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Art,艺术,What is art?,What is art?,the making of objects, images, music, etc. that are created by people, which is used to understand the world and ourselves and inspire people or let them enjoy the aesthetic(美学的) feelings.,Do you think so?,Brainstorming,There are many art styles. In pairs list some art styles you know.,art,painting,sculpture,architecture,music,dance,literature,calligraphy,movie,conclusion,What do you know about painting? Look at these paintings and discuss the following questions with your partner.,Chinese-style Paintings Appreciation,Rider by Da Vinci 骑士(素描手稿) 达芬奇,Western-style Paintings Appreciation,unfinished,Discussion,realistic abstract nature detailed traditional line rich religious unfinished modern colour shape,What do you think of those paintings? Would you like to choose some to decorate your room? Which would you prefer, Chinese-style paintings or Western-style paintings? Give your reasons. Here are some words you may use to express yourself.,How much do you know about Western paintings?,The two most important periods: The Renaissance The 19th century,A typical picture at this time was full of religious symbols, which created a feeling of respect and love for God.,The middle Ages (5th to the 15th century AD),近代绘画之父 (1266 - 1337),Florentine painter and architect. He was recognized as the first genius of art in the Italian Renaissance. He dealt largely with the traditional religious subjects, but he gave these subjects an earthly, full-blooded life and force.,Giotto di Bondone 乔托迪邦多纳 (12661337),The Kiss of Judas 犹大之吻,Giottos Painting,1304-1306年 人物以左下角的基督与圣母为焦点核心,展开了一个表现心灵与情感的动人场景。,哀悼基督 The Mourning of Christ,The Renaissance is a period from the 14th to the 17th century, considered the bridge between the Middle Ages and modern history. It started as a cultural movement in Italy and later spread to the rest of Europe. There are two striking features in this movement. One is the thirst for the classical literature and the other is the keen interest in life and human activities.,文艺复兴 The Renaissance,The first great painter of the Italian Renaissance, whose innovations in the use of scientific perspective open the modern era in painting.,Masaccio 马萨乔 (14011428),Masaccios Paintings,圣母子,圣三位一体,Nationality: Italian Field: Many diverse fields of arts and sciences Movement: High Renaissance Works: Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, etc.,Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519),Leonardo da Vinci as observer and scientist,Leonardo da Vinci as inventor and engineer,画面上,人物衣纹构成的弧线与折线同背景中流淌的河水交相辉映,而人物头发细小的波浪则宛如远处山崖瀑布上冲下的水流。更为重要的是,背景中的阿诺河谷保持了它原始时的状态,近处的女子也单纯朴素地摘除了所有装饰,除了头上那层淡淡的黑纱,它在当时的意大利含有“贞洁”的隐义。,蒙娜丽莎 (Mona Lisa) 1503-1505年,Da Vincis painting,画面在秩序井然的外表下带动观者去体察灵魂深处奥秘的理智与热情。画面占据了整个墙壁,赫然面对观众,背景中达芬奇娴熟地运用了透视法,使符合焦点透视规则的建筑结构与壁挂装饰宛如食堂真实空间的延伸,直到消失于窗外优美的风景。这就使得晚宴的场景不是发生在单幅画面封闭的空间里,而是发生在整个食堂,一旦进入,你就成为了其中一分子。,最后的晚餐 (The Last Supper),Michelangelo Bounaroti 米开朗基罗 (14751564),Nationality: Italian Field: Painter, sculptor, architect, poet Movement: High Renaissance Works: Statue of David, The Last Judgment, Creation of Adam, etc.,Creation of Adam,Michelangelos Painting,The Last Judgment,Nationality: Italian Field: Painting, architecture Movement: Renaissance Works: The School of Athens, etc.,Raffaello Sanzio (1483-1520) 拉斐尔,画面中,建筑的形式以及人物的装束都表现出典型的古希腊风格。在开阔的建筑大厅中,不同时代、地域和学派的著名学者全汇聚到了一起。他们代表着哲学、语法、修辞、逻辑、数学、几何、音乐、天文等不同的学科领域,其中每个人都含有对应的象征意味,但他们看起来如同现实中的人,毫不拘束地按照自己的意志和个性在进行活动,完全沉浸在浓厚的学术探讨和自由辩论的气氛当中。雅典学院最终希望表现的是人类如何通过自身的理性而获得真理。,Raffaellos Painting 雅典学院,雅典学院 The School of Athens,the 19th Century European Paintings 19世纪欧洲绘画流派,十九世纪绘画艺术体现了传统形态向现代形态的过渡,流派纷呈,风格迥异,经历了新古典主义、浪漫主义、现实主义、印象主义、象征主义、后印象主义等阶段,成为二十世纪现代主义绘画诸流派的历史源头。,梅杜萨之筏 席里柯,代表人物:席里柯 德拉克罗瓦,浪漫主义 Romanticism,自由领导人民 德拉克罗瓦,现实主义 Realism,代表人物:库尔贝 米勒,筛谷的妇女 库尔贝,拾麦穗者 米勒,吹短笛的男孩 马奈,印象主义 Impressionism,代表人物:马奈 莫奈,日出印象 莫奈,后印象主义 Post-Impressionism,代表人物:塞尚 梵高,玩纸牌的人 塞尚,星夜 梵高,Cubism 立体派,20世纪初出现于巴黎的一个绘画和雕刻抽象流派,其特征是把各种自然形态简化并分裂成抽象的、通常为几何形状的结构,并常被描绘成一系列互不相联的平面。,Modern Art 现代艺术,Pablo Picasso 毕加索 (1881-1973),Nationality: Spain Field: painter, draughtsman, sculptor and poet Movement: Modern art Works: Guernica, Les Demoiselles dAvignon, Peace pigeon, etc.,1937年,西班牙的格尔尼卡小镇为德国法西斯空军夷为平地,毕加索闻讯后极为愤慨,就为巴黎世界博览会西班牙馆画了格尔尼卡这幅壁画,对法西斯暴行表示强烈抗议。全画用黑、白与灰色画成。这幅画描绘了西班牙小镇格尔尼卡遭德军飞机轰炸后的惨状。,Guernica 格尔尼卡,Picassos Painting,Les Demoiselles dAvignon 亚维农的少女,Homework,1. Look up the new words and expressions of the Reading in the dictionary. 2. Preview the reading material:A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTING,
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