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Skeletal System 1.burs/o 囊/粘液囊 (the combining form for bursa.) 滑液囊炎: bursitis 2.Cost/o 肋骨 (the combining form for ribs) 3.Oste/o 骨(the combining form for bone,此外 ost/o , oss/i , oss/e也代表骨头 ) 4.Myel/o 骨髓(the combining form for bone marrow myel/o 也指 spinal cord脊髓) 5.Spondyl/o 脊椎/脊柱 the combining form for the spine or the vertebrae composing the spinal column 6.Arthr/o 关节 (the combining form for joint ) 7.Chondr/o 软骨(the combining form for cartilage) (Cartilage is something that protects the ends of bone and provides a smooth surface for joint motion. ) 8.Synovi/o 滑液关节 (synovial joint) 9.Ankyl/o (如 ankylosis 关节强硬 /强直) (abnormal condition of a stiffening of a joint to the point that is basically cannot move.) 骨骼系统中常见suffixes 我们知道, suffixes 常常与病理学或过程有关: 1.-desis = surgical fixation 固定术、融合术 2.-lysis = surgical loosening 松解 3.-clasis = surgical breaking 破坏、折断 骨骼系统中的词汇 1.Diaphysis = the long shaft of a long bone 骨干 2.Epiphysis = the ends of a long bone 骨骺 3.Process = a normal projection on the surface of a bone that serves as an attachment point for muscles and tendons 凸起、突起 4.Periosteum = the fibrous out-er covering of the bone 骨膜 5.Compact bone = dense/hard outer tissue of a bone 密质骨 (密质骨在骨膜之下 ) 6.Medullary cavity = (which is surrounded by the compact bone) 髓腔 7.Yellow bone marrow = within the medullary cavity and it functions as a fat storage area 黄骨髓 8.Spongy bone = lighter bone t-issue in the ends of a long bone 松质骨 9.Red bone marrow = inside the spongy bone and creates blood cells 红骨髓 10.Hemopoietic = creates blood or blood cells 造血的 11.Radius = the smaller and shorter bone in the forearm/ connects to the carpals(wrist) on the thumb side 桡骨 12.Ulna = larger and longer bone in the forearm/ connects to the humerus on the elbow side and t-he carpalson the pinky side 尺骨 Pathologies 1.ankylosis vs. arthrosclerosis Ankylosis/?k?los? s/ is the ab-normal stiffening and loss of mobility in the joint. ankylosis = there is no mobility in the joint / it is a fusion(融合 /胶着) of the joint 关节强硬 /强直(关节不能动) Arthrosclerosis/?: r?skli?r?usis/ is the hardening of a joint, usually associated with normal aging. hardening stiffnot move real easy but it moves 关节硬化(关节可以动只是不易动) 2.spondylosis vs. ankylosing spon-dylitis vs. spondylolisthesis Spondylosis is any abnormal condition of the spinal column. ( /?sp ndl?os?s/ ) Spondylosis = spondyl/o + -osis Spondyl/o = spine -osis=abnormal condition 脊椎关节强硬 Ankylosing spondylitis is a stiffening of the spine. (/?sp nd?la?t?s/ ) due to an inflammation and fusing of the vertebra. Spondylitis = spondyl/o + -itis Spondyl/o = spine itis=inflammation This inflammation of the spine is severe enough that it is causing ankylosis ,there is a fusing of the vertebra so they can not move. Thats ankylosing spondylitis. 强直性脊柱炎 Spondylolisthesis /?spndlol?s? is?s/ Spondylolisthesis = spondyl/o + -list-hesis, Spondyl/o = spine -listhesis是一个新后缀, refers to a slipping forward.前移 Spondylolisthesis is a slipping forward of one of the lumber vertebra on top of the one below it. 脊椎前移(椎间滑脱) 3.osteoporosis vs. osteopenia Osteoporosis is a loss of bone density and an increase in the porosity of bone that is associated with aging. ( /? st?op?ros?s/ ) 骨质疏松症(多发于老年人) 延伸: 骨质疏松症会带来如下问题: A.Compression fracture A Compression fracture is a fracture that occurs when bone is pressed together. And it also is used to refer to the spontaneous collapse of vertebra due to osteoporosis. 受压骨折 /压缩性骨折 注意: Compression fracture与 stress fracture不同, stress fracture is usually caused by some extreme form of activity. B. Colles fracture This is an unfortunate thing that can happen to older people. They might t-ake a fall. They reach their arm out to try to break their fall and because of weakening of the bones, a wrist will just snap. 科利斯骨折 /桡骨远端骨折 C. Osteoporotic hip fracture It is a hip fracture that happens on fa-lling. And it happens because of the presence of osteoporosis. 髋部骨质疏松性骨折 Osteopenia/? st?pi?n?/ refers to thinner than average bone density in a young person. It is like preosteoporosis. 骨质减少(多发于青年人) 4.kyphosis vs. lordosis vs. scoliosis 最后一组词汇与 spinal curvatures (脊柱弯曲)相关 Kyphosis is also know-n as a hump back. The thoracic vertebra are bowing backward and outward. So if the vertebra are curving b-ackwards creating a hump that is called kyphosis. (/ka ? fos? s/ ) 驼背/脊柱后凸 Lordosis, also known as swayback, is when the lumbar vertebra, t-hat is the vertebra in the lower back, curve inward or forward anteriorly, which then causes the head or upper body to lean backwards. 脊柱前弯症 Scoliosis is the sideways curvature of the spine. This is commonly occurs in adolescents about the time they hit their growth spurt. ( /?skol? os? s/ ) 脊柱侧凸 /弯
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