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1 24 种英语语法10 种时态:一、 一 般现在时: 一般现在时主要强调一种事实、经常发生的动作或存在的状态1、I go to school every day ; 我每天上学2、She takes a shower every morning;她每天早晨沐浴3、She is as old as my younger sister;她和我妹妹同岁4、Where there is a will,there is a way;有志者,事竞成5、His mother gets up at six every day; 他妈妈每天都是六点起床6、We usually work eight hours a day; 我们每天工作八小时7、Her father smokes much,She doesnt like it; 他父亲抽烟很多,她不喜欢8、Do you drive to work or go to work by bus? 你是自己开车上班还是坐公交车上班?9、I always listen to the teachers attentively; 我总是认真听老师讲课10、My younger brother is a law student; 我弟弟是学法律的11、The sun rises in the east and sets in the west; 太阳从东边升起,从西边落下12、There re four seasons in a year; 一年有四季13、The train leaves in ten minutes; 火车 10 分钟后离开14、I m in my office from 2:30 to 5:30 this afternoon; 我今天下午两点半到五点半在办公室15、The foreign guests arrive tomorrow morning; 外宾明天上午到达16、I usually get up early in the morning; 我通常早晨都起床早二、 一 般过去时: 一般过去时表示过去的动作或状态,这种动作或状态可能只限于一次,也可能是经常性的,也可表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间内已经全部完成了的动作。1、 She suddenly fell ill yesterday; 她昨天突然病倒了2、 We went to visit her two days ago;两天前,我们去拜访过她3、 I used to do morning esercises,but now I dont; 我过去常做早操,但现在不做了4、 My mother often took me to visit my grandpa in the countryside when he was alive;当我爷爷还健在时,我妈妈常领我去看他2 5、 My grandfather died three years ago; 我祖父是三年前去世的6、 A fire broke out last night; 昨天夜里发生火灾了7、 She was a very pretty girl at that time; 她那时候是个相当漂亮的姑娘8、 They loved each other for fifty years; 他们相爱了50 年9、 Sometimes we climbed up to the tree for birds eggs; 有时候我们上树掏鸟蛋10、 He always helped me when I was a child; 我小时候他一直帮助我11、 He remained silent for the whole twenty years; 整整 20 年他一直保持沉默12、 W e often played table tennis together in our childhood; 我们童年时经常一起打乒乓球13、 She was a little girl when I first saw her twenty years ago; 我 20 年前第一次见到她时,她还是个小姑娘呢14、 He was here five minutes ago; 他五分钟前还在这儿15、 W e were both late for the meeting; 我们俩开会都迟到了16、 They were students at that time; 他们那时还是学生呢三、 一 般将来时: 一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态。或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态1、 It is going to rain; 要下雨了2、 We are going to have a meeting today; 今天我们开会3、 The boy is to go to school tomorrow; 这个男孩明天要去上学4、 He gets off at the next stop; 他下一站下车5、 You will know the result next week; 下星期你们就知道结果了6、 You will be late for work if you dont hurry; 你不快点上班就要迟到了7、 I will call you this afternoon; 今天下午我会给你电话8、 Some day Chinese will step onto the moon; 总有一天中国人会登上月球9、 Next month I will be eighteen years old; 下个月我就18 岁了10、 I t will snow in the north in winter; 冬天北方会下雪3 11、 Shell be here before eight; 她八点之前会到这儿12、 You won t be late,Take it easy; 你不会迟到的,放心吧13、 W ill you be free this Sunday? 你这个星期天有空吗?14、 W here shall we go this weekend? 这个周末我们去哪儿呢?15、 Are you going to travel with your unlce? 你打算和叔叔去旅行吗?16、 Theyre going to meet at the cinema; 他们打算在电影院门口碰面四、 现 在进行时: 现在进行时表示现在(指说话人说话时)正在进行的动作,某个阶段正发生的事,此刻动作不一定正在进行1、 She is singing an English song now; 她现在正在唱英语歌2、 We are doing the research work; 我们在做这项研究工作3、 My wife is always criticizing me; 我的妻子总是批评我4、 Here comes the bus; 公共汽车来了5、 What are you doing now? 你在干嘛呢?6、 I m reading in the library; 我在图书馆看书呢7、 She is talking with her boss in his office; 她正和老板在办公室谈话呢8、 My son is doing his homework in his room now; 我儿子正在他的房间做作业呢9、 They are quarreling about their sons future; 他们在为儿子的未来争吵10、 I m teaching at an evening school; 我在夜校教书11、 Some foreign friends are visiting Shanghai this week; 一些外国朋友这星期在参观上海12、 Are you still working in that company? 你还在那家公司工作吗?13、 Shes flying to Beijing this weekend; 她本周末飞北京14、 I m staying indoors this evening; 我今晚要待在家里15、 Theyre spending the winter in Hainan; 他们准备在海南过冬16、 She is always helping her mother in the kitchen; 她总是帮她妈妈做厨房活4 五、 过 去进行时: 过去进行时表示过去某一时间之后将要发生的动作或状态1、 She was reading an English magazine when I came in; 我进来时她在看一本英文杂志2、 We were cleaning the auditorium from 7 to 9last night; 昨晚七点到九点我们在打扫大礼堂3、 She asked whether he was starting the next day; 她问他是否第二天就走4、 When he came in,I was reading a newspaper; 当他进来时 , 我正在读报纸5、 I was having dinner when she came in; 她进来时我正在吃饭6、 I was taking a bath when he called; 他打电话时我在洗澡呢7、 She wasn t doing anything at the moment; 那会儿她啥都没干8、 She was preparing for the final exams those days; 那几天她正在准备期末考试呢9、 You were then working in the bank, werent you? 那时你在银行工作,对吧?10、 I was thinking lf you all these years; 那些年我一直惦记着你11、 She told me she was leaving for Hong Kong; 她告诉我她要赴香港12、 Mother said sht was coming to dinner with us; 母亲说她要来和我们一起吃晚饭13、 The girls were very excited as they were flying to Paris the next day; 姑娘们很激动,因为第二天她们要飞往巴黎了14、 He was reading a novel this time yesterday evening; 昨晚这个时候他正在看小说15、 W ere you doing your lessons when I called you ? 我给你打电话时你在做功课吗?16、 Mother was cooking in the kitchen when I came home; 当我回到家的时候,我妈妈正在厨房作饭六、 现 在完成时: 现在完成时表示的动作开始于过去,持续到现在,也许还会持续下去1、 How many pages have you covered today? 你今天看了多少页?2、 I haven t seen him for many days; 好些天没见到他了3、 Thank you,Ive had my supper; 谢谢你,我已吃过晚饭了4、 Now I have finished the word; 现在我已经做完工作了5、 She has gone to the beauty shop; 她去美容厅了6、 I ve read the book; 我看过那本书了5 7、 Hes lost the key; 他反钥匙丢了8、 The lift has broken down; 电梯坏
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