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规划设计合同规划设计合同, ,英文英文篇一:项目设计合同(中英文对照)项目设计合同(中英文对照) (上) (XX-6-17 18:57:52)分类:合同范本 标签:房产项目 项目设计 房产设计 景观设计 别墅设计 会所设计 概念设计 初步设计 设计合同 合同范本 |PROJECT DESIGN AGREEMENT项目设计合同Agreement made as of: 协议签订日期:年月日Between The Client: (PARTY ) 业主:上海开发有限公司(“甲方” )And The Design Consultant: (PARTY B)设计顾问:(“乙方”)For the following project: PROJECT (the Project) 项目名称:项目(“项目”)Project Description: 项目概况:Project (“the Project”) consists of 3 land Zones with m2 Zone A, m2 Zone B and m2 Zone D which are located on West Side to Road, Shanghai City, China. Zone A will be developed as a luxury residential area, Zone B will be developed as beach-front luxury commercial properties such as shops and restaurants , and Zone D will be a club house, a golf driving range and landscaped garden. In addition, m2 Zone C may be used for the further development of the Project. The details are shown in attachment 1 of the Agreement.项目(“项目”)由坐落于中国上海市路的平方米的 A 区、平方米的 B 区以及平方米的 D 区三个区域组成。A 区将建成高档住宅;B 区将建成海边高档店铺以及餐馆等商业物业;D 区将有一个会所、一个高尔夫练习场以及景观花园。此外,平方米的C 区将作为未来项目进一步发展的用地。详细情况在协议的附件 1 中进行了描述。Party A will be the developer of the Project. 甲方将成为项目的开发商。This Agreement is concluded to determine the rights and duties of both parties in regards to the above named project. The Agreement shall be in concordance with the relevant laws of the China. 为确定双方在上述项目中的权利与义务, 特订立本协议。本协议应符合中华人民共和国相关法律的规定。Language: All correspondence, meeting minutes, plans and project descriptions shall be bilingual in Chinese and English. In case of discrepancies the Chinese will prevail.语言:所有函件、会议记录、平面图与项目说明应该采用中英文两种文字。如有歧义,以中文为准。90% of the total design work will be conducted in the USA, in the Los Angeles Office of Party B. Party B will only conduct the site visit and client meeting in China.设计工作中的 90将在美国境内、乙方的洛杉矶事务所完成,乙方在中国国内的进行的唯一工作是与甲方会晤和现场踏勘。PARTY BS BASIC SERVICES 设计顾问的基本服务As part of the Projects mixed use development, based upon a Master plan by (see attachment 1 of the Agreement) Design Consultant shall provide the following services: 作为项目综合用途开发的一部分,设计顾问应在的总体规划(参见合同附件 2)的基础上提供以下服务:A. Architectural Design of Villas (see attachment 3 of the Agreement) with a total of approx. m2. Design to Design Development Level + Typical Details + Artistic Site Supervision 幢别墅(参见合同附件 3)的建筑设计,总面积约平方米。设计深度:扩初设计+典型详图+艺术现场质量管理。B. Architectural Design of Approx. m2 commercial development for shops and restaurants at waterfront (see attachment 3 of the Agreement). Design to Design Development Level + Typical Details + Artistic Site Supervision 滨海地区店铺和餐馆等商业性开发(参见合同附件 3)的建筑设计,面积约平方米。设计深度:扩初设计+典型详图+艺术现场质量管理C. Architectural Design of approx. m2 hotel (see attachment 3 of the Agreement). The design services are limited to a conceptual study to visualize the potential of the site for resort hotel use. 酒店(参见合同附件 3)的建筑设计,面积约平方米。设计服务仅限于概念性研究以便设想该地块作为度假酒店的潜力。1. SCOPE OF WORK 1. 工作范围The project will be developed according to the following Phases 本项目将根据以下阶段进行深化:CONCEPTUAL DESIGN PHASE 概念设计阶段Design Consultant will consult with the Client to develop a program and conceptualize possible solutions and analyze existing conditions. 设计顾问将与业主咨询以编制设计任务书,及概念性地归纳出可能的办公空间的解决方案,并分析现有条件。Design Consultant will develop a Conceptual Design based upon the program. This will include written and graphic presentation. The graphic presentation will include plans and elevations, as well as 3-dimensional conceptual images of the design and other necessary means of communicating the design.设计顾问将以此任务书为基础进行概念设计,包括文字和图纸方式的设计汇报成果。汇报图纸将包括空间的平、立面图、3d 设计概念图、以及其他必要的设计交流的方式。The Initial Submission shall be Digital in PDF Format, and printed as 10 Colorful Brochures in A3 Format. 成果应包括 PDF 格式的电子文件、以及 10 份 A3 规格的彩色文本。篇二:项目规划设计合同(中英文)合同编号:Contract No. 甲方(业主)Party A:(Employer) 乙方(设计机构)Party B:(Design company) 丙方(招标机构)Party C:(Tendering company) This CONTRACT (hereinafter, together with all Appendices attached hereto and forming an integral part hereof, called “Contract”) is made between Franshion Properties Co. Ltd. (hereinafter called “Party A”), Integrated Design Associates Limited (hereinafter called “Party B”) and Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Party C”), 本合同(与以下构成本合同不可分割部分的所有附件,统称为合同)由置业有限公司(以下简称“甲方” ) ,建筑设计有限公司(以下称“乙方” )和国际招标有限公司(以下称“丙方” )共同签订。Whereas Party A invited Party B to participate the Design Project of Masterplanning for Project and agreed to pay certain amount of project fee to Party B; Party B agreed to participate the project according to the time schedule and fee proposal of Party A; Party C agreed to act as the agent of Party A to undertake the overseas payment under this Contract, all parties agreed to reach an agreement under the terms and conditions as follows: 鉴于甲方邀请乙方参加本项目总体规划设计,并向乙方支付相应的费用;乙方同意按照甲方的要求的进度和费用参加设计;丙方同意代理甲方完成本合同项下设计费的外汇支付工作,三方达成一致如下:of Works 工作范围 Party B shall complete the design work defined in the Scope of Works as Appendix 1 to the Contract. 乙方应根据合同附件:工作范围的规定完成设计工作。Schedules 工作进度 乙方应在
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