls, .ppt成为事实标准后,由于它不开放,国产Office经过了五、六年的努力,才基本上解决了兼容问题。但既不能做到100%的兼容,也不可能保证长久的兼容。 Exp 1: The file formats (.doc, .xls, and .ppt) become de facto standards. It took 5-6 years hard work to achieve the compatibility to them by domestic Office verdors. Even though its not 100% guaranteed and may not last long.,7,例 2:现在很多网站是按照微软IE浏览器的私有标准设计的,因此使用其他浏览器(如FireFox、Opera、Safari等等)不能正常工作,这妨碍了其他浏览器的推广。 Exp 2: Currently many websites are designed conforming to the proprietary standards of IE. Thus other browsers (FireFox、Opera、Safari etc.) cannot work properly with these sites, result in unfair competition.,8,近几年来,开源浏览器FireFox的市场份额已达到14%左右,在欧盟有的国家里已达到20左右。但在中国,它却很难推广,这是因为中国很多网站(如几乎所有的电子银行)不是按照W3C发布的开放标准,而是按照IE的私有标准设计的。 Recently the market share of FireFox has reached 14%. In some countries of EU it reaches as high as 20%. However FireFox is difficult to promote in China due to many websites such as most e-banks are based on the proprietary standards of IE.,9,采用私有标准的弊端(2) The disadvantages of proprietary standards,2. 用户需付出很高代价。The users have to pay high cost.由于私有标准往往是形成垄断的“事实标准”,它可以使掌握标准的企业获得高额垄断利润。Because most proprietary standards are the de facto standards that form monopoly. The owner of such standards may enjoy high profit.,10,例:在1993年,中国PC厂商获得的DOS操作系统的OEM价格是10美元,只占当时典型PC成本的1%。而今天,Vista的报价甚至比低档PC的硬件还贵。这是因为操作系统已被Windows所垄断 Exp: In 1993 the OEM price of DOS occupied 1% cost of a typical PC. However, today the list price of Vista may exceed the total hardware cost of a low end PC. The reason is obvious, as Windows has established monopoly in OS area.,11,采用私有标准的弊端(3) The disadvantages of proprietary standards,3. 安全性问题。Security isssue.如果是采用私有标准的软件,增强其安全性很难、甚至是不可能的。例如未经微软的认证,第三方不能给Vista的内核添加任何“补丁”或更换其密码模块,以满足用户的需求。 It is very difficult even impossible to make security enhancement to proprietary software. For instance, third party cannot make patch to the Vistas kernel or to change its encryption module to meet particular user demand.,12,. 应当提倡采用开放标准(1) Promotion of Open standard.,1. 有利于公平竞争。Help to realize fair competition.开放标准给用户以自由选择的权利,保证各个厂商产品之间的互操作性,使竞争各方可以在市场上平等竞争,用户不会被锁定于某个特定的供应商,从而能避免产生垄断。Open standards give user the freedom of choice, ensure the interoperability between vendors, thus result in fair competition. User will not be locked to particular vendor and market will be able to avoid monopoly.,13,. 应当提倡采用开放标准(2) Promotion of Open standard.,2. 有利于减轻用户负担。Help to reduce cost.在开放标准下,市场上存在着健康的竞争,用户可以选择性能价格比优越的产品。PC的硬件之所以能在性能迅速提高的情况下不断地降价,就是因为PC的硬件采用了开放标准。Open standards enable healthy competition. User may choose products with best performance/price ratio. Its the reason why the cost of PC hardware can constantly be reduced while its performance is constantly improving.,14,. 应当提倡采用开放标准(3) Promotion of Open standard.,3. 有利于增强安全性。Help to enhance security.采用开放标准,用户可以根据自己的需要,增强系统的安全性。例如中国的一些单位在Linux开放标准下,已经开发出了安全操作系统。Open Standards enable users to enhance security according to their particular needs. For instance, coforming to Linux open standard some security enhancement operating systems have been developed in China.,15,作为一个真正的开放标准: As an real Open Standard:,它的指标、内容应该是完全开放的;基本上应免费(或以公平、合理、非岐视的价格)提供给业界各方使用;标准的制订、控制和演变应由一个开放的组织承担;实施标准的技术和产品可以从市场上取得。Its spec and content are opened and can be used without payment or with a RAND/FRAND payment. It is made, controlled and evolved by an open organization. The technologies/products for implementing such standard may easily be obtained on the market.,16,. 标准化中的知识产权问题及其对策 The IPR in standards and the strategy of China enterprises,私有标准无法使用或是需要付出高昂的代价。即使是开放标准,虽然要求对标准中知识产权的收费是“公平合理且非岐视”(RAND/FRAND)的,但有时知识产权收费仍非常昂贵。Proprietary standards may not be used by others or may require high cost to use them. Even for open standards with RAND/FRAND requirement,the cost of using IPR may still be very expensive.,
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