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1,供應鏈管理策略與方法,2,AdvancedTEK Company Profile,成立於 : Feb. 1998 ( Office Now: Taipei, Hsinchu, Shanghai) 資本額:一億兩千萬 成員: 超過一百五十位專業顧問 ERP/SCM/EB專案: 超過 80 Sites 主要成員背景: 超過 60%相關碩博士 策略夥伴: PDM: PTC/WindchillEM: EB: CRM: SCM: ERP: 授權之訓練中心:目前全世界三家獲得 i2授權之訓練中心之一,BizTalk, Netfish,3,AdvancedTEK International,STRATEGY CULTURE VALUE BIZ ARCHITECT,MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION STRATEGIC PLAN,BIZ PROCESS TATICS CHANGE,IT ARCHITECT SOLUTION IMPL,TECH DEVEL CUSTOMIZATION LOVALIZATION SW DEVEL.,Traditional Strategy Firm,Big 6 (Big 5 + AC),Local SI & SW House,AdvencedTEK Intl Corp.,SW Vendor Service Org,AdvancedTEK Market Positioning,4,Design Collaboration,Collaborative Product Management (PDM),Product Configuration,Manufacturing Process Planning,Supply Chain Management (SCM),Sourcing and Procurement,Specification and Development,Planning and Execution,Quoting and Fulfillment,Collaborative Planning (EAI, EHI),Supply Chain (SRM),Qualification,Sourcing,Procurement,Monitoring,Demand Chain (CRM),Product Configuration,Marketing Forecast,Ordering and Tracking,Order Service,B-B, Portal, Marketplace,Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP),E-Logistics,Solution Landscape,5,Service Landscape,Implementa- tion,Customiza- tion,Integra- tion,Hosting,R&D,Assessment,6,鴻海精密 京元 源興科技 英誌 英業達 環隆電器 友通 耀文 欣興電子 奇美 仁寶,康柏電腦 台積電 華宇電腦 達碁 明碁 NEC 智源科技 震旦行 旺詮電子 矽成,華泰電子 源興科技 昆盈 致勝 中國信託 力晶 聯發 聯電集團 漢民 漢平,聯友光電 友訊 台灣應材 華新麗華 華宇 南研半導體 研揚 華容 國喬光電 昌益科技 Johnsons & Johnsons,Partial Customer List,7,製造業V.S.服務業,8,我們有供應鏈管理的問題嗎?,9,策略/創新財 (Strategy/Innovation Gains)技術/知識財 (Technology/Knowledge Gains)管理財 (Management Gains),您靠什麼賺錢?,10,管理目標的改變,成本 品質 交期 彈性 服務 創新 全球化 結果 成本 品質 交期 彈性 速度 創新成本 品質 交期 服務 速度成本 品質 彈性 服務成本 交期 彈性品質 交期成本 品質成本,顧客迫使製造商供應商生產供應多樣、大量且低成本的一般化商品(Commodity),11,商品一般化(Commoditization)為必然趨勢,Globally the commoditization of products, sectors and markets is accelerating. Differentiation, innovation and cost leadership are crucial.,From:”Transform Your Supply Chain - Releasing Value in Business”, Jon Hughes, Mark Ralf, Et Bill Michels,12,大量客製化之效應,13,過去 ( 推Push )局部最佳化(Local Optimization),研發 業務/行銷 採購 生產/製造 配送/服務 財務 (R&D) (Sales/Marketing) (Procurement) (Production) (Distribution) (Finance)& Service,現在 ( 推 &拉Push & Pull) 整合且同步化的鏈(Integrated & Synchronized Chain),產銷模式變遷( I ),研發 業務/行銷 採購 生產/製造 配送/服務 財務 (R&D) (Sales/Marketing) (Procurement) (Production) (Distribution) (Finance)& Service,14,供應流(Supply Flow),產銷模式變遷( II ),需求流(Demand Flow),JIT and Quality Material Flow,供應商(Supplier) 配銷商( Distribution) 零售商(Retailer) 顧客(Customer),Qn-time, Accurate and Paperless Information Flow,過 去,現 在,供應商(Supplier) 配銷商( Distribution) 零售商(Retailer) 顧客(Customer),15,產銷模式變遷(),Emphasize rigour and tough barganing.,過去:開放競爭(Open Competition),期望:從供應商上游到顧客下游的整合(From Suppliers Suppliers to Customers Customers), Link up all the players in a horizontal supply chain. Emphasize seamless delivery, optimization and integration.,許多產業的現況(Dominate or Die),上游,下游,16,產業未來趨勢,17,e時代數位經濟的趨勢,一、有形價值無形價值 二、勞力腦力 三、製造服務 四、硬體軟體 五、效率創意 六、強、大速度 七、企業網路化網路企業化,18,建立技術優勢(Leading- Edge TechnologyInnovation) 成為快速跟隨者並建立差異化( Quick Follower (TTX) and Differentiation ) 全球供應鏈管理( Global Supply Chain Management) 著重核心競爭力( Focus on Core Competence) 善用資訊技術,產業對策,19,Retail,Manufacturing,Customers,Distribution,Suppliers,Vendors,Make,Move,Sell,Customers,Generic SCM Model,From: i2 presentation materials,20,Semiconductor SCM Model,Wafer Mfg.,Wafer Fabrication,Wafer Sort,Assembly Packaging,Final Test,Wafer Device,Probed Wafer,Packaging Die,Tested IC,Reticle Mfg.,Reticles,Fabless Design House,Computer,Communication,Consumer,Integrated Device Manufacturer,- Memory - ChipSet - Graphics - Network - Communication - Gate Array (FPL) - ASIC, ASSP - Power MOSFET - Sound/Music,- CPU - Memory - DSP - Network - Communication - Automotive,Module Assembly,Memory IC,DRAM Module,Equip. Mfg.,Raw Wafer,21,Massive Lot Tracking Information,Wafer Mfg.,UMC TSMC CSM ,Wafer Sort,SPIL ASE ANAM ,SWC AST ,Wafer Device,Probed Wafer,Packaging Die,Tested IC,Reticle Mfg.,Reticles,Fabless Design House,Equip. Mfg.,Raw Wafer,m x n combinations,EE Supply Chain Model,Mfg Process Overview,Matl,Mfg.,PCBA,Suppliers,Procure,Ship/ Deliver,DC/ Overseas,Assy /Pkg,FG,6,000s,200s,600s,10s,ASIC: 10 wks PCB: 4 wks Major: 4 wks Minor: 2 wks,7 - 14 Days,2 - 5 Days,1 - 3 wks,24,Logistics Issues-Opportunity,USA Market,Inventory $1.325 trillion,Distribution $41b,Import/Export $81b,Inventory Carrying costs$256b(excluding distribution),Some efforts to reduce inventory investment have merely shifted the burden,Assume 40% Savings in inventory carrying costs.,Transportation $400 billion,What a big savings!,25,供應鏈管理的定義,Integrate, Synchronized, Lean, and Responsive Flow of Materials, Information, Funds, Processes, Services, and Organizations from Suppliers Suppliers to Customers Customers.,
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