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China Is Emerging as a New Growth Engine for the World In the context of deep-going economic globalization, China and Asia are emerging as an economic power house for the world. The expansion of the world economy, on the other hand, is generating fresh opportunities of significance for China and Asia as well. The further development of mutually beneficial cooperation and increased interdependence among various economies, on the other hand, will undoubtedly open up broad vistas for the global economic growth. Since the implementation of the reform and opening-up program initiated by Mr. Deng Xiaoping in 1978, China has undergone a profound transformation unprecedented in history. Our overall national strength has enhanced markedly and the peoples living standard improved steadily. Carrying forward the glory of their ancient civilization, the l.3 billion Chinese people are creating a new history as they press forward in a concerted effort and a pioneering spirit along the high road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. China has set a goal for the first 20 years of this century which is to firmly seize the major strategic opportunities to build China, in an all-round way, into a moderately prosperous society of a higher standard, which is of great benefit to its more than one billion people. By 2020, Chinas GDP will have quadrupled from the figure of 2000, amounting to approximately 4 trillion US dollars, with a per-capita level of some 3,000 US dollars. This will result in further developed economy, enhanced democracy, advanced science and education, enriched culture, improved social harmony and an upgraded texture of life for the people. To achieve this goal, we will adopt a scientific approach in the process of guiding the economic and social development. We will stick to the principle of putting the people first, always keeping the fundamental interests of the broad masses at heart, and endeavoring to satisfy their growing material and cultural needs so as to achieve the comprehensive development of man. We will focus on economic development, making development our central task or top priority with a view to achieving a well-rounded progress economically, politically and culturally in the building of a harmonious society. We will persist in the reform to develop a socialist market economy, furthering the innovation of institutional mechanisms, deepening the reforms aimed at galvanizing creative vitality of society and activating from within the dynamics for economic and social development. We will adhere to our basic policy of opening to the outside world so as to establish a more open market system, enabling the country to participate in international economic and technological cooperation and competition in greater scopes and wider fields and at higher levels. We will follow a new course of industrialization to transform Chinas economic structures and to promote changes in the mode of economic growth by improving quality and efficiency. We will do a good job of developing a circular economy to build a resource-efficient and environment-friendly society. By so doing we will embark on a path to renewed development characterized by higher productivity, improved livelihood and a sustainable eco-system. Chinas development and the development of Asia and the world as a whole are closely interrelated. The development of China will, as always, generate cooperation opportunities with win-win results for other countries in Asia and all over the world. China will keep opening up its market step by step. We will try to explore new ways of attracting foreign capital, improve the legal framework for encouraging and protecting foreign investment, streamline the management of businesses with foreign elements, and step up the protection of intellectual property rights. Great efforts will be made to create a more favorable business climate to facilitate economic and trade cooperation outwardly and to make things smooth for the inflow of foreign investment. 中国的发展正在成为世界经济发展新的推动力量 在经济全球化趋势深入发展的条件下,中国及亚洲的发展正在成为世界经济发展新的推动力量,世界经济发展也将 给中国及亚洲发展带来新的重要机遇。世界各国经济互利合作、相互依存的加深,必将给全球经济增长创造更加美 好的前景。 1978 年实行邓小平先生倡导的改革开放政策以来,中国发生了前所未有的深刻变革。中国的综合国力显著增强,人 民生活不断改善。中国人民在继承和发扬古老文明的基础上创造了新的历史。现在,13 亿中国人民正万众一心地在 中国特色社会主义道路上开拓前进。 中国已经明确了本世纪头20 年的奋斗目标, 这就是紧紧抓住重要战略机遇期,全面建设惠及十几亿人口的更高水平 的小康社会。 到 2020 年实现国内生产总值比2000 年翻两番,达到40000 亿美元左右,人均国内生产总值达到3000 美元左右, 使经济更加发展、民主更加健全、科教更加进步、文化更加繁荣、社会更加和谐、人民生活更加殷实。 为了实现这个目标,我们将坚持以科学发展观统领经济社会发展全局。我们将坚持以人为本,从最广大人民的根本 利益出发,不断满足人民群众日益增长的物质文化需求,努力促进人的全面发展。 我们将坚持以经济建设为中心,把发展作为第一要务,推动经济建设、政治建设、文化建设与和谐社会建设全面发 展。 我们将坚持社会主义市场经济的改革方向,进一步推动制度创新,不断深化改革,激发全社会的创造活力,增强经 济社会发展的内在动力。 我们将坚持对外开放的基本国策,建立更加开放的市场体系,在更大范围、更广领域、更高层次上参与国际经济技 术合作和竞争。 我们将坚持走新型工业化道路,着力调整经济结构和加快转变经济增长方式,提高经济增长的质量和效益,大力发 展循环经济,建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,走生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路。 中国的发展同亚洲及世界的发展紧密相关。中国的发展已经并将继续为亚洲及世界各国带来合作共赢的机遇。 中国将继续稳步开放市场,创新引进外资的形式,完善有关鼓励和保护外商投资的法律法规,改革涉外经济管理体 制,加强知识产权保护,努力为中国的对外经贸合作和外国来华投资提供一切便利,创造更好的环境。
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