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Module,4,Seeing the doctor,Unit 2 We have played football for a year now.,. 短语互译 1. 参加 _ _ in 2. 健康状况很好 _ _ condition 3. feel awful _ 4. all over _ 答案: 1. take part 2. in excellent 3. 感到不舒服 4. 浑身; 到处,预习与基础自测,. 句型展示 1. 我从来不十分活跃。 I _ _ _ very active. 2. 现在我每天通过遛他(狗)来锻炼身体。 Now I get exercise _ _ him for a walk every day. 3. 到现在我们踢了一年足球了。 We _ _ football for a year now. 答案: 1. have never been 2. by taking 3. have played,4. 我们为什么不在上学前去跑步呢? _ _ we _ for a run before school? 5. 或许我太虚弱而不能锻炼。 Perhaps I am _ weak _ do any exercise. 答案: 4. Why dont; go 5. too; to,Lead in Talk about these activities. Which ones are healthy?,drinking milk,running,playing football,riding a bike,taking a dog for a walk,心;心脏 n. 积极的;活跃的 adj. 宠物;宠畜 n. 成员;全员 n. 参加;参与(某事) 状况;身体状况 n. 健康状况良好 困的;想睡的 adj.,heart active pet member take part (in sth.) condition in excellent condition sleepy,Presentation,每天的;天天的 adj. 弱的;虚弱的 adj. 病;疾病 n. 极讨厌的;极坏的 adj. 感到不舒服 浑身;到处 可能;也许 adv.,daily weak illness awful feel awful all over perhaps,Presentation,1. Read the passage and match the people with the pictures in Activity 1.,Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4,Reading,Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture 5,Complete the notes.,well,exercise,dog,walk,first,year,fit,underground,bike,smile,week,weak,enjoy,Complete the sentences with the words in the box.,active awful condition daily member perhaps,1. Tom runs six miles every morning, so he is in very good _. 2. Jill is a very _ girl and plays lots of sports. 3. I had a very bad headache yesterday, and I felt _. 4. Ben is a(n) _ of the school football team. 5. You do not look very well. _ you should see a doctor. 6. I saw your grandfather taking his _ walk this morning.,condition,active,awful,member,Perhaps,daily,Language points,decide to do sth. 决定做某事 我爸爸决定给我买一台新电脑。 My father decides _ _a new computer for me.,to buy,2. take part in 参加(活动),take part in / join in / join的用法辨析,我们班好多同学参加了上周的学校运动会。 Many students in our class _ _ _ the school sports meeting last week. 我哥哥去年加入了一个足球俱乐部。 My brother _ a football club last year.,took part in,joined,3. Why dont we / you + 动词原形? = Why not + 动词原形?为什么不呢? Its not far from here. _/ _(我们为什么不步行去那里呢) 4. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 enjoy oneself 玩得高兴;过得愉快 大多数孩子喜欢玩电脑游戏。 Most children _ _ computer games. 上周天在公园里玩得高兴吗,孩子们? Did you enjoy _ in the park last Sunday, children?,Why dont we walk there?,Why not walk there?,enjoy playing,yourselves,5. too to 太以至于不能 (1) 当句子的主语和动词不定式的主语不是同一主语时,加for sb.,即 too. for sb. to do sth. “对于某人来说太以至于不能” This box is too heavy for me to carry. (2) 句子主语和不定式的宾语相同时,则宾语不能重复,必须省掉。 The water is too hot to drink.,(3)too.to结构可与enough to结构相互转换,不过要改为反义的形容词。如果一种形式为肯定,另一种形式为否定,反之也一样。 The box is too small to hold these things. = The box isnt big enough to hold these things. (4)too.to结构与so. that 的否定句可以互换 The water is so hot that I cant drink it. = The water is too hot to drink. enough to结构可与so.that结构互换。 The boy is strong enough to carry the bag. = The boy is so strong that he can carry the bag.,Lucy isnt old enough to carry the box. A. is so young that she can B. isnt young enough to C. is too young to D. is so young to,【活学活用】,1. Our teacher is the coach, and she also takes part in the training with us. 我们老师是教练, 并且她也和我们一起参加训练。 【自主领悟】take part in意为“参加”, 一般指参加或参与会议、游行、战争等群众性的活动。例如: You live with an American family, and you take part in American life. 你和美国家庭一起生活, 并参与美国生活。,知识点精讲,【归纳拓展】你知道如何“参加”吗?,【图解助记】,【活学活用】 选词并用其适当形式填空(take part in/join/join in)。 Can I the guessing game? She a health club last year. Will you please the debate(辩论)with us tonight? 答案: join in joined take part in,2. Then a friend suggested, “Why dont we go for a run before school? ” 后来一个朋友建议: “我们为什么不在上学前去跑步呢? ” 【自主领悟】Why dont you/we. . . ? =Why not. . . ? 意为“为什么不呢? ”其后面跟动词原形, 是提建议的一种句型。例如: Why not go for a walk? = Why dont you/we go for a walk? 为什么不去散步呢?,【归纳拓展】提建议的常用句型,【活学活用】 Why dont we (go) swimming together? What about going to the movies with me? (改为同义句)go to the movies with me? 答案: go Why not,3. Perhaps I am too weak to do any exercise. 或许我太虚弱而不能锻炼。 【自主领悟】too. . . to . . . 意为“太而不能”, too后面接形容词或副词, to后面接动词原形。可以与not. . . enough to. . . 和so. . . that. . . 的否定结构互换。例如: Little Jenny is too young to look after herself. =Little Jenny is so young that she cant look after herself. =Little Jenny is not old enough to look after herself.,【活学活用】 这个男孩太小, 以至于还不能上学。 The boy is _ young _ go to school. The boy is _ young _ he cant go to school. The boy isnt _ _ _ go to school. 答案: too; to so; that old enough to,
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