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牛津8B Unit3,作者:,一.【精选词汇】 重点短语 1. I have no idea.Ive no idea.I dont know.我不知道。 (p40) 2. turn on the TV turn on/off打开/关闭,turn up/down调大/调低;都是“动词副词”。 3. change the channel换台on Channel在台,e.g. on CCTV-5拓展:the English Channel英吉利海峡 4. different uses of computers计算机的不同用途: draw and design, play computer games, search for information, send and receive e-mails收发电子邮件, do word processing进行文字处理, write computer programs编写计算机程序 (p41) 5. travel around the world in eight hours八小时环游地球,educational CD-ROM教育软件 (p42) 6. come out (书等)出版,发行,发表,不能用于被动语态,可以转化为be published。 知识链接When will her new novel come out?When will her new novel be published? 用法拓展(太阳、月亮或星星)出现;露出,e.g. The rained stopped and the sun came out. (花朵)开放;(草)出芽,e.g. In March flowers and grass come out.,7. learn English and geography at the same time同时学英语和地理at the same time同时 知识链接learn and play at the same time边学边玩 8. the main character主角play the main character ofplay the lead role of 知识链接play the role扮演,the best actor最佳男主角,the best actress最佳女主角 9. have/get itchy feet渴望旅行,e.g. She has gone to Australiashe has always had itchy feet. 10. help you learn English by testing your knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary (p43) 知识链接by介词,通过某种方法、手段,后接名词或动词-ing。He made a living by selling flowers. You can know more about the news by reading todays newspaper. have a knowledge of有某方面的知识,e.g. He has a wide knowledge of painting.他在绘画方面知识渊博。Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。 11. one of the best on the market市面上最畅销的一种 12. choose one icon in the menu在菜单里选择一个图标,click on it for more details点击它以了解详情click on点击,left double-click on左键双击 13. open my new e-dictionary on my computer打开我电脑上的新电子词典(p48) 知识链接“打开”电脑的软件用open不用turn on。 用法拓展英汉词典an English-Chinese dictionary,汉英词典a Chinese-English dictionary 查字典:look up a word in a dictionary或look a word up in a dictionary,14. restart the computer重新启动电脑 start vt.启动;开始 restart重新启动 知识链接re部分动词再,e.g. rebuild重建,reuse循环使用,retell复述 用法拓展set offstart off出发;动身,set about doing sth开始做某事,着手做某事 15. check the settings检查设置,double-click on the “auto-run” icon双击“自动运行”图标,double-click on the icon for “Tour” double-click on theicondouble-click on the icon for双击图标,put in the CD-ROM插入光盘 16. connect the keyboard to the computer properly正确地连接键盘和电脑 知识链接connect A to B连接A和B be connected to与连接 proper adj.正确的properly 17. grow an inch长一英寸,grow to six feet long长到六英尺长 A foot is equal to 12 inches. 18. daily Englisheveryday English日常英语daily newspaper日报,Xinhua Daily新华日报 19. go on short tours of Australia and New Zealand去澳大利亚和新西兰短期旅行 (p52) 20. be hidden in somewhere in the Arctic被藏在北极的某个地方be hidden地点,被藏在 21. the treasure box百宝箱treasure hunt寻宝 (p55),词汇解析 1. online adj.联网的;在线的e.g. chat online网上聊天,order a package online网上订购一套 2. reach vt.到达get toarrive at/in 达到,e.g. reach 18 years old年满18岁 The child isnt tall enough to reach the snacks on the table. reach out a hand伸出一只手 3. correctly adv.正确地correct adj.正确的incorrectincorrectly vt.改正;修正,e.g. correct a mistake改正错误 correct正确的wrong错误的,in the correct order按正确顺序 4. educate v.教育education n.教育educational adj.教育的,e.g. educate oneself自修;培养 be educated at school在学校里受教育 have a good education受到良好教育 5. knowledge n.知识know vt.知道be known to sb为某人所知,be well known/famous for因而出名,be known as作为而出名,e.g. Samuel Clemens, who was known as Mark Twain, was a famous American writer. 塞缪斯克莱门斯,以马克吐温知名,是美国名作家。 6. point n.分数 e.g. get 100 points得100分 n.小数点 e.g. 1.732读作one point seven three two v.指 e.g. point out指出,point at/to指向 7. regards(用于信函的结尾或转达问候)致意;问候regard sb as把某人视为 8. company简写作Co.,e.g.有限公司company limitedCo., Ltd。producer制作人;制造商。 9. 使用计算机Office word常用短语:create a file创建文档,keep/save the file for future use保存该文档以备用。“收发电子邮件”send and receive e-mails需要“电子信箱”e-mail address。 10. control n.(键盘上的)控制键 vt.控制 e.g. The traffic lights are controlled by a central computer.交通信号灯由中心计算机控制。This knob controls the volume.此旋钮调节音量。,二.【重点句型】 1. What do you use your computer for? I usually use it to search for information. (p41) 知识链接Whatfor?Why?为什么? e.g. What did you do that for?Why did you do that? 2. It sounds interesting, doesnt it? “陈述句附加疑问?”构成反意疑问句。 (p42) 附加疑问即“助动词或助动词的否定式缩写主语或there”;附加疑问部分的助动词必须与陈述句保持一致,主语必须是人称代词或there,并与陈述句主语的单复数保持一致。 前肯定后否定;前否定后肯定。尤其要注意“前否定后肯定”答语的英汉差异。 反意疑问句的答语为“Yes, 主语助动词.”或“No, 主语助动词的否定式”。 e.g. Simon didnt take part in the football match, did he? Yes, he did. Though he wasnt feeling well. 西蒙没有参加足球赛,是吗?不,他参加了。尽管他当时不舒服。 3. One day, he was lying on the grass and looking at the beautiful blue sky, when he fell asleep and had a very strange dream.一天,他躺在草地上,看着美丽的蓝天,不知不觉间睡着了,并做了个奇怪的梦。 lie 躺lieslyinglaylain 说谎lieslyingliedlied 位于lieslyingliedlied 知识链接lie意思是“躺”,常用于lie down躺下,find sb/sth lying地点 She found a purse lying on the ground. I found a homeless man lying at the street corner. fall asleep睡着,e.g. He fell asleep when he was watching TV. have/dream adream做了一个的梦,e.g. have/dream a strange dream 用法拓展lie 说谎,e.g. You could see from his face that he was lying. tell a lie说谎 位于,e.g. Jiangsu lies in the east of China. 4. See those big clouds of different colours with questions on them? You get a point every time you answer a question correctly. every time陈述句,每当,引导时间状语从句。 知识链接get a point得一分,answer a question correctly答对一题 5. When you have got enough points, a cloud will come down and carry you off to a place you have never visited before. you have never visited before是省略关系代词that/which的定语从句。 知识链接have got enough points获得足够的点数,carry you off to把你带到 6. Are you ready? Lets go!准备好了吗?出发! 7. For example, when you reach London, you will learn about the Museum of London and many other interesting places. learn about了解 many other名词复数,其他许多 (p43),
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