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Warming up,The Ages of Man,The Ages of Man,1. The Stone Age (10,0002,000 BC),wild fruit , plants , meat , fish,caves , tents , huts,2. The Bronze Age (2,000250 BC),3. The Han Dynasty,4. The Tang Dynasty,Unit 20 Archaeology,关键词(key words): archaeology-考古学 cultural relics-文物,Archaeology is the scientific study of peoples in the past, their culture and their relationship with their environment,秦兵马俑(西安),Qin terracotta soldiers,Mawangdui Han DanastyTomb,Sanxingdui,马王堆汉墓(长沙),三星堆(四川),unearthed cultural relics,北京十三陵,南京明孝陵,The Ming Tombs,The Ming Tombs are located about 31 miles from Beijing, with 13 emperors buried in a complex that spreads some 15 square miles,Discussion,What kinds of objects were buried withkings and emperors in China ?,Why were dead kings given these objects after they died?,Models of houses and palaces, pots, weapons, armies made of clay, valuable objects, jewellery, things and objects and tools from everyday use, paintings, books, musical instruments, sometimes real people such as wives or slaves,To be used in their next life.,The Pyramids in Egypt 埃及金字塔,The King of Stonehenge 巨石王墓(英国),英格兰东南部的历史名城索兹伯里附近,有一个小村庄名叫阿姆斯伯里,村西的原野上有一座阅尽沧桑、雄视千古的石柱群,这就是著名的古迹Stonehenge.这是一座由许多根石柱围成的史前建筑。这些石柱排成圆 形,最高的石柱高达10米,它们的平均重量达26吨,这么重的家伙竟有不少是横架在两根竖直的石柱上的!Stonehenge这个名字的前一半Stone意为“石头”,后一半在现代英语词典中已查不到了,据考证它来自古代英语,意思是“高高悬挂着”。想来它在古代有一个形象的名字“高悬在天上的石头”。,巨石阵又称索尔兹伯里石环、环状列石、太阳神庙、史前石桌、斯通亨治石栏等名,是欧洲著名的史前时代文化神庙遗址,约建于公元前4000-2000年,属新石器时代末期至青铜时代。 这个巨大的石建筑群位于一个空旷的原野上,占地大约11公顷,主要是由许多整块的蓝砂岩组成,每块约重50吨。巨石阵不仅在建筑学史上具有的重要地位,在天文学上也同样有着重大的意义:它的主轴线、通往石柱的古道和夏至日早晨初升的太阳,在同一条线上;另外,其中还有两块石头的连线指向冬至日落的方向。因此,人们猜测,这很可能是远古人类为观测天象而建造的,可以算是天文台最早的雏形了。,Now, lets read the text quickly and then decide whether the given statements are true or false.,On March, 3rd, 2002, archaeologists in England found a grave of a man dating back to around 3000 BC. People got to know where the man was from by testing his bones. From what were found in the grave people had a clear idea of the dressing of the King of Stonehenge when he was buried. All the relics found in the grave of the King of Stonehenge were buried with him for his future use in the next life because of the belief that a dead man would come back to life.,F,F,T,T,5. The discovery of the King of Stonehenge was far from important.6. The two earrings are not only the oldest gold ever found in England, but also a proof that the ancient British were clever enough to make gold even in around 2,500 BC.7. Because of his power and his successful organization of the construction of Stonehenge, the man got his title as the King of Stonehenge.,F,T,F,8.In ancient times it was very difficult for the people then to construct the Stonehenge not because the stones were huge and heavy but because they couldnt use our modern machines.9. It can be inferred that the King of Stonehenge was not only an organizer but also a worker who helped construct the Stonehenge himself by the means of transportation and pulling up the stones.10. Man began to trade with other people or countries even in very old times.,F,T,T,Post-reading,materials,objects,stone,iron,bronze,bone,leather,gold,clay,copper,cushion stone,knife,coat,pin,pot,bow,arrows,earrings,1.Word webs,2. Examples of trade and cultural links,Country or part of Europe,Material or object of trade,West Wales,Stones to build stonehenge,Spain,Copper knife,Western France,Copper knife,Europe,Gold jewellery,The End,; http:/www.ctdul.com/ 蓝冠在线平台 vgd47wjw 也很快回过神来,因为这事情在古代不是经常会发生的吗?只是我现在挺为这仁玉担心的,这长得还是女高中生的样子就要去嫁人,而且想必他们没见过面,那就是直接被断送了自己一生的幸福啊。于是,我又偷偷瞧了瞧仁玉的神情。但是我却发现,仁玉的脸上没有丝毫的不愿与焦虑,有的只是一脸的平静。仁老夫人接着说:“我知道这是对你的不公,但是为了我们仁家着想,我也必须这样做。虽说傅家是当朝新生的官宦大家,但是他们却是唯一一个没有迫害我们仁家的,想必傅大老爷是个懂世故的好人,你嫁过去也许不会太受苦受气了。”仁玉没有多说,只是很尊敬地回答道:“是的,奶奶,我会照您的意思嫁去傅家的。”说罢,仁玉再次跪下,对着仁老夫人磕起头来。我看在眼里,觉得这举动有点奇怪,但我猜不准这仁玉心里想的是什么,因为就我这现代人的思想认为,这可是非得反抗的事情才是。但是对于我不了解的人,我也不适宜妄加定论,更不能随意去改变他们什么。也许我就是一个这样的人,不热血,怕惹事,最好遇见什么事都做一个观众。仁玉起身作揖,样子像是要出来了。我见状,赶紧溜走,回到了一开始所在的破木屋里。心想,知道了这仁家的状况之后,现在更是纠结。我本人就很怕事,来到陌生的地方,处在陌生的时代,心里害怕之余还要努力去适应这我并不向往的古人生活,更要紧的是还遇上了我生平最讨厌的逼嫁事件,这可愁死我了,究竟我有何用,到了古代还是一个软蛋,我该怎么办啊?想着想着,不知不觉就到了傍晚。仁轩端着一些看起来简简单单的饭菜来到这破屋子里,看样子是给我送饭来了。我见状,连忙去帮忙端着。仁轩说到:“哥哥,你吃饭吧。这是姐姐自己做的,姐姐说,过门也是客,不能让你饿肚子。”听罢,心中尤生一股感激之情。然后又开始感叹到古代的人真有人情味啊。其实,我的肚子早就饿得不行了,碍于面子关系,我真不敢去向他们要吃的。这饭菜看起来真是没有卖相,也许是因为这是穷人家的缘故吧?细看碗里的米饭,发现和二十一世纪的米粒有些不同;这碗里的米粒都是又大又圆的,而且吃起来饭香味特弄,这应该是纯天然种植,不含转基因的米饭吧!我一边吃着饭菜,一边又打量起这仁轩。仁轩此时正坐在我隔壁的椅子上,双眼在时不时地四处张望,身子也在蠢蠢欲动,好像有点不耐烦。见状,我便忍不住向他问道:“小弟弟,你是叫仁轩吧?”“嗯,是的。”仁轩突然变得一本正经地回答道。我被他态度的突然改变又小惊了一番,缓了下神,又接着问道:“呃,仁轩弟弟,你好像很着急的样子,你有事要去做吗?”也许我真得问对了,仁轩的神情又变了。这时,他有点结巴地答道:“没有啦,只是,只是”“只是什,
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