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1UnitUnit 7 7 WhatsWhats thethe highesthighest mountainmountain inin thethe worldworld一、一、必背短语必背短语1.最古老的国家之一one of the oldest countries2.随意地做某事feel free to do sth.3.据我所知as far as I know4.最高的山脉the highest mountain5.其他任何一座山any other mountain6.在所有的咸水湖中of all the salt lakes7.绵延run along8.呼吸空气take in air9.面对in the face of 10.放弃做某事give up doing sth.11.实现某人的梦想achieve one s dream12.虽然;尽管even though13.出生时at birth14.兴奋地跑过去run over with excitement15.撞到某人walk into sb.16.摔倒fall over17.每两年every two years18. 砍伐森林cut down the forests19.濒危动物endangered animals20.处于危险之中be in danger21.大熊猫越来越少fewer and fewer pandas22. 的重要性the importance of23.Whats the+形容词最高级+名词 in the world? 世界上最的是什么?24. one of the +形容词最高级+可数名词复数 最的之一25. There be sb/sth doing.有某人/物正在做某25.protectfrom/against+doing保护使不受;防御【教材内容解析教材内容解析】SectionSection A A1.1. aboutabout 9,600,0009,600,000 squaresquare kilometreskilometres inin sizesize (P.(P. 49)49)square 用作形容词,表示“平方的” ,用于数字后面表示面积。Our new house is 95 square metres in size.22.2. 1,0251,025 metersmeters deepdeep. . (P.(P. 49)49)英语中常见的长宽高的表达方式为:基数词+单位词+形容词(long, wide, high, deep)。The rope is two meters long.3.3. QomolangmaQomolangma isis higherhigher thanthan anyany otherother mountainmountain inin thethe world.world. (P.(P. 49)49)any other 意为“其他任何一个” ,后接可数名词单数,常用于比较级结构中,表示最高级含义,可与“the other+可数名词复数”或者 the others 互换。Peter runs faster than any other student/the other students/the others in his class.4.4. ChinaChina hashas thethe biggestbiggest populationpopulation inin thethe world.world. (P.(P. 50)50)population 表示“人口” ,是集合名词,对人口数量提问时,用 what 而不用 how many/much,population 若作主语,强调整体概念时,谓语用单数形式,强调个体时,谓语用复数形式。Whats the population in China now?The population of this small town is three thousand.More than one fifth of the population of the country are over 60 years old.5.5. TheThe mainmain reasonreason waswas toto protectprotect theirtheir partpart ofof thethe country.country. (P.(P. 50)50)protect 表示“保护”时,常用的结构为:protect.from.“保护免受” 。Humans should do something to protect the environment.The sunglasses will protect you from sunshine.6.6. AsAs farfar asas I I knowknow, , therethere areare nono otherother man-mademan-made objectsobjects asas bigbig asas this.this. (P.(P. 50)50)as far as I know 意为“就我所知、我认为” ,相当于 as far as I am concerned。As far as I know, hell be away from three months.7.7. OneOne ofof thethe worldsworlds mostmost dangerousdangerous sportssports isis mountainmountain climbing,climbing, andand oneone ofof thethe mostmost popularpopular placesplaces forfor thisthis isis thethe Himalayas.Himalayas. (P.(P. 51)51)“one of+the+形容词最高级+复数可数名词”指在某一个范围内“最之一” ,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。Mary is one of the best students in our class.8.8. EvenEven moremore seriousserious difficultiesdifficulties includeinclude freezingfreezing weatherweather conditionsconditions andand heavyheavy storms.storms. (P.(P. 51)51)include 表示“包含、包括” ,强调一个整体里面包含一些部分,including 常用作介词,表示“包括” 。The book includes eight units.He has many friends, including Tom.9.9. ItIt isis alsoalso veryvery hardhard toto taketake inin airair asas youyou getget nearnear thethe top.top. (P.(P. 51)51)3take in 意为“吸收” 。Do you know how plants take in water?10.10. TheThe firstfirst ChineseChinese teamteam diddid soso inin 1960,1960, whilewhile thethe firstfirst womanwoman toto succeedsucceed waswas JunkoJunko TabeiTabei fromfrom JapanJapan inin 1975.1975. (P.(P. 51)51)succeed 表示“成功” ,常用的结构为:succeed to do sth.或者 succeed in doing sth.“成功做成某事” 。The climbers succeeded to get to the top of the mountain in the end.=The climbers succeeded in getting to the top of the mountain in the end.11.11. OneOne ofof thethe mainmain reasonsreasons isis thatthat peoplepeople wantwant toto challengechallenge themselvesthemselves inin thethe faceface ofof difficulties.difficulties. (P.(P. 51)51)(1) challenge 意为“挑战、考验” ,challenge sb. to (do) sth.表示“向某人挑战做某事” 。He challenged me to play chess.(2) in the face 意为“面对(问题或者困难) ”They showed courage in the face of danger.12.12. TheThe spiritspirit thesethese climbersclimbers showsshows usus thatthat wewe shouldshould nevernever givegive upup tryingtrying toto achieveachieve ourour dreams.dreams. (P.(P. 51)51) achieve 用作动词,表示“达到、完成、成功” 。I believe you will achieve your dream in the end.13.13. WhyWhy dodo soso manymany peoplepeople trytry toto climbclimb thisthis mountainmountain eveneven thoughthough itit isis dangerous.dangerous. (P.(P. 51)51) even though 意为“即使、虽然” ,相当于 even if,引导让步状语从句。Even though Frank left school at 16, he still became a successful writer.SectionSection B B1.1. weighsweighs 5,00005,0000 kiloskilos (P.(P. 53)53) weigh 此处作动词,表示“有重” ,名词是 weight。The baby weighed about 5 kilometres.What is his weight?2.2. ThisThis elephantelephant weighsweighs manymany timestimes moremore thanthan thisthis panda.panda. (P.(P. 53)53)
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