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仁爱英语八年级UNIT2复习,Key phrases & sentences,1、看起来健康 2、牙疼 3、看牙医 4、康复 5、得了重感冒 6、休息 7、许多,大量 8、开水 9、去看医生 10、好好睡一觉 11、卧床,1. 你怎么了? 2. 我感冒了。 3. 听到那件事我很抱歉。 4. 你应该去看医生。 5. 我希望你快点好起来。,Key phrases & sentences,1. 看起来气色不好 2. 患流感 3. 吃些药 4. 我想我会的。 5. 回家休息 6. 日日夜夜 7. 想要吃 8. 好好休息一下 9. 躺下 10.一天刷牙两次,1. 你看起来气色不好。怎么了? 我感到不舒服!头疼咳嗽。 2. 你最好去看医生。 3. 我带你去医院好吗? 4. 我日日夜夜地咳嗽。 5. 你最好不要吃太多糖果。 6. 你应该喝大量开水。 7. 你最好不要工作太久。,Key phrases & sentences,1. 一些新的东西 2. 摔倒 3. 一次两片 4. 一日三次 5. 照看,照顾 6. 感觉好多了 7. 伤到我的左腿 8. 呆在床上 9. 照顾好我自己 10. 请一个星期的假 11. 叫辆出租车 12. 出事故,出意外 13. 把送往医院 14. 返校,1. Maria放风筝而Michael玩滑板。 2. 随着一声惨叫,Michael摔了下来。 3. 我的腿真的好痛。 4. X光照片显示不严重。 5. 你需要在家休息一个周。 6. 让他们高兴的是事故并不严重,而且迈克尔也觉得好多了。 7. 我很抱歉地告诉你昨天我出了事故。,Key phrases & sentences,1. 为感谢某人 2. 别担心 3. 没什么严重的 4. 呆在床上 5. 听从医生的建议 6. 在方面帮助某人 7. 一日三次,1. 你今天感觉怎么样?-不太糟。 2. 但是我一动左腿还是疼。 3.谢谢你们的花和水果。 4. 你的x光照片显示没什么严重的。 5. 好好休息,不要担心功课。 6. 在你的学习方面我们可以帮你。 7. 我希望我尽快康复并返回学校。 8.,Key phrases,1. 看上去累 2. 昨天晚上 3. 睡得很晚 4. 熬夜 5. 对有害 6. 在太阳下读书 7. 把放进 8. 做早操 9. 乱扔垃圾 10. 留长指甲 11. 饭前洗手 12. 饭后立即运动 13. 不吃早餐去上学,look tied last night go to bed very late stay up be bad for read in the sun put into do morning exercises throw litter around keep fingernails long wash hands before meals play sports right after meals go to school without breakfast,1. (它)是什么引起的? What caused it? 2熬夜太晚对你的身体有害。 Staying up late is bad for your health. 3我昨晚在电视上看了一场足球赛。 I watched a soccer game on TV last night. 4早起对我们的健康有益还是有害? Is getting up early good or bad for our health?,Key sentences,Key phrases,1在阳光下读书 2对有害 3一篇有关吸烟的文章 4在报纸上 5戒烟 6. 把某物出示给某人看 7. 为你提供能量 8对必要 9让你保持活力 10在一天中 11再睡早起 12散步 13. 喝足够的水,read in the sun be bad for an article about smoking in the newspaper give up smoking show sb. sth./ show sth. to sb. give you energy be necessary for keep you active during the day go to bed early and get up early take a walk drink enough water,1他认为吸烟可以放松自己。 He thinks smoking can help him relax. 2你看,文章说吸烟对我们的肺部有害,甚至可以引起癌症。 Look, the article says smoking is bad for our lungs and it can even cause cancer. 3散步是项好运动,它对你的健康必不可少。 Walking is good exercise. Its necessary for your health. 4不吃早餐上学对你的健康有害。 Going to school without breakfast is bad for your health. 5多么可怕啊!我一定要让他戒烟。 How terrible! I must ask him to give up smoking.,Key sentences,Key phrases,吃太多盐 引起疾病 是脆弱的 一种健康的饮品 吃许多蔬菜 喝一杯牛奶 保持健康 是可口的 动身去上学 在他的盘子里 强迫某人做某事,eat too much cause illness be weak a healthy drink eat many vegetables a glass of milk keep healthy be delicious leave for school on his plate force sb. to do sth. /make sb. do sth.,1. 妈妈说要吃的东西。 What mothers said to eat. 2. 妈妈总是告诉他们的孩子应当吃些什么。 Mothers always tell what they 3. 当心别吃太多的盐或糖。 Be careful not to eat too much salt or sugar. 4. 迈克尔一见到它,就很生气。 As soon as Michael saw it, he got mad. 5. 他吃惊地发现这也很可口。 He was surprised to find that it was delicious.,Key sentences,Key phrases,常洗淋浴 饭前洗手 在公共场合吐痰 喝变质的牛奶 整理我们的房间 开窗户 保持空气新鲜 尽快 事实上 不但而且,take shower often wash hands before meals spit in public drink sour milk tidy our room open the window keep the air fresh as soon as possible in fact not only but (also),1实际上,吸烟真的是不健康的。 In fact, smoking is really unhealthy. 2这些化学物质对我们的身体有害。 These chemicals are bad for our bodies. 3它们会导致癌症和其它的疾病。 They can cause cancer and other diseases. 4香烟的烟雾伤害的不仅是吸烟者,而且对其他人也有害。 The smoke from cigarettes harms not only smokers, but (also) other people. 5他们必须尽早戒烟。 The must give up smoking as soon as possible.,Key sentences,Key phrases,1预防流感 2增强我们的体质 3保持我们房间干净 4保持空气新鲜 5总是,一直 6. 常洗手 7. 勤换衣服 8经常运动 9过量运动 10远离拥挤的地方,prevent the flu build us up keep our rooms clean keep the air fresh all the time wash hands often change clothes often exercise often play sports too much keep away from crowded places,1.-我能问你几个问题吗, 李医生? -当然可以, 问吧. -May I ask you some questions? -Sure, go ahead. 2. 我们应该怎样预防流感呢? What should we do to prevent the flu? 3. 首先,我们应该经常锻炼身体以增强体质. First, we should exercise often to build us up. 4. 第二, 我们应该保持房间一直整洁和通风. Second, we should keep our rooms clean and the air fresh all the time. 5. 最后我们最好不要去人多的地方. Finally, we should keep away from crowded places. 6. 我们必须锻炼身体来预防流感吗? Must we exercise to prevent the flu? -是的, 必须/ 不, 我们不必要. Yes, we must. / No, we neednt. No, we dont have to. 7. 我们将采纳你的建议 Well take your advice.,Key sentences,Key phrases,1给他打电话 2留个口信 3带个口信 4忘记做某事 5在帮助某人 6. 找你的同学帮忙 7. 在某人的帮助之下 8打扫卫生,ring him up leave a message take a message forget to do sth. help sb. with sth. ask your classmate for help with ones help do some cleaning,1. 恐怕他现在很忙. 2. 我能留个口信吗? 3. 请告诉我爸爸不要忘了明天下午的演讲. 4. 我会把口信带给他的. 5.等他回来的时候我会告诉他的. 6. 请告诉她给我回个电话.,Key sentences,八上期中复习:要点归纳,八上期中复习:要点归纳,做卫生,八上期中复习:要点归纳,八上期中复习:要点归纳,安全,八上期中复习:要点归纳,八上期中复习:要点归纳,ask for two days leave,八上期中复习:要点归纳,错误,need to do sth. 需要做某事 stay away from sth. 远离某物/某事 say no to sth. 对说不 on the other hand 另一方面 Its necessary for sb. to do sth.,Keeping Healthy Have healthy _ habits. Play _. Be _. Stay away from _ and _.,Eat _.,Eat _.,Dont eat _.,
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