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编号: 毕业设计说明书摘 要随着建筑业管理体制改革的深化,工程项目施工管理越来越受到人们的重视,其管理水平的高低成为制约企业生存与发展的第一要素,施工组织设计管理的要点,主要是从时间、空间、资源上对施工组织设计进行优化。本施工组织设计针对某住宅小区 8#楼施工项目为实例,结合目前施工组织存在的问题,在编制时,对工程质量目标、工期目标、项目管理机构设置、施工进度计划、施工机械、周转材料及设备、主要施工方法、安全文明施工、环境保护等诸多因素做了充分考虑,对项目的各分部分项工程施工方案进行了详细设计。依据工程设计文件,建筑结构施工图纸,工程地质勘察报告等资料,并参考国家现行设计与施工规范、规程及标准,现行建筑、安装等劳动定额,公司内部质量体系管理文件及管理制度,在现场踏勘调查的基础上,编制了具体可行的施工组织设计方案。使用横道图对进度计划进行分析优化,并根据实际情况提出了具体的保证进度计划实施的措施,得出优化后工期为 335 天,质量和安全方面,制定了严格的技术、组织措施,针对施工项目中常见问题、重点问题进行了规划,建立相应的管理组织机构,以保证质量与安全计划得以很好的实现。关键词: 施工组织设计;方案定性比选;进度规划;质量要求AbstractWith the deepening of the reform of construction industry, construction project management is important. The management level has become the first factor in restricting the survival and development of enterprises. Quality, schedule, cost control is the most important for the management. The construction design is against West Campus Staff Residential 8# Building for the preparation of the floor. Combined with the actual situation ,In the preparation, the quality of the project objectives, period goals, project management institutions, the construction schedule, construction machinery, equipment and material flow, the main method of construction, labor organizations, safe and civilized construction, environmental protection and many other factors made full consideration,the detailed design of the project to all parts of the project construction scheme. Using the basic theory of knowledge progress control, starting from the project management angle, the project to completion and acceptance of the whole process of project planning design system from start to prepare, use the Gantt chart to analyze the schedule, And put forward specific assurance schedule implementation measures according to the actual situation; Quality and safety, developed a strict technical, organizational measures, for the construction project of key problem, the planning, establishment of appropriate management organization, to ensure the quality and safety programs to be good. Starting from the construction of the overall situation, combined with the actual situation of project, use scientific management method, reasonable arrangement of resources, in order to achieve consumption, short construction period, high quality, low cost of the optimal effect.Key Words:Construction project management ;Schedule planning; Construction scheme;Quality requirements;Construction organization毕业设计(论文)报告用纸 第 I 页 共 III 页目 录引 言 .11 绪论 .21.1 课题研究目的及意义 .21.2 研究内容 .21.3 国内外研究现状及存在问题 .21.4 研究依据 .31.5 研究方法及流程 .32 课题项目背景 .52.1 工程概况 .52.2 建筑特点 .52.3 结构特点 .62.4 施工条件及特点 .62.5 施工难点、重点 .72.6 小结 .73 施工组织部署 .83.1 施工管理目标 .83.1.1 工期目标 .83.1.2 质量目标 .83.2 施工项目管理组织及职能分工 .83.2.1 项目部各岗位主要职责 .83.2.2 施工现场组织机构 .
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