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Unit 5 lesson 2,Beijing Opera,M2 Unit 5 lesson 2 Beijing Opera,Do you know them?,sheng,What kind of role is the man?,京戏知识了解,京剧中的生行指男性角色,分为老生,小生和武生。老生一般都以唱工为主,也有一种做工老生,专念白和表情见长。另外,有些唱做之外还注重兵器武打的老生, 叫文武老生。小生指青年角色,又细分为巾生,穷生,官生。武生指会武艺的人物,分为长靠和短打两种。武生还可分出武老 生,指年纪大的武生。武小生指年轻的武生。,dan,What kind of role is the woman?,旦指女性角色,按年龄分为老旦和小旦;按性格分青衣和花 旦;按武功可分为武旦和刀马旦。老旦指一般老年妇女,唱与念 用真嗓,近似老生,动作比生角带有女性色彩。花旦代表性格活 泼,天真和泼辣的青年女子,服装以袄裤为主,表演上着重京白 与各种动作。武旦,顾名思义是指会武艺的女性角色。其表演动 作既要英勇善战,又要婀娜多姿。,京戏知识了解,jing,What kind of role is the man?,净也叫花脸,因为脸上涂抹大量颜色,是性格与相貌有特点的男性角色。用宽音,鼻音和假音演唱,讲究胸腔和颅腔的共鸣,一般多念韵白。净的表演程式是最夸张的,尤其是脸面的化妆,涂上各种图案和花纹。 对于不同人物的脸有各种不同规定的图案。,京戏知识了解,What kind of roles are they?,sheng,dan,jing,clown,clown,What kind of role is the man?,“丑”指相貌丑陋的人物,一般在鼻子处沟画一块白,所以 叫“小花脸”。丑主要分为“武丑”,“文丑”和“一般丑”三 种。武丑是会武艺的丑角,又叫“开口跳”,这是因为要擅长念白 和跳跃之故。文丑是不会武艺的丑角,常常是滑稽可笑的人物。年老诙谐的人物为“老丑” 。“彩旦” 一般指年龄较轻的,扮相特别夸张的女性丑角。,京戏知识了解,4. Match the main roles with their names.sheng male roles with brightlypainted facedan female rolesjing clown roleschou male roles,Vocabulary,mask,something that covers ones face,mask,the clothes worn in a play or film,costume,mix two or more things The first step in making a cake is to _ the milk and butter.,combine,something with special value,treasure,movements of ones body in a skilful way,acrobatics,Lets review new words,the clothes worn in a play or film mix two or more things something with special value movements of ones body in a skilful way something that covers ones face,costume,combine,treasure,acrobatics,mask,This golden ring is a real _. My mother sewed my _ for the school play. I love watching _ but it looks very difficult!,treasure,acrobatics,costume,4. The first step in making a cake is to _ the milk and butter. 5. The singer wore a _ that was made of wood.,combine,mask,Useful Expressions,Play a/an (important ) role in=play a/ an (important) part in,在中扮演角色;在中起作用,谁将在这部剧中扮演罗密欧的角色? 在建设祖国方面,年轻人发挥着积极作用。 科学技术在农业中起着重要作用。,Who will play the role/part of Romeo in the play?,Young people are playing an active part in building our country.,Science and technology plays an important role in agriculture.,2. Various movements can represent actionsuch as,不同的动作代表不同的行为,比如,present :stand for 代表,3. with a flag on each side,with +宾语+宾补,adj. (表状态) adv.(表状态) doing(表动作正在进行或主动) to do (表示要执行的动作) done (表示动作的完成及被动),with +宾语+,这个学生总是睁大双眼听老师讲话。The Ss always listens to the teacher_ _ _ _ _. 2) 他开着灯离开了房间。3)全班同学看着她,玛丽感到不好意思。Mary felt shy _ the whole class_ _ _.,with,his,eyes,wide,open,He left the room with the lights on.,with,looking,at,her,4) 如有这位老人带路,我们一定能及时到那儿。_ the old man _ _ theroad, we are sure to get there in time. 5) 小偷坐在角落里,双手被绑在椅子上。6)老师手里拿着一本书走进了教室。Teacher came into the classroom _a book _ _ _.,With,to,lead,The thief sat in the corner, with his hands tied to a chair.,with,in,his,hand,4. In other words, every action and .,换句话说,,请翻译: Im not used to the way you speak to me.In other words, I dont want to continueour conversations. 2) Beethoven wrote many world famousmusical compositions. In other words,he was a great musician.,Four roles,Sheng- male role,Dan- female role,Jing- male role with a mask,Chou- clown role,1,2,3,4,经典赏析,京剧“智取威虎山”,今日痛饮庆功酒 壮志未酬誓不休 来日方长显身手 甘洒热血写春秋,Let me take a hearty drink to celebrate the merit today.I shall never rest until my bold task is completed. The day is yet to come for me to show my skill.Im willing to shed my blood to write the history.,哼唱京戏,体会汉语英语的区别,了解汉语特点是“意合”,英语特点是“形合”,苏三离了洪洞县, 将身来在大街前。 未曾开言心好惨, 过往的君子听我言: 哪一位去往南京转, 与我那三郎把信传。 且说苏三法场上, 来生变犬马我当报还。,Susan left Hongdong county,and she is coming to the same street.Angry before I speak,oh, listen to me, gentlemen.Who is going to Nanjing?Please give my lover this messagethat is Susan is dead.In the next life,she will repay his kindness.,Thank you,Thats all,
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