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合同法修正案合同法修正案篇一:合同修正案.070320Amendment to Contract Agreement合同协议修正案THIS AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT AGREEMENT is made in kigali 本合同协议修正案是在基加利签署的BETWEENTHE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLE OF RWANDA, represented by the State Minister for Energy and Telecommunications (herein after called “the Employer”), of the ONE PART一方是卢旺达共和国能源和电讯部长代表ANDECO POWER GLOBAL (PRIVATE), a corporation incorporated under the laws of Sri Lanka and having its registered office/principal place of business situated at 21 Gower Street, Colombo 5, Sri Lanka. ( herein after called “the Contractor”), of the OTHER PART.另一方是斯里兰卡 ECO POWER GLOBAL (私人)有限公司。斯里兰卡 ECO POWER GLOBAL (私人)有限公司位于21 Gower Street, Colombo 5 的重要商业区,符合斯里兰卡法律且有注册地的法人实体 。 (以下简称承包商)The Employer and the Contractor are hereinafter collectively referred to as “Parties”业主和承包商在以下被统称为双方WHEREAS the Employer and the Contractor have earlier entered into a Contract Agreement dated Novermber_27_, XX, and in terms of the said Contract Agreement the Employer has engaged the Contractor to design, install, test and commission the MW Rukarara Small Hydro power plant in Gikongoro, Rwaanda (hereinafter referred to as “the Facility”);业主和承包商于 XX 年 11 月 27 日签定了合同。 在合同的条款中规定业主聘用承包商进行卢卡拉拉(RUKARARA)兆瓦小型水电站的设计、 安装、检测和试运行。水电站的位置在卢旺达的 Gikongoro(以下简称“the Facility”)。AND WHEREAS the Parties are desirous of amending several provisions of the Contract Agreement in the manner set out in this Amendment to Contract Agreement.签于双方都渴望以合同协议修正案的方式对合同协议的几个条款作出修改NOW IT IS HEREBY WITNESSETH AND AGREED BETWEEN THE PARTIES AS FOLLOWS:为此,现在双方同意就做以下修订:1That the existing Article of the Contract Agreement shall be replaced by the following amended Article :合同中现有的条款将被以下将被修订的 2 .1 条款所替代:“The Employer hereby agrees to pay to the Contractor the Contract Price in consideration of the performance by the Contractor of its obligations hereunder. The Contract Price shall be the aggregate of Euro Three Million Seven Hundred and Ninety Five Thousand(Euro 3,795,000) and United States Dollars Eleven Million One Hundred and Eighty Thousand Five Hundred (US11,180,500), as specified in the Payment Schedule (Appendix 1) or such other sums as may be determined in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Agreement.” “考虑到承包商以下的履约义务,业主就此同意向承包商支付合同价款。 合同价款总计为 3,795,000 欧元和 11,180,500 美元。 这在(修正)付款计划(附件1)中明确; 另外的金额依照合同条款来确定。 ”2That the existing Article of the Contract Agreement shall be replaced by the following amended Article :合同中现有的条款将被以下已经修订的条款所替代:“The Employer shall instruct the National Bank of RWANDA (hereafter BNR) to issue the following two irrevocable confirmed letters of credit:“业主将通知卢旺达国家银行(以下称 BNR)开具以下两个被确认的不可撤回的信用证:i) A Letter of Credit for an amount of an amount of United States Dollars Nine Million Six Hundred and Eighty Thousand Five Hundred US9,680,500 in the name of the Contractor in a bank situated in the country of the Contractor as specified by the Contractor, in a form to permit withdrawal of money in the manner specified in the Payment Schedule in Appendix 1 and such said letter of Credit shall be subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Doncumentary Credits 1993 Revision, ICC Publication一封总额为 9,680,500 美元的信用证是以承包商的名义按承包商指定的承包商所在国家的银行开具的。取款是以附件 1(修正)付款计划的方式得到。 该信用证将依照 1993 修定的“文件信誉的统一关税实践”执行。 ICC 出版编号为第 500 号。ii) A Letter of Credit for an amount of Euro Three Million Seven Hundred and Ninety Five Thousand Uuro3,795,000 in the name of the “ Turbo Institutof Slovenia” , who has been selected by the Contractor to supply the electromechanical equipment for the Facility, in a bank situated in Slovenia as specifiedby the Contractor in a from to permit withdrawal of money in the mannerspecified in the Payment Schedule in Appendix 1 and such said Letter of Credit1993 Revision, ICC Publication Provided that on direct payment to TurboInstitut of Slovenia, nothing shall absolve the Contractor of his responsibility as tothe delivery, quality and fitness of the electro mechanical equipment.因承包商已经选择“斯洛文尼亚 Turbo Institut of Slovenia”为水电站提供机电设备,一封总额为 3,795,000 欧元的信用证是以“ Turbo Institut ofSlovenia”的名义按承包商指定的位于 Slovenia 的银行开具的。取款是以附件1(修正)付款计划的方式得到。 该信用证将依照1993 修定的“文件信誉的统一关税实践”执行。 ICC 出版编号为第 500 号。 如果直接向“斯洛文尼亚 Turbo Institut of Slovenia”付款, 将不免除承包商对机电设备交付、 质量和合格的责任。iii) The Contractor shall reimburse the Employer 50 of the cost of theletters of credit specified in Clause i) and ii), subjectto a total maximum reimbursement of United States Dollars ThirtyFive Thousand US35,000承包商将偿还业主 50%信用证费用。 这是在条款 i )和 )中已经规定的。 最高偿还为 35,000 美元。In the event that the amount payable under the Payment Schedule (Appendix 1) is adjusted in accordance with the provisions of GCC or with any of the other terms of the Contract Agreement, the Employer shall arrange for the said letters of credit to be amended accordingly.”如果付款计划(附件 1)规定的付款数额, 按照 一般条件条款 GCC /的条文, 或者合同的其他任何条款被改变,业主将对信用证做相应修订。3. That the existing Appendix 1 of the Contract Agreement shall be replaced by the attached herewith Appendix 1 which shall be read and
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