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Welcome to our class,Miss Dong,Unit 5 ReadingGoing shopping,海门市东洲中学主办,苏中片“新课程背景下优课展示,shopkeeper,Can I help you ?,What can I do for you ?, Xpki:p(r) ,pretty,hair clips,How much does it cost ? It costs ./X/,6,80,How much do they cost? They cost .,500,500,000,quite expensive,I dont have enough money to buy it.,/ai/, ikspensiv ,/inf /,Sun Jihai Made in 2006,Fan Zhiyi Made in 2005, 8, 14,Theres a discount on last years stickers., diskaunt ,Look and say,A: Can I help you ? B: Yes, Id like a . A: There are . B: How much doesa cost? A: Its . B: OK. Ill take it.,My cousins hat matches her sweater.She looks pretty.,/,The red shoes _ the white dress.,match,The pretty bag _ the girls dress.,matches,Match or matches ?,Read the phrases,pretty hair clips,Which is missing?,match her dress,a shopkeeper,a discount on stickers,cost 8,quite expensive,have enough money,Chant,Pretty, pretty ,hair clips Match, match, her dress Quite ,quite, expensive Discount, discount, on stickers,Listening,T or F,( ) 1.Amy wants to buy some basketball cards and stickers for Simon.( ) 2.The stickers cost 5.,F,T,Listening,Sandy likes_.flowers hair clipsCDs,Fast reading,1.Last years football cards cost_.,2. Amy bought Sandy _,A,B,C,A,B,C,Task 1 Guessing gameTask 2 Work in pairs,Further reading,Task 1 Guessing game,having a high price _ very beautiful _ very _ go well with _ a cut in price _ have a price of _,quite,expensive,pretty,match,discount,cost,Task 2 Work in pairs,A: Hello, what can I do for you? B: Im looking for a present for my_. A: Here are some nice_.They are great. B: Oh, the watches are pretty. Howmuch does the blue watch_? A: Its 200. B: Thats too _. A: I can give you a_. B: Thank you. Ill take it. A: I think your friend will love it.,friend,watches,cost,expensive,discount,模拟商场,Can I help you? / What can I do for you? I would like to/ want to There are How much do/doescost? discount,Homework,Make a new dialogue about shopping .,Thank you!,A: Can I _you? B: Yes, how _are these apples, please? A: Five yuan a kilo. B: Oh, thats too_. A.:Theres a discount on these ones. B: No, thanks.I want to buy these oranges. How much _they? A: Two yuan a kilo. How _do you want? B: I want two kilos. A: Here you are. B: Thank you. ¥4, please. A: Thanks, bye.,help,much,expensive,are,many,discount,Theres a discount on last years cards.,Simon and Sandys birthday is coming. Amy is looking for some _ for them at Sunnyside Shopping Mall. There are many football cards and _ of the Huanghe Football Team. The new cards are quite _. But there is a _ on last years cards. Amy _ to buy new cards. They _ Amy 10. She also wants to buy some stickers. They are _.,presents,stickers,expensive,discount,wants,cost,5,Task 2 Fill in the blanks,网贷口子 http:/www.17jiedai.com.cn/product/ 网贷口子 stb36rus 于是,在给梁奶奶灌完之后,就过来劝说梁爷爷也给他灌一些。无奈老人死活不肯,兄妹俩又不忍心,也不可能给他强行灌入,只好眼睁睁地看着他干咳一会儿,喘息一会儿,昏昏沉沉地躺在床上痛苦着。77第六十五回 依依送别好房东|(房东夫妇临走前,特地过来话别情;先吃顿饺子送别饭,再拉奏演唱谢老人。)那一年刚刚进入腊月,住在小巷儿尽头的房东老夫妇果然被儿子接走了。临走之前,老俩口提了二斤点心又专门过来看望耿正兄妹三人和老梁头夫妇。当时,老梁头夫妇俩已经能自己在院子里溜达着晒太阳了。看到善良的房东老夫妇临走了还不忘过来话别,耿正兄妹仨感到特别歉意。耿正说:“实在抱歉啊,我们只顾了这边忙活,一直没有专门回去看望过爷爷奶奶,倒是让二老来看了我们好几趟,这临走了还又过来!”耿英也不舍地说:“这真要走了,虽说没有多么远,但再见面可就不容易了呢!”耿直问:“爷爷奶奶什么时候回来啊?”房东老爷爷摇摇头长叹一声没有说话,房东老奶奶已经在撩起衣襟擦眼泪了。停一停,老人家这才说:“谁知道啊,也许不再回来了呢!那个小院儿太过僻静,娃娃们早就不让住了,可我们俩不想离开啊,那是我们住了一辈子的家啊!可又实在没有法子啊,我们老了”看到这老俩口故土难离的样子,老梁头夫妇俩就开始轮番劝慰他们了。老梁头说:“我说啊,这人老了,身边能有娃娃们围着才是最大的幸事呢!你们看我和老伴儿,要是没有这三个娃儿,哪里还能活到现在,而且是这从来都没有过的好日子!我们是自己没有儿女,到头来老天爷给送来了三个孙娃娃!你们老俩口可是有儿有女的有福之人哪,还不高高兴兴地去,守着那个老院子做什么啊!”老梁头的婆姨也说:“就是啊,快别舍不得那个老院子了,有儿女孙娃们在身边,还比不了那个冷冷清清的小院子!唉,要说啊,这穷家也好,富院也罢,必须得有人,那才叫人家,那才算过日子呢!就说我们老俩口吧,以前那几十年,算是白活了呢!这最近几年吧,日见得老了,过得啊,那就更不是个日子了。现在好了,这三个懂事的娃儿,让我们知道了什么才是好日子!那个可恶的贼抢光了我们辛辛苦苦积攒下的所有养老钱财,但我们俩死里逃生后,却意外地得到这么好的三个孙娃娃!我们实在是因祸得福了啊!”说着话,还接过耿英递过来的手绢,不时地擦着笑出来的眼泪。耿英笑着说:“梁奶奶,您不是在劝说我们的这位奶奶吗?怎么又说起自己的那些个事儿来了!”房东老爷爷说:“你们梁奶奶高兴,就让她说吧!唉,我说老弟妹啊,你昏迷的那些个日子,可把这三个娃娃着急坏了呢!”房东老奶奶也说:“这可是三个难得的好娃儿,嫂子你和梁大哥好福气啊!”耿直过来给梁奶奶捶背,
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