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中考阅读理解专项训练(1)Greta and her family like to go skiing. Their favourite place to ski is Big Mountain Ski Resort (度假胜地) Centre. This year, Greta took her friend Carmen skiing. Carmen had never skied before, so she didnt have her own ski equipment. Greta took Carmen to the Big Mountain Ski Shop. There, Carmen rent(租借)all the things that she needed for skiing.31. If she rented o nly boots and skis for a full day, Carmen would pay _.A. $ 45 B. $ 20 C. $ 35 D. $ 5532. The underlined word “equipment” means _.A.器材 B.教练 C. 服装 D.摄影 33. Carmen may see the table(表格) above _. A. on TV B. On the wall of the shop C. in the newspaper D. on the Internet (2)Dr. Black put on a false smile(假笑) as she entered Janets hospital room. She couldnt let Janet see that she was worried. Yet she had been searching for the cause of Janets illness and hadnt found a clue.“How are you feeling today?” Dr. Black asked her patient. Janet replied that she felt about the same terribly uncomfortable.The doctor tried to get Janets mind off her health by talking about Janets vacation at Lake Winnow. But Dr. Black couldnt keep her own mind on the conversation. She kept wondering what could be wrong with her patient.Suddenly Janets words stopped Dr. Blacks thoughts: “ the vacation was really perfect, except for the food. The last meal I ate was especially terrible.”Dr. Black quickly came back to the talk, “Janet, when did you eat that meal?” Janet said that it had been the day before yesterday.“I think weve discovered your problem,” Dr. Black said as she left. Several hours later, Dr. Black was back with the answer. “Janet, the food you ate made you ill. Youre suffering from food poisoning. Now that we know whats wrong, we can take care of your problem.”34. What made Janet sick?A. an insect (昆虫) bite B. bad food C. bad water D. cold weather35. Where did Janet go on her vacation?BIG MOUNTAIN SKI SHOP SkisFull Day8hours Half Day4 hoursSkis $15 $ 10Boots $20 $ 15Poles $10 $ 5Snowboard Full Day onlyBoard $ 25Boots $ 20Ski and Snowboard Lessons Beginner (group lesson) $ 10 per hour Advanced (private lesson) $20 per hour Welcome to Big Mountain Ski Resort Centre! Have a good time!A. She took a trip to the city. B. She went camping in the mountains.C. She spent a week at the seashore. D. She took a trip to a lake. 36. What is the main idea of the story?A. A doctor discovers what made Janet sick. B. Dr. Black becomes ill.C. Janet goes on vacation. D. A doctor talks to Janet in the hospital.37. What would happen to Janet shortly after? She would _. A. be worse B. be OK C. die D. be angry with the doctor(3)One day, Wilbur Smith was enjoying the jacket(书套)of his latest book on a flight to America when the middle-aged man in the next seat asked, “I see you read Wilbur Smith. What do you think of him?” “I think he is clever and successful.” replied Wilbur. “Well, the guy is a friend of mine,” said his neighbour proudly.“Oh, really?” said Wilbur.“Not only that, but Im the model for one of his heroes” “Is that so?”“Yeah. Would you like his signature(签名)?”“Could you arrange that?” asked Wilbur.“Sure. Give me your card.”Wilbur handed over his business card, and the man carefully put it in his top pocket. Not surprisingly, Wilbur didnt hear from his “friend” after that.38. Wilbur Smith went to America _ that day.A. by air B. by train C. in a car D. on a coach 39. According to the passage, we know that Wilbur Smith is _.A. a teacher B. a businessman C. a writer D. reporter 40. The middle-aged man in the passage is _.A. a stranger to Wilbur B. a friend of Wilburs C. a neighbour who lives next to Wilbur D. a hero of Wilburs book 41. When the mid-aged man saw Wilburs business card, he felt very _.A. proud B. happy C. excited D. surprised (4)On the night of the play, Jack was at the theatre early and he was already dressed in a suit of policemans clothes long before the end of the first scene. He certainly looked the part all right, he thought as he admired himself in the mirror.Then he suddenly felt nervous. After all, it was his first time to have a part in a play. How could he face all those people watching the play? He put his head in his hands and tried to remember his lines(台词),but nothing came to his mind.A knock on the door made him look up. He was to go on stage in the second scene. “Have I missed my part and destroyed (破坏)the play for everybody ?” he thought to himself. But it was only the manager. She noticed how nervous he was and suggested he should stand near the stage where he could watch and follow the play. It was a good way of getting rid of this nervousness, she said. She
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