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Unit Eight Employment,Unit Goals,Words and Expressions,Comprehension of the Text,Exercises,Practical Writing,Unit GoalsIn this unit, you will learn how to : present yourself to your future employer, answer commonly asked questions in job interviews, do some research on the prospective company, make a good preparation for a job interview,Words and Expressionsland lnd vt. 获得 essential senl a. 基本的,必须的 strategy strtd n. 策略,计谋 crucial krul a. 至关紧要的 performance pfmns n. 业绩,成绩 interactive ,ntrktv a. 交互性的,互动的 competitive kmpettv a. 竞争的,website websat n. 网站 google gugl vt./n. 用谷歌搜索,谷歌 videotape vdtep vt. 把录在录像 磁带上 replay riple vt. 再演,再播放 analyze nlaz vt. 分析,分解 qualification ,kwlfken n. 资格,条件 premise prems n. 前提,candidate knddt n. 候选人 predictor prdkt n. 预言 detail ditel vt. 详述,细说 emphasize emfsaz vt. 强调,着重 assess ses vt. 估定,评定,lock in 锁定,固定 leg up 帮助 take the time to sth. 花时间做某事 ahead of time 提早 prior to先于,在之前,Comprehension of the TextRead the text carefully, and choose the best answer for each of the following.,1. What is a crucial element in successful interview preparation? A. Talking to the employers in a polite way. B. Collecting background information on employers. C. Being dressed in fashionable clothes. D. Gathering some information on other interviewees.,2. In what way can you find the information on your future job or employer? A. Review the companys website. B. Contact your future employer to request details C. Ask for company printed materials D. All of the above,3. In order to have a successful interview, you should _. email your future boss to make a good impression on him B. prepare answers to difficult interview questions C. practice with a friend and record or videotape your responses D. pretend to be aggressive among all the employees,4. You should ask your interviewer some questions in order to _. make the interviewer remember you easily B. find out whether the company and the position are fit for you C. make yourself stand out among all the employees D. to make the interviewer believe you are the right person,又如:corner作名词时意为“角落”,作动词时意为“逼入角落”。There is a little gift shop around the corner.在街角附近有一个小的礼品店。Finally, the police cornered the suspect.最后,警察将嫌疑犯逼入角落。,5. If you want to be there on time, you should arrive there _. A. just on time for the interview B. three to five minutes before the interview C. ten to fifteen minutes early before the interview D. twenty minutes to half an hour early before the interview,Notes to the Text1. Successful interviewing will be essential in order for you to lock in an offer.本句中,essential意为“基本的,必须的”。请看下例:It is essential for us to know all the facts before we make the final decision.在我们做出最后决定之前,了解所有的事实是必要的。,A good sleeping bag is essential for every camper. 一个好的睡袋对每个露营者来说都是必不可 少的。,本句中,lock in意为“锁定,固定”。请看下例: Your success will help us lock in profits. 你的成功能够帮助我们锁定利润。,2. Knowing as much as possible about the companys past performance and future plans can make your interview more interactive and could be just the leg-up you need in a competitive job market.本句中Knowing为动名词,Knowing as much as possible about the companys past performance and future plans作主语。,本句中performance意为“业绩,成绩”。 请看下例: The bad weather severely affected their performance in the race. 恶劣的天气极大地影响了他们的比赛成绩。,The boss was not satisfied with the companys performance last month. 老板对上个月公司的业绩不满意。,本句中interactive意为“交互性的,互动的”。请看下例:Interactive teaching methods are very effective in language teaching.互动教学法在语言教学中非常有效。,This video game is more interactive than that one. 这款电子游戏比那款更具互动性。,本句中competitive意为“竞争的,竞赛的”。请 看下例: Universities are very competitive for the best students. 大学对优等生的争夺十分激烈。,Tom is very competitive and he is determined not to be a loser. 汤姆是一个非常有竞争意识的人,他下定决 心不做一个失败者。,下列为与competitive相关 的同根词: compete v. 比赛,竞争 competition n. 竞争,竞赛 competitor n. 竞争者,竞赛者,3. Before the interview, review the companys website and dont be afraid to contact your future employer to request details on the position you are interviewing for or to ask for company printed materials.本句为祈使句。祈使句表达说话人对对方的叮嘱、劝告、希望、禁止、请求或命令等。一般以动词原形开头,无时态和数的变化。请看下例:,Be sure to go to school on time. 务必按时到校。 Fill in this form. 把这个表填好。 本句中to request details on the position you are interviewing for这部分在position之后省 略了that或者which,(that/which) you are interviewing for为定语从句修饰先行position。,4. Google the company to see what other information is available online.本句中google为动词,意为“用谷歌搜索”。请看下例:Have you googled yourself?你用谷歌搜索过你自己吗?,一些名词可以当作动词使用。请看下例: bridge常见为名词,意为“桥,桥梁”。作为动 词时,意为“连接,沟通,搭建桥梁”。 请看 下例: A bridge joins the two banks of the river. 一座桥把河的两岸连在一起。(本句中bridge 为名词,意为“桥,桥梁”),The parents are trying to bridge the generati on gap with their children 父母都在设法弥合与他们孩子之间的代沟。 (本句中bridge 为动词,意为“连接,沟通, 搭建桥梁”),5. Doing so will help you analyze your background and qualifications for the position.本句中Doing so为动名词做主语,doing so指的是上一句的Preparing answers to commonly asked interview questions。本句中analyze意为“分析,分解”。 请看下例:,
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