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河源苏家围客家村各位朋友,欢迎大家到河源旅游。河源是客家人聚居的地方,我们今天参观的苏家围就是客家人聚居的村庄。Ladies & Gentlemen, welcome to Heyuan. It is a district where the Hakka people live in compact communities. The Sujiawei Village we are going to visit today is also a village inhabited by Hakka people.客家是对中国南方部分人群的称谓,他们是从北方迁至南方定居的汉人。南宋末年 (13世纪末),黄河流域部分汉人因避战乱大举南迁至现在的广东、江西、福建一带。经过800多年的繁衍变迁,这部分汉人逐渐形成了自己独特的风俗和方言,并自称为客家人:大概是取“客居他乡之人”的意思,以别于当地的原居民。Hakka is an appellation for a special group of the Han nationality people in South China. In the late 13thcentury during China s southern Song Dynasty, a large number of the Han people living in the Huanghe River valley fled their homes to escape the war. They trekked a long way and finally settled down in the present-day Guangdong, Jiangxi and Fujian provinces. After undergoing vicissitudes and propagation over the past 800 years, these new settlers in the South have gradually evolved their unique customs and dialect. They call themselves Hakka, meaning “ people living as guests in a strange land” , so as to differentiate themselves from the native inhabitants. 苏家围是苏东坡后裔的聚居地,位于东源县义合镇苏围村,东江和久社河呈三角形交汇于苏围南面,营造了苏围宁静、优雅的意境。苏东坡是中国北宋时期(11 世纪)有名的文学家和书法家,在北宋王朝中官至礼部尚书。苏东坡第7 代孙苏天荣途经合水至今已有700多年的历史,苏家围人为纪念苏天荣的卜居梦兆,追溯天荣为始祖,至今已发展到28 代;若追溯东坡为始祖,则已有35 代。Sujiawei Village locates in Suwei Village, Yihe Town, Dongyuan County, where Su Dongpos descendents live in. Dongjiang River and Jiushe River connected as a triangle in the southern Suwei Village, which attributed the quiet and elegant perception to the village. Su Dongpo was a celebrated writer and calligrapher in the 11thcentury during China s Northern Song Dynasty and was once a government official in charge of the imperial rites. Su Tianrong, who was the 7thgeneration grandson of Su Dongpo, had passed by Heshui for over 700 years. Sujiawei villagers dated back Tianrong as their 28th ancestor in order to memorize the sign in his dream of choosing a place as residence. But there have been 35 generations if the villagers dated back Su Dongpo as their ancestor. 苏家围的旅游主打产品:“隐喻男女客家乡村性别文化展”这一旅游产品是把客家乡村男女关系的文化事项加以提炼,反映了客家人对性别的态度和认识。把乡村文化开发成旅游产品, 在全国来说也是独一无二的。客家地区每到春节元宵或前几天,都要举行“上灯”、“吊灯”活动。客家人以“灯”通“丁”,即把生男孩成为添丁,谐音“添灯”。在元宵节期间,凡是那一家人上一年添了丁的,都要在祠堂里吊一盏大花灯。“ Metaphors of Men & Women Gender Culture of Hakka villages ” is a flagship product of Sujiawei, which refined the gender relations in Hakka village and reflecting attitudes and awareness of gender among Hakka people. It is unique in China to develop village culture as tourism products. Every year during the Lantern Festival on 15thof the first lunar month, Hakka people will suspend a lantern in their ancestral temple. This is called “ tian deng” , meaning “ adding a lantern” , and is to imply that a newborn male member is added to the family, because the Chinese words for “ adding a lantern” and the words for “ having a new male family member ”are homophones of each other. During the Lantern Festival, the family member should add a large lantern in the ancestral temple if a newborn male member was added to the family last year. 永思堂是苏家围人举行祭祀、议事的主要场所,设计与建筑都非常考究,典型的“六柱官厅”,是按明朝永乐年间朱棣皇帝所颁布的官宅堂屋而建,据说县官职位以上的人家方可建这种典雅的建筑。当地人把永思堂的上堂厅称为“祖公厅”,是供奉祖先牌位和祭祀先人的专用场所。现在神龛上的两尊塑象是苏东坡和他的妾侍王朝云,这是惠州苏东坡博物馆赠送过来的。Yongsi Hall is the location for sacrificial offering and discussing public affairs, which is a typical official hall with 6 pillars supporting the roof as well as fine design and construction. This structure was designed in conformity with the Official Residence Specifications issued by Emperor Zhu Di of the Ming Dynasty. It is said that only those government officials whose official ranks were equal to or higher than the county level were allowed to have their houses built with 6 pillars in the main hall. Local people call the rear hall as “ Ancestors Hall ” , which is the place for worship and offer sacrifices to their ancestors. The two statues in the shrine are Su Dongpo and his concubine Wang Zhaoyun. 光化堂是苏家围的新祠堂,请看这边石刻对联:“眉山开奕叶,合水衍支流”。这副对联说明了苏东坡是苏家围人的远祖。眉山是苏东坡的故地,合水是义合原来的地名,这副对联比喻苏氏自眉山到合水,就像大树一样枝开叶茂,繁衍后代。Guanghua Hall is a new ancestral temple of Sujiawei. Please have a look at the curved couplet, it means a bloom from Meishan multiplies in Heshui, which explains Su Dongpo was the ancestor of Sujiawei villagers. Meishan was Su Dongpos hometown, Heshui was the former name of Yihe. This couplet implies that Su family had a lot of offspring. 各位朋友走累了,看倦了,我们上“娘家作坊”坐坐吧。在这里,客家女以茶叶、芝麻、花生和红枣、桂圆等为原料,用手工研磨成客家擂茶。尝完擂茶,我们再去看看令人忍俊不禁的客家婚俗表演,还有历史标语文化展示区。Dear friends, if you got tired, shall we go and sit down in Hakka Women Workshop? You may taste Hakka “ Lei Tea” here, which is hand-made from tea leaves, sesame, peanut and jujube. After that, we may go to watch the interesting Hakka wedding performance and visit historical slogans exhibition zone.
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