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小型展示(Mini-presentation),这是第二部分。大约6分钟。 给考生每人一张不同信息卡。;每张上面有A、B、C三个问题,每个问题后,有两三个提示。考生选择一个话题后,根据提示组织自己的讲演。 应考技巧 1. 快速浏览信息卡,选择最有把握的话题,然后根据话题后面的提示组织讲演。,2. 准备时间完毕,主考官要求你发言时,考生应该欣然接受并适时开始讲话。不要认为准备不足而迟迟不发言。一分钟过后,考生将失去说话的机会发言计划缩短后,考试也会因为输出信息量不知,而不能得高分。 3. 在准备期间,考试一定要稍作笔记。建议考试记下要点,以免在演讲中由于紧张而忘记了自己要讲的内容,4.建议先用重复话题的方法开头,然后从记下的要点中选择最有把握,最熟悉的几点论述。最后重述主题或进行总结。应合理组织讲演内容、做到通顺、流畅、有逻辑。尽可能使用连接词 (如first of all, finally, however, to sum up, etc) 5. 合理分配时间。一个条理清晰,逻辑严密的讲演胜过一个漫无边际、有头无尾的发言。,6. 当你的同伴在发言时候,应该耐心地听,并时而点头示意,表示尊重与赞同。在听同伴发言时要注意思考,一旦发现能提问的地方,要及时记下来,在用余下的时间组织问题。 尽量避免在所提的问题中出现语法问题。一个问题即可。 7. 尽可能运用肢体语言。记住,适时一个手势,一个眼神都会为你增色添彩。 8. 最后切忌胆怯。保持自信,大胆讲演与提问。要相信自己肯定做得到并且做得好,常用表达和句式 为了更好完成第二部分任务,考试可以把该部分当作是围绕主题的一篇150字左右的作文,考试之前多做这方面的笔头和口头训练。以下的表达句型,考试不妨背一背。 1. 开始谈话 When it comes to doing sthis undoubtedly the most important. I have several reasons. Firstly, When doing different people have different choice. Some people will saybut, as far as I concerned,When doing sth, the most important factor should be taken into consideration is It is very important to do when doing If you ask me what is important when doingthe first thing that crosses my mind is We have several ways to doThe first In order to do well, some things should be considered, for exampleor something else. As far as I am concerned is important to consider when doing Whena lot of factors should be taken into consideration, among which is the most important thing to consider.,2. 发表观点 As far asbe concerned In ones opinions/eyes/mind/view As for sth As to sb It seems to sb. that My suppose/ think/ hold I am of the opinion that,My points are as follows: I have the following consideration. I have the following points 3. 有条不紊 In the first placeIn the second place In the third place To begin withMoreoverFinally FirstlySecondlyThirdly First of allIn the second placeLast but not least,4. 因果关系 Because, since, as, now that, then, therefore, hence, so, thus, accordingly, consequently, as a result of, due to, because of, owing to, thanks to, for that reason, lead to, contribute to 5. 比较关系 Unlike, likewise, despite, still, otherwise, instead, conversely, while, not onlybut also,even so, in comparison with, at the same time, in the same way, the same as, compared to/with, equally important, on the contrary, on the other hand, in/by contrast, similar to, different from,6. 转折关系 But, yet, however, unless, instead, unlike, though, although, even so/ though, despite, nevertheless, otherwise, after all, as a matter of fact, in spite of, on the contrary, on the one hand, on the other hand, except for, in contrast 7. 表示列举 For example/ instance Takefor example Such as To illustrate To give another example A good case in point is that,For one thingfor another On the one handon the other hand Namely 8. 表示解释 That is to say That means It means that What I mean is that 9. 结束话题 So, Therefore, Thus Hence,Finally Accordingly Briefly In conclusion In general On the whole In summary To sum up To summarize All in allis of great importance when doing Anywayis essential when doing,Only after we docan we Only in this way can we dowell To sum up should be put at the first place when doing Before I close, let me just summarize the main points,参考模板1 :When it comes toI think there are factors we should take into account. In my opinion, the most significant factor isSecondly, I believe thatplays an important role. Last but not least, we cant overlook the importance ofOnly in this way, can we . 实战1 What is important when writing a business report? - purpose -length -outline,When it come to writing a business report, I think there are three factors we should take into account. In my opinion, the most significant factor is purpose. The purpose of a business report is to communicate and provide important information. So we should do this as clearly and concisely as possible. Secondly, I believe that length also plays an important role. If a ten-page report can be reduced to one page, then do it so as to save time. Last but not least, we cant overlook the importance of outline as well. Like all writing form, business report requires a beginning or background, a body or analysis and findings, and an end with conclusions and recommendations.Only in this way, can we write a good business report well.,When it come toI think there are factors we should take into account. In my opinion, the most significant factor isSecondly, I believe thatplays an important role as well. last but not least, we cant overlook the importance ofOnly in this way, can we . 实战 2 What is important when deciding to transfer to a different department -salary offered -opportunities offered -skills needed in the other department,When it come to deciding to transfer to a different department, I think there are three factors we should take into account. In my opinion, the most significant factor is opportunity offered. No doubt, good opportunities, such as promotion, will make it easier for you to climb the ladder within your company. Secondly, I believe that salary offered plays an important role as well, as money is a vital factor in our daily life because we are the bread winners.Last but not least, we cant overlook the importance of skills needed in the other department. A transfer may provide an opportunity for an employees to assume different responsibilities. At the same time, it may provide career development by developing and enhancing new skills. So we should take factors of salary, opportunities and skills into consideration when we attempt to transfer to another department.Only in this way, can we make a right decision under such circumstance.,
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