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Lesson 30,Text Watch keeping(值班),At the beginning of the watch the current(当前的) operational parameters(参数) and the condition of all machinery should be verified(检验, 校验),and also the log(航行日志) readings should correspond with (be in agreement with) those observed.,The engineer officer in charge(on duty) should note if there are any special orders or instructions relating to the operation of the main machinery or auxiliaries.,He should determine what work is in progress and any hazards(dangers) or limitations(限制, 局限性)it presents.,The levels of tanks containing fuel, water, slops(污油), ballast(压载水), etc., should be noted and also the level of the various bilges(舱底水).,The operating mode(方式, 模式) of equipment and available standby(备用) equipment should also be noted.,*At appropriate intervals(e.g. at 30-minute intervals) inspection should be made of the main propulsion plant, auxiliary machinery and steering gear spaces.,Any routine(常规, 惯例) adjustments may then be made and malfunctions(故障) or breakdowns can be noted, reported and corrected.,During these tours(巡回) of inspection bilge level should be noted, piping and systems should be observed for leaks(泄漏), and local indicating instruments also be observed.,Bridge(驾驶室) orders must be promptly carried out and a record of any required changes in speed and direction should be kept.,* When under standby or maneuvering(机动操作) conditions with the machinery being manually operated the control unit or console(控制台) should be continuously manned(有人操纵的).,Certain watchkeeping duties are necessary for the continuous operation of equipment or plant-the transferring of fuel for instance.,*In addition to these regular tasks other repair or maintenance tasks may be required of the watchkeeping personnel(人员).,*However no tasks should be undertaken(从事, 进行) which will interfere(干扰,影响) with the supervisory(管理的、监督的) duties relating to the main machinery and associated equipment.,During the watch a log or record will be taken of the various parameters of main and auxiliary(辅助的) equipment.,Fuel consumption(消耗量) figures are used to determine the efficiency of operation, in addition to providing a check on the available bunker(燃料仓) quantities.,*Lubricating oil(润滑油) tank levels to some extent(partly) indicates engine oil consumption. If the sump level were to rise this would indicate water leakage into the oil and an investigation(调查、检查) into (of, on) the cause must be made.,*The engine exhaust temperature reading should all be about the same to indicate an equal power production from each cylinder.,The various temperature and pressure values for the cooling water and lubricating oil should be at, or near to, the manufacturers designed values for the particular speed or fuel lever(油门调节杆) settings.,Various parameters for the main engine turbo-blowers(涡轮增压器) are also logged. Since they are high speed turbines(涡轮) the correct supply of lubricating oil is essential.,*The air cooler should be supplied with adequate amount of cooling water to ensure efficient combustion.,*Various level and temperature readings are taken of heavy oil tanks, both settling and service, bearings, sea water, etc.,*The operating diesel generators will have their exhaust(排气) temperatures, cooling water and lubricating oil temperatures and pressures logged in much the same way as for the main engine.,*Of particular importance will be the log of running hours since this will be the basis for overhauling(大修,维修)the machinery.,*Other auxiliary machinery and equipment, such as heat exchangers, freshwater generator(evaporator)(造水机), boiler, air conditioning plant and refrigeration plant will also have appropriate readings taken.,There will usually be summaries or daily account tables for heavy oil, diesel oil, lubricating oil and fresh water, which will be compiled(汇编) at noon.,The completed log is used to compile a summary sheet(表、单) or abstract(摘要、小计) of information which is returned to the company head office for record purposes.,Where situations occur in the machine space(机舱) which may affect the speed, maneuverability(机动性能), power supply or other essentials for the safe operation of the ship, the bridge should be informed as soon as possible.,The engineer in charge should notify(通知) the *Chief Engineer in the event of any serious occurrence(事件) or a situation where he is unsure of the action to take.,However, where immediate action is necessary to ensure safety of the ship, its machinery and crew, it must be taken by the engineer in charge.,At the completion of the watch each member should hand over(交与) to his relief(接班人员), ensuring that he is competent(能胜任的) to take over (接管) and carry out his duties effectively(有效地).,Reading Materials,A. Keeping Watch,The engine room should always be kept clean and in good order.,The exhaust-gases should frequently be watched. They should be almost invisible(看不见的) when the engine operates under full load.,*A smoky exhaust indicates that the engine is either overloaded or that the fuel valves are not in proper condition.,
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