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PEP三年级英语下册,执教:石城一小 马黎执教班级:三(3)班,in,on,under,On on on , on the book. The apple is on the desk. In in in , in the toy box. The monkey is in the toy box.Under,under,under the chair The ball is under the chair.,Lets chant,toy box,in the toy box,活动:我问你答,Is it,?,On the desk,Is it,?,under the desk,Is it,?,Where is the toy mouse ? Is it in the toy box ?,Yes, it is .,Where is the toy mouse ? Is it in the toy box ?,No, it isnt.,Where is the toy mouse ? Is it in the toy box ?,No, it isnt.,Where is the toy pig ? Is it on the chair ?,Yes, it is .,Where is the toy pig ? Is it on the chair ?,No, it isnt.,Pair work (两人对话) : A: Where is the. ?Is it in/on/underthe. . ? B: Yes, it is/No, it isnt.,(1),(2),(3),(4),Where is the _? Is it inonunder the _?,Lets talk,file:/I:Unit4%20lets%20talk%20PartB.swf,2.Where is the cap?,Its in the toy box .,1.Is the cap in the bag ?A . Yes . B . No .,演艺小舞台,选择其中一个物品,同桌进行表演。,Mike :Mom, where is my _ ?,Mom:_ your desk ?,Mike :No .,Mom:_ your chair ?,Mike:No .,Mom:Look , its _ your toy box.,Mike:Yeah , thank you , mom .,Listen and tickor cross听录音,打对错。,Lets check,A: Where is my bag? B: Is it in the desk? A: No, it isnt. B: Is it under the desk? A: yes, it is.,Lets play,捉迷藏 四人一组,一名学生把学习用品藏起来并问:Where is my ?另一名名学生闭上眼睛用“Is it in/on/under your?猜实物的位置,每人只有一次猜的机会,猜对一次,做一次记录,最后猜对次数多的学生为优胜者。之后,再换一位学生藏文具,进行该活动。,请把东西摆放整齐。,Please put the things in order .,Homework,1.Listen ,read and act 听录音,仿读对话 2.Make a new dialogue with your parents in English about looking for something. 仿造书上的内容,编一个新对话。,Goodbye!,
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