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Lifting & Rigging Training 起重吊装作业培训,法国国际检验局 工业与设施事业部 BUREAU VERITAS Industry & Facilities,2009/10/20,Presentation to Lafarge,Purpose 培训目的,Understand Knowledge of Lifting & Rigging 了解起重吊装作业的基本知识 Understand Hazards Type of Lifiting & Rigging Working and the Cause 了解起重吊装作业的危害种类及成因 Understand and Follow Working Control Progress of Lifting & Rigging on-site 了解并遵守施工现场安全起重吊装控制流程 Reduce Lifting & Rigging Risk Improve Lifting & Rigging safety 减少吊装起重作业风险,改进吊装起重作业安全状态,Training Content 培训内容,Knowledge of Lifting & Rigging 起重吊装作业的基本知识,Hazards Type of Lifting & Rigging Working and the Cause 起重吊装作业的危害种类及成因,Working Control Progress of Lifting & Rigging on-site 施工现场安全起重吊装控制流程,Case Analysis 典型案例分析,Summary and Discussion 总结与讨论,Knowledge of Lifting & Rigging 起重吊装作业的基本知识,Lifting & Rigging Training 起重吊装作业培训,Knowledge of Lifting & Rigging 起重吊装作业的基本知识,1、Lifting machine 起重机 2、Slings 索具 3、Signals 起重信号 4、L&R experts task 起重作业人员及其职责 5、Admeasurement of weight & gravity center and sling contact 吊装物体重量、重心的分配及吊索连接 6、其他 Others,Knowledge of Lifting & Rigging 起重吊装作业的基本知识,Lifting machine 起重机,Lifting machine 起重机,. Definition of LM 起重机的定义 起重机是通过吊钩或其他吊具起升、搬运物料的特种机械设备 . Type of LM 起重机械的种类,Crane 起重机、塔吊,Others 其他起重设备 (千斤顶、手动葫芦),Lifting Machine 起重机械,Lifting 升降机、卷扬机,Lifting machine 起重机,Cranes 吊车,Crane Parts 吊车组成,Lifting machine 起重机,What to Inspect 需要检测什么,Inspection of the hoisting machinery must be made by a competent person 起重机械的检测必须由有资质的人员进行 The employer must maintain a record of these inspections 负责人必须对这些检测进行记录,Annual Inspections年检,Crane wasnt inspected and tipped over 吊车没有进行检测, 并且已经倾倒,Lifting machine 起重机,What to Inspect 需要检测什么,Correct air pressure and no leaks 正确的气压,没有泄露 Tires properly inflated 轮胎内气体充足 Wire rope wear 破旧的缆绳 Physical damage to crane 吊车的破坏 Loose or missing hardware, nuts, or bolts 硬件、螺母或螺丝钉的丢失 Fluid leaks 泄露物,Lifting machine 起重机,Competent Person能够胜任的人力,The competent person must inspect all machinery and equipment prior to each use, and during use, to make sure it is in safe operating condition. 能够胜任此项工作的人必须在使用前检查所有的机器和设备,并且在使用过程中确保各个操作条件的安全 If it needs fixing, take it out of service and dont use it until it is fixed 如果需要维修,则不再使用此机器直至维修完毕,Broken Track,Lifting machine 起重机,Conduct regular inspections of tires for excessive wear or damage 轮胎过度使用或损坏的常规检测,Tire Inspections 轮胎检测,Lifting machine 起重机,Worn Part 旧部件,Lifting machine 起重机,Damaged wire rope损坏的钢丝线,Damaged wire rope must be taken out of service 损坏的缆绳必须停止使用,Broken Strands 一股线有损坏,Crushed Rope 压扁的钢丝绳,Lifting machine 起重机,Load Capacity - Speed Warnings 装载量-速度-警告,Make sure the crane operator can see the: 确保吊车司机能够看见: Rated Load Capacities 额定装载量 Operating Speeds 操作速度 Special Hazard Warning or Instruction 特别提示、警告或说明,Load Rating Chart,Lifting machine 起重机,Guard Moving Parts有防护的移动部件,Unguarded Chain Drive 没有防护的锁链,Guard moving parts such as gears or belts 有防护的移动部件如齿轮或履带,Lifting machine 起重机,Operator Visibility 司机的可视范围,Broken Window 碎玻璃,Make sure broken windows or other obstructions do not prevent the operator from seeing 确保碎玻璃或是其他因素不会阻碍司机的视线,Lifting machine 起重机,Ladders 梯子,Ladder 梯子,Use ladders to get to the upper portion of the cab 利用梯子登到车体的上部,Lifting machine 起重机,Guardrails 护栏,Runways and steps need to have guardrails, handholds and slip resistant surfaces 走道和台阶需要配有带有扶手的护栏和防滑表层,Lifting machine 起重机,Boom Angle Indicator臂角指示器,A boom angle indicator must be on the crane 在吊车上必须安装臂角指示器,Lifting machine 起重机,Supporting Surface支持面,Cranes must be on a firm supporting surface and level within 1 percent 吊车必须安装在稳定的支持面上并且在1%的水平内,Lifting machine 起重机,The grooves must be smooth and free from surface defects which could cause rope damage 凹槽必须平滑,表面不能有能造成绳索毁坏的缺陷,Sheaves,Inspect the Limit switch限位装置的检查,Lifting machine 起重机,限位装置 Limit switch,Lifting machine 起重机,Swing Radius 摇摆半径,Swing Radius,Stay out of the swing radius of the crane Make sure there are barrier guards showing swing radius 呆在吊车摇摆半径之外的地方-确保摇摆半径内有路障显示,Lifting machine 起重机,Suspended Loads悬挂的吊装架,Dont stand under suspended loads 不要站在悬挂的吊装架下面,Lifting machine 起重机,Improper load rating 装载额定率设置不当 Excessive speeds 超速 No hand signals 无手势信号 Inadequate inspection and maintenance 维护不足、监查不当 Unguarded parts 无备件,Crane Hazards 吊车不当操作,Unguarded swing radius 工作半径无防护 Working too close to power lines 离电线过近 Improper exhaust system 不合理的排气系统 Shattered windows 碎玻璃 No steps/guardrails walkways 没有台阶/护栏的走道 No boom angle indicator 没有安装臂角指示器 Not using outriggers 没有使用支架,塔吊,塔吊使用前的检查注意事项,升降机,升降机检查要点,手动葫芦,手动葫芦检查要点,Knowledge of Lifting & Rigging 起重吊装作业的基本知识,Slings 索 具,Slings 索具,Wire rope 钢丝绳,Nylon rope 尼龙绳(化纤),Coir rope 棕绳,Clasp 卡环,Rope lock 绳卡,Elasticity conditioner 松紧器,Ropes 绳(带),Fixture卡具,Hook吊钩,Slings 索具,Slings 索具,Nylon rope 尼龙绳(化纤),Clasp 卡环,绳卡,Hook 吊钩,Slings Pictures 索具图例,Wire rope 钢丝绳,Components 组成,Wire rope 钢丝绳,Core 芯,Strand 股,Wire 丝,Cross-section of common wire rope普通钢丝绳截面,Wire rope 钢丝绳,One complete wrap of a strand around the core 完整的标准钢丝绳图,Rope Lay,Wire rope 钢丝绳,The direction the strands are wound around the core 钢丝绳缠绕方向,朝右Right Lay,朝左Left Lay,
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