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选修 9,Unit 5 Inside advertising,.写出下列必考单词 1车道,行车线n._ 2特征,容貌,特色n._ 3道德,良心n. _4.公司,法人,社团n._ 5费用,代价n._ 6发言人n._ 7成熟的,到期的adj._8.正派的,得体的,适当的adj._,9伦理学,道德规范n._10布告版,广告牌n._ 11顾客,消费者n._ 12可信赖的;可靠的adj._ 13衣服,外衣n._ 14预算 n_ 15烟草,烟草制品 n_ 16片,张,薄片 n_,答案:1lane 2.feature 3.conscience 4corporation 5.expense 6.spokesman7mature 8.decent 9.ethics 10.billboard 11.consumer 12.trustworthy 13.garment 14.budget 15.tobacco16sheet,.写出下列单词的变化形式 1回应,响应 v_;回应,应答,响应n._ 2样式,流行,时尚 n_;时髦的,时尚的adj._ 3促进,提升v._;促进,晋级 n_ 4道德的 adj._;不道德的adj._,5诚实的adj._;不诚实的 adj._;诚实n._ 6偶然的,随意的adj._;偶然地,随意地adv._ 7酒 n_;酒精的,含酒精的adj._,答案:1respond;response 2.fashion;fashionable 3.promote;promotion 4.moral;immoral 5.honest;dishonest;honesty 6.casual;casually 7.alcohol;alcoholic, 活学活用 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1He _quickly and his quick _made us surprised. (respond) 2This is the _lesson of the story:Whoever does _things will be punished. (moral) 3Mr. White _to be the manager of the department and the _made his wife very glad. (promote) 4The _system works well and more than seventy of the fields _now. (irrigate),5Tom said he was not sure whether Jane was _or _, but I thought Janes _was beyond question as I never found her lying. (honest),答案:1responded;response 2moral;immoral 3was promoted;promotion 4irrigation;have been irrigated 5honest;dishonest;honesty,.写出下列必背短语 1(使)变成_ 2通知某人某事 _ 3适合 _ 4依靠;依赖 _ 5厌恶;没必要做 _,答案:1turn into 2.inform sb. of sth. 3.fit in (to) 4.rely on 5.have no use for, 活学活用 根据句后的解析,选择适当的短语完成下列句子 1Hes never done this kind of work before,so I m not sure whether he will _it. (be suitable for) 2Can you _this article _English? (translate.into) 3He is a person you can _,so youd better turn to him and he wont refuse to help you. (depend on,trust) 4Please _me _the final decision so that I can prepare my work early. (let sb. know),答案:1fit in 2.turn;into3rely on 4.inform;of,.重点句型However good an advertisement is,people are unlikely to be persuaded if the product is unsuitable.(P43) 一则广告无论制作得多么好,如果产品不合适,也不可能使人信服。 句型:howeveradj./adv.主语动词 no matter how adj./adv.主语动词:此句型引导让步状语从句,意思是:无论/不管多么However busy he is,he always spares sometime for his child.无论他多么忙,他总要抽出时间陪儿子。, 模仿造句 (1) 无论我回家多么晚,妈妈都会等着我。 _(2) 无论餐馆的菜多么昂贵,他总觉得不如他妻子做的好吃。 _,答案:(1)However late I came back,Mother was always waiting for me. (2)However expensive the dishes in the restaurants are,he felt they were not so delicious as the dishes cooked by his wife.,.语篇领悟 根据课文How Advertising WorksWe can see many advertisements everywhere in our daily life, on buses and billboards, in shop windows outside restaurants, in magazines and newspaper, _(1)_some of casual garments we wear. It is important for us to understand _(2)_advertisements work, otherwise we _(3)_(control) by them.An advertisement is _(4)_message or announcement that informs or influences people by using words, pictures, music or films. First, advertisers must _(5)_(identification) the target audience the advertisement intends to persuade. Find out their,likes _(6)_ dislikes. Second, they must appeal _(7)_the target according to their hopes, dreams _(8)_ emotions. For example, commercial advertisements appeal to peoples desire to buy some products. Public adverts appeal our conscience or our desire to be _(9)_(worth) citizens. Third, in order to reach the right audience, advertisers must place their ads in the right medium. _(10)_,good an advertisement is, people will not be persuaded if they are not interested in it.,答案: (1)even (2)how (3)will be controlled (4)a (5)identify (6)and (7)to (8)or (9)worthy (10)However,.考点活用 用本单元词语翻译下列短文。约翰拨了电话号码53218799,告诉妻子自己因抓获了两名毒贩子而得到提拔的消息,然后疲惫而兴奋地坐在办公室。这时电话响了,约翰精神一振,迅速接电话。原来是他妈妈。妈妈告诉他有名警察被毒贩子杀害了,所以他工作要特别当心。妈妈说“你是我唯一的依靠,你要做的就是照顾好自己。”,答案:Having dialed the number 53218799 to inform his wife the news that he had been promoted for catching two drug dealers,John sat in his office,exhausted but excited. Just then his mother called him up,which refreshed him and he responded quickly to answer the phone. Mother told him that a policeman was murdered by a drug dealer. She also told him to beware of any danger in his work. She said,“You are the only son I can rely on and taking care of yourself is everything you should do.”,1.Some adverts,like the environmental protection advertisement below,appeal to our conscience or our desire to be worthy citizens.(P43) 还有一些广告就像下边那种有关环境保护的广告,就符合我们的良知,或者说迎合了我们想成为有价值的公民的愿望。 词语归纳 appeal to (sb.)(对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣 appeal to sb. for sth. 恳求;呼吁 appeal to sb. to do sth. 呼吁某人做某事,
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