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#LESSON01 1. 借过。NO00,1. Excuse me. 单: excuse v. 原谅;准许 , 离去衍: excuse n. 借口;饶恕你还可以这样说:NO01,Im sorry. NO02,Pardon me. 2. 今天我请客。NO03,2. Today its my treat. 单: treat n. 请客衍: treat v. 对待;处理衍: treatment n. 治疗类似的说法还有:NO04,Its on me today. 今天算我的。NO05,Ill get this one. 我付钱。NO06,Allow me. 让我请客。3. 我去一下洗手间。NO07,3. I am going to the restroom for a minute. 单: restroom n. 厕所;休息室衍: rest v. 休息 “厕所”还有其他的英文说法:lavatory(飞机上的洗手间)mens room(男用洗手间)ladies room(女用洗手间)womens room (女用洗手间)bathroom (委婉的说法)你知道吗?有些人一提到“厕所” ,第一个想到的词大概就是WC。WC 是water closet 的缩写,是旧式英式英语,现在在美国几乎没人使用。你还可以这样说:NO08,I need to go to the bathroom. NO09,Excuse me while I go to the bathroom. 类似的说法还有:NO10,Im just going to powder my nose. 我的鼻子要补补粉。 (女士专用,就是要去洗手间的意思。)4. 你为什么不高兴?NO11,4. What are you unhappy about? 类似的说法还有:NO12,Whats wrong? 怎么了?NO13,Whats the matter? 发生了什么事了?NO14,Why the long face? 干嘛板着脸?NO15,Whats getting you down? 什么事让你不开心?你可以这样回答:NO16,Nothing. 没事。NO17,It doesnt matter. 不要紧。NO18,Oh, where shall I begin? 呃,该从何说起呢?5. 一起去吃饭吧。NO19,5. Lets have a meal together. 你还可以这样说:NO20,Lets go get something to eat. NO21,Fancy a bite to eat? NO22,Lets grab some food together. 6. 外带,谢谢!NO23,6. Id like takeout, thanks. 单: takeout n. 外卖你还可以这样说:NO24,To go, please. NO25,To take away, thanks. “我要在这儿用餐”英文可以这样说:NO26,Id like to eat here. NO27,Id like to eat in the restaurant. 7. 我要订位,礼拜六晚上七点,五个人。NO28,7. I would like to make a reservation for seven oclock on Saturday night. There will be five of us. 单: reservation n. 预定衍: reserve v. 保留你还可以这样说:NO29,Id like to book a table for five at seven oclock, please. NO30,Do you have a table available at seven oclock for five people? 8. 干杯!NO31,8. Cheers! 你还可以这样说:NO32,Bottoms up! NO33,Down the hatch! 你知道吗?bottoms 是“底” ,up 是“上” ,所以 bottoms up 字面的意思是“杯底朝天”,就是“把酒喝干了” 。但要注意的是, bottoms up 和 down the hatch 都是比较轻松的口语用法,所以在正式场合还是不要使用比较好!9. 请问最近的地铁站怎么走?NO34,9. Could you please tell me how to get to the nearest MRT station? 你还可以这样说:NO35,Wheres the nearest MRT from here? 你可以这样回答:NO36,Sure. Go straight for three blocks, take the next right, then youll see the MRT station on the left. 嗯,往前直走,过了三个街区右转,你就会看到地铁站在左边。你知道吗?MRT 是由 Mass Rapid Transit (大众快速运输) 的字首缩写而来。另外常见的几种地铁说法还有metro、subway 及 railway。10. 我真的不是故意的。NO37,10. I didnt do it on purpose. 单: purpose n. 目的;意图短: on purpose 故意地你还可以这样说:NO38,I really didnt mean for that to happen. NO39,I really did not intend to do so. #LESSON02 11. 你叫我吗?NO00,11. Are you calling me? 类似的说法还有:NO01,Are you looking for me? 你在找我吗?你可以这样回答:NO02,Yes. Where have you been? 对呀,你到哪里去了?NO03,Yes. Ive been looking all over for you. 对呀,我一直到处在找你。12. 我请他给你回电话。NO04,12. I will ask him to call you back. 你还可以这样说:NO05,Ill get him to return your call later. 13. 可以刷卡吗?NO06,13. Can I use a credit card? 单: credit card n. 信用卡你还可以这样说:NO07,Is a credit card OK? NO08,Do you accept credit card? 你可以这样回答:NO09,Yes, we do. 可以,我们接受信用卡。NO10,No. Im sorry. Do you have cash? 很抱歉,您可以付现吗?14. 请等一下,我在打电话。NO11,14. Wait a moment, please; I am talking on the phone. 你还可以这样说:NO12,Hang on; Im on a call. 类似的说法还有:NO13,Ill be right with you; Im just finishing my call. 我的电话快讲完了,马上就跟你说。NO14,I am on another line now; can I call you back? 我现在还有另一通电话,可以等一下给你回电话吗?15. 不要动!NO15,15. Freeze! 单: freeze v. 结冻,在这里是指“不要动”的意思衍: frozen adj. 结冰的你还可以这样说:NO16,Dont move! NO17,Hold it right there! NO18,Dont move a muscle! 你知道吗?在美国曾发生一起日本留学生误把freeze 听成please 而不幸遭到枪杀的悲剧。16. 不要客气,自己来。NO19,16. Please make yourself at home. 你还可以这样说:NO20,Treat the place like its your own. NO21,Help yourself to anything. 17. 我要挂电话了。NO22,17. I am going to hang up. 短: hang up 挂上电话衍: pick up 拿起电话你还可以这样说:NO23,I have to go now. NO24,Im going to put the phone down. 18. 我考虑看看。NO25,18. I will think about it. 短: think about 考虑衍: consider v. 考虑你还可以这样说:NO26,Ill sleep on it. NO27,Ill think it over. NO28,Ill mull it over. 19. 包在我身上。NO29,19. Leave it to me. 你还可以这样说:NO30,Ill do it. NO31,Ill take care of it. 20. 说来话长。NO32,20. Its a long story. 你还可以这样说:NO33,Theres so much to tell. 你知道吗?“长话短说”的英文就是to make a long story short。#LESSON03 1. 好久不见。NO00,1. I havent seen you for a long time. 你还可以这样说:NO01,Its been so long! NO02,Its been a long time. NO03,I havent seen you in ages. 你知道吗?long time no see 其实是一句直译,早期移民到美国的中国人英文不好,因此将中文的“好久不见”直译成long time no see,不过现在老外也会这么说。2. 你最近怎么样?NO04,2. How have you been doing? 你还可以这样说:NO05,How are you doing? NO06,Hows everything with you? NO07,Hows it going? 你可以这样回答:NO08,Pretty good. How about yourself? 还不错,那你呢?NO09,Not too bad. How about you? 还可以,你呢?NO10,Nothing much/special. 没什么特别的。3. 世界真小!想不到会在这里见到你。NO11,3. What a small world! It is such a surprise to see you here. 你还可以这样说:NO12,Fancy meeting you here! 4. 你是杰夫吗?NO13,4. Arent you Jeff? 你还可以这样说:NO14,Youre Jeff, arent you? NO15,Youre Jeff, right? 你可以这样回答:NO16,Yes, thats right. Have we met? 没错,我们以前见过面吗?5. 你的家人还好吗?NO17,5. How is your family? 类似的说法还有:NO18,How are the wife and kids? 你太太和小孩都好吧?6. 你结婚了吗?NO19,6. Ar
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