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微码升级方案环境 :目前微码版本是7.0.0.c,升级到 过程如下1:升级前的准备 :检查交换机的状态是否正常,保存配置信息2:升级过程 :每台交换机2 个 CP,先升级一个CP,升级完后再升级另一个CP,所以每台交换机升级微码要升级2 次. 升级步骤1:微码路径 :用 ftp,制定微码目录 ,如下图2:登入交换机升级微码,先升级一个CP switch:admin firmwaredownload Type of Firmware (FOS, SAS, or any application) FOS:SAS Target Slots (all, or slot numbers) all: Server Name or IP Address: Network Protocol (1-auto-select, 2-FTP, 3-SCP) 1: User Name: userfoo File Name: /home/userfoo/dist/release.plist Password:3:然后查看微码是否升级完用firmwaredownloadstatus 会有类似如下信息switch:admin firmwaredownloadstatus 1: Mon Dec 19 18:40:19 2007 Slot 6 (CP1, active): Firmware is being downloaded to standby CP. This step may take up to 30 minutes. 2: Mon Dec 19 18:46:18 2007 Slot 6 (CP1, active): Firmware has been downloaded successfully to Standby CP. 3: Mon Dec 19 18:46:25 2007 Slot 6 (CP1, active): Standby CP is going to reboot with new firmware. 4: Mon Dec 19 18:47:45 2007 Slot 6 (CP1, active): Standby CP booted successfully with new firmware. 5: Mon Dec 19 18:47:56 2007 Slot 8 (FR4-18i): Firmware is being downloaded to the blade. This step may take up to 10 minutes. 6: Mon Dec 19 18:48:50 2007 Slot 5 (CP0, active): Forced failover succeeded. New Active CP is running new firmware 7: Mon Dec 19 18:48:57 2007 Slot 5 (CP0, active): Firmware is being download to standby CP. This step may take up to 30 minutes. 8: Mon Dec 19 18:49:28 2007 Slot 8 (FR4-18i): Firmware has been downloaded successfully. Blade is rebooting with the new firmware.4:如果升级完再用如上方法升级另一个CP 5:如果不成功退回原来的步骤跟上面的一样.
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