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Module1 Unit1,Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long.舞钢市第一小学冯喜贺,Free talk,Where did you go on holiday? What did you do on holiday?,This postcard is great. These postcards are great.,Its a picture of the Great Wall.它是 一张长城的图片。,a picture of,a picture of cats,Tell me more about the Great Wall.Can you tell me something about the Great Wall?,Listen and chant,1.Who is Simon? 2.Where is Daming?,Underline the new words.(划出生单词),thousand,千,kilometre,千米,something,某事,million,百万,listen and repeat,then answer questions.,1.How long is the Great Wall?Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long. 2.How big is New York?It has got more than eight million people. 3. How big is Beijing?It has got about twenty million people.,Pairwork,Talk about the places or cities,like this A:Tell me more about . B:Yes.Its . A:How long / How big is B:Its.,Game,A: Its an animal. B: Tell me more. A: Its very big. B: Is it a tiger? A: No, it isnt. B: Is it an elephant? A: Yes ,it is.,一、完成句子 1. Its (一张的照片)the Great Wall. 2. These _(明信片) are very beautiful. 3. How _is New York? Its got about eight _(百万)people. 4. The Great Wall is more than twenty _(千) _ (公里) long.,Our country is so beautiful. We all love it.,Homework,Talk about places with your friends.,Thank you!,
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