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One cultures meat is another cultures poison,Proverbs show the essence of culture and the value system of society.,Chinese proverbs and English proverbs,English proverbs 1.express code of ethics 2.most affected by Western religions 3.full of money worship and individualism 4.concern about personal, heroical and privacy 5.Emphasize “personal“ privacy,Chiese proverbs 1.express code of ethics 2.deeply influented by Confucianism 3.With “righteousness“ as the core 4.People emphasize Fame and face 5.work and live by value of collectivity,Pets in China and England,英美:“Dogs“ often regard as members of family, and they derived out many idioms. lucky dog top dog die dog for somenbody Some related proverbs about dogs: Every dog has its day An old barks not in vain,dog,中国人眼中的狗不是个很好的形象狗腿子、 外国人眼中狗是忠诚的伙伴love me, love my dog,cat,The cat is the product of European culture. And they are used as women. Fashion models show on stage is called catwalk.,White Anglo-Saxon Protestant,Every man for himself, and God for us all.(人人为自己,上帝为大家) Every man is the architect of his own fortune.(自己的命运自己设计),self-absorption (自我专注)、self-limitation(自我制约)、self-cultivate(自我修养)、self-conquest(自我战胜)、self-admiration (自我赞赏)、self-control (自我控制)、self-dependence (自立)、self-reliance (自我依靠)、self-responsibility (自我负责)、self-advancement(自我发展)、self-salesmanship (自我宣传)、self-fulfilling(自我实现)、egodefence(自我防御)、self-awareness (自我意识)、self-disciplined (自律的)、self-centered (自我中心的)、self-protection (自我保护)等。,Privacy,poke ones nose into other peoples business meddle in other peoples affairs () Keep your big nose out of my business. () Mind your own business. (MYOB) (),Time,Time is money. ( Make hay while the sun shines.) Take time by the forelock. (抓住时机) Time and tide wait for no man. (),Explore,move about(或around) () throw up ones job () take up a new job (),Bible,turn the other cheek,Judass kiss,Salome,Pandoras box The “box“ was actually a large jar given to Pandora (“all-gifted“), which contained all the evils of the world. When Pandora opened the jar, its contents but for one item were released into the world. The one remaining item was Hope. Today, opening Pandoras box means to create evil that cannot be undone.,Venus and adonis,Orpheus and EurydiceOrpheus & Eurydice.ppt,Fables,sour grapes,History,meet ones waterloo,meet ones waterloo,Animal,as timid as rabbit 胆小如鼠,swans song 告别演出,no spring chicken已不再年轻的女人,Sea,on the rocks 触礁、频临毁灭,keep ones head above the water 管理好个人、理好财,all at sea 茫然,go with stream 随波逐流,Narcissism Narcissism describes the trait of excessive self-love, based on self-image or ego.,相濡以沫,Platonic love,One proceeds from recognition of anothers beauty to appreciation of Beauty as it exists apart from any individual, to consideration of Divinity, the source of Beauty, to love of Divinity.,颜色(color)西方国家极为重视颜色环境的情感反映和交际作用,这是因为颜色可以产生很多联想意义,也往往会对人的情绪产生很多影响。下面这一段话是一个极为有趣的例子:Mr. Brown is a very white man. He was looking rather green the other day. He has been feeling blue lately. When I saw him, he was in a brown study. I hope hell soon be in the pink again.布朗先生是一位忠实可靠的人。那天他脸色不好,近来感到闷闷不乐。我见到他的时候,他显得心事重重。我希望他早点振作起来。,真情实景Bill: I could have got the job, but for some reasons I missed the boat.Mary: Take it easy. Youll succeed next time. 英语中由boat构成的短语还有一些,一起来看一看吧。要知道,只有平时注意积累,用的时候才不会临时抱佛脚,从而miss the boat 哦!1) burn ones boat; 2) have an oar in everyones boat ; 3) in the same boat; 4) rock the boat; 5) take to the boats1) 破釜沉舟,背水一战; 2)多管闲事; 3) 处境相同,面临同样的危险,同舟共济; 4) 捣乱; 5)(沉船时)登救生圈脱险,仓促地放弃自己的事业,自然环境与词汇文化内涵农作物与英语英格兰位于北温带,那里的气候对农作物的生长是不利的,然而对多汁草本植物确是很有利,因而畜牧业在农业中占据了第一位。农作物主要为小麦,生长在英格兰东南平原地区,因而英国人的主食是牛奶和面包。自然,英语中许多比喻都离不开牛奶和面包。如:2.2.1 bread and butter:涂黄油的面包,【喻】生计2.2.2 bread and cheese:普通食品,生计2.2.3 out of bread:失业2.2.4 bread buttered on both sides:安适的境遇2.2.5 throw ones bread upon the water(s):不期望报答地做好事,行善,自然环境与词汇文化内涵英国伦敦在20世纪60年代之前曾有City of Fog(雾都)之称。 如:1) He is such a bad teacher that the children are completely in a fog about their school work.2) I havent the foggiest (idea) why he left so suddenly.,自然环境与词汇文化内涵鱼与英语岛国人自古以来以“鱼”为天,捕鱼业在英国经济中占有相当大的比例。语言是文化的载体,英国人与“鱼”结下的不解之缘这一现象明显地体现在英国的“鱼文化”上。英语中有很多与“鱼”有关的表达,如:1)drink like a fish 2) a big fish in a little pond 3) neither fish nor fowl(家禽) 4) as mute(缄默的,不做声的) as fish 5) cry stinking(臭) fish 6) fish or cut bait(鱼饵)7) a nice kettle(壶) of fish 8) to feed the fishes 9) hook(用钩钓) ones fish,英国人的早期生活在很大程度上与鱼有关,经常与鱼打交道使得英国人常把鱼比喻成人。请试着搭配下列短语:A. a loose fish 1. 大人物,大亨B. a fresh fish 2. 迟钝汉C. a shy fish 3. 倒霉的人D. a cold fish 4. 无耻之徒E. a big fish 5. 冷淡的人F. a dull fish 6. 放荡不羁者G. a cool fish 7. 孤僻的人H. a queer fish 8. 受愚弄的人I. a poor fish 9. 羞怯的人J. April fish 10.新囚犯【A-6, B-10, C-9, D-5, E-1, F-2, G-4, H-7, I-3, J-8】,
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