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英语时事演讲稿英语时事演讲稿篇一:英语时事演讲稿1、hello, everyone, i am glad to be able to stand here today to share with you thelatest am not good at english, if the play is not good please bear with ,let us look at a foreign you seen a movie in 1997 called the titanicdo you know this year is the titanic shipwreck 100th anniversaryletslook at news. *titanics dead mourned 100 years later in poignant ceremony at sinking siteat the shrill sound of a ships whistle in the north atlantic, relatives of someof the more than 1,500 people who died when the titanic sank after hitting an icebergremembered their ancestors in a poignant ceremony a century later. on a still, starrynight and with little glare from the moon, the memorial cruise ship ms balmoral floatedabove the wreckage of the famous unsinkable luxury liner precisely 100 years to theday it foundered.the ship, the biggest in the world at the time, foundered in frigid atlantic watersoff newfoundland on april 15, saturday, balmorals ships whistle pierced the air at pm, the exact timethe titanic hit the iceberg, followed by a two-minute of balmorals 1,300 passengers then squeezed onto the deck for a service andhymns, and to watch three wreaths be thrown into the calm waters at sundaymorning, the moment she let us have a vidio see (视频)2、well, let us now to look concerned about the national is that therecent economic situation in china. *china loosens currency controls on the yuanfrom monday, the yuan can fluctuate up to 1% in trading against the us dollarfrom a fixed price set by the central bank, the peoples bank of china said. that isup from the previous limit of %.the increase of the trading band was announced in english, a rare statement thatsuggests it was targeted at foreign audiences. china has been under pressure to let the yuan appreciate. nations like the us believe that china keeps the yuan artificially low to boostits exports, giving it an unfair trading edge. chinas decision to widen the daily trading band for its exchange rate, ifimplemented in a way that allows the value of the exchange rate to reflect marketforces, could contribute rebalancing, which would be positive for china, the unitedstates, and the global economy, an official told reuters. he added there was still a misalignment with regards to chinas exchange rate andmore progress is needed. 3、in recent years , several cases of school bus accidentshave taken place , causing death and injury of many children and students, takeguangdong for example, the accident resulted in two childrens deaths and 15 childrenwere injured.let us see the news#guangzhou - two children were killed and 15 others injured when a kindergartenschool bus slammed into a truck in south chinas guangdong province, local authoritiessaid monday.the accident happened at about 4 pm in the city of yangchun, according to publicityofficials in the city. circumstance of the accidents is very worthy for ourgovernment and schools thinking, why not put the lives of childrenseriouslythey are the future of our country!4、just news maybe a bit sad,let us look at something interesting and fun .doyou heard of baby dating “baby dating” describes a trend where young parents try to find playmates fortheir kids through online platforms just like adults who are looking for a date. theylist detailed requirements for the potential “son/daughter-in-law” and displaypictures of their kids on different websites to attract attention. “娃娃相亲”指年轻的父母们用“相亲”的方式通过互联给小孩寻找玩伴的做法。他们会详细列出对应征对象的各项要求,并且在有关站展示自己孩子的照片,吸引其它父母关注。 young parents are doing this for various reasons:娃娃相亲的目的1. to find a playmate for their kids.为了给孩子找玩伴2. in this way, they can “have” a daughter and a son.过把儿女双全的瘾3. through baby dating, the parents can also make new friends in the city. 多门亲戚好走动4. the kids can learn to get along with peers of the opposite sex from an earlyage.给宝宝积累异性交往经验多一个美好的期待也不错 5、then, who heard of diploma inflation“学历通胀”指拥有各类学位的人越来越多,但是其专业竞争力却日渐衰退的状况。这跟通货膨胀时期货币都会贬值是一个道理。college diploma is a basic requirement if you want to find a job in china nowadays,no matter what kind of industry you are in. even some labor-intensive industries wouldrequire a diploma from job applicants. as a result, many bachelors and masters degree holders have to give up their academic pursuit and work as doorman, securityguard, busboy, waiter/waitress, etc. 时下的中国,无论是哪行、哪业,找工作,张口就要大学文凭。就连一些最简单、最不需要知识含量的行业,在招工时也把文凭放在首位。以致许多大学生在应聘时,不得不放下身段,去应聘那些与自己的所学毫不相干的职业。大学生门童、大学生保安、研究生服务员、研究生勤杂工等层出不穷finally, thank everyone for wish you all happy every day !篇二:关于时事的演讲稿关于时事的演讲稿不知是醉酒驾车撞死人的事件真的越来越多,还是“后胡斌飙车案”语境下媒体对此类案件报道增多,让人产生这类事故越来越多的感觉。新近,杭州又发生了一起酒后驾车撞死人的悲剧。8 月 4 日晚,魏某酒后驾驶保时捷越野车,撞死横穿马路的女子马芳芳。 跟同城的胡斌案一样,驾车者身份再次成为舆论关注焦点。媒体报道强调,今年 29 岁的魏某是杭州某公司的市场部经理,车主系其父,也是该公司法人代表兼董事长新闻这样交代并没有问题,但我不喜欢某些媒体刻意在大标题中强调“杭州保时捷撞死人案司机父亲为董事长” 。像在胡斌案中刻意强调胡斌的富二代身份一样,这是在迎合社会的某种情绪,渲染社会的断裂,并营造一种对抗的氛围,把一场酒后驾车引发的交通事故,描述成一场贫富对抗、强弱对立、社会断裂的标志事件。 这样的渲染是很可怕的。在胡斌案中就表现得淋漓尽致,回想一下当初某些媒体的标题:富二代阔少飙车撞死大学生 这多么让人血脉贲张,多么让人愤怒,多么强烈地刺激着公众本就脆弱而敏感的贫富神经,在斑
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