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1高二必修 5 Unit 4 Making the news 重点词汇详解新课标 人教版 高二第五模块第四单元单词解读(Making the News)1.eager(keen, anxious) adj. 热切的;渴望的(after, about, for) The boy was eager for success. 男孩子急于获得成功。 He is eager for his parents to meet his girlfriends. 他盼望他的父母去见他的女朋友。 The saleswoman in the shop is always eager to please everybody. “商店里的那个女售货员总是十分殷勤,希望使人人满意。“ 【习惯用语】 be eager for 渴望, 渴求, 争取 be eager about 渴望, 渴求, 争取 be eager after 渴望, 渴求, 争取 be eager to do 急欲, 渴望做 【参考词汇】 eager /keen /anxious 意思都含“渴望的” 。 eager 指“以巨大的热情渴望实现愿望或达到目的的”, 有时也指“由于其他感情影响而表 现急不可耐的”, 如: He was eager to see her. 他渴望见到她。 keen 指“对某人、某物怀有极大兴趣或热情的”, 如: They were keen to win. 他们急于取 胜。 anxious 指“热切地希望实现愿望,并因顾虑愿望落空而心情不安,感到焦虑的”, 如: lm anxious to know the final result. 我急于想知道最后的结果。 eagerly adv. eagerness n.2.work/task/ duty/job/responsibility【参考词汇】 work 常指正式职业和职位的经常性、一般性工作,不含有“艰巨” 、 “沉重”等意思。是不 可数名词。at work 在工作work hard at 努力工作(或学习) ;out of work 失业。My work is as a doctor.我当医生(职业) 。task 一般指必须完成的“任务”, 是可数名词。如: Mother set me the task of sweeping the floor.母亲把扫地的任务 交给了我。task 往往含有“艰巨” 、 “沉重”等意思。而 work 除 另有修饰语外不含此种意思。duty 指“道义上的责任”, 较强调“自觉性”, 如: Every citizen has the duty to construct his country. 每个公民都有建设祖国的责任。job 指“活、事、一份工作”时是可数名词,多指为换取报酬而进行的日常活动,尤指作为2某人的手艺、行业或职业的工作。可数。Washing the windows is not my job. 洗窗子不是我 的事儿(任务) 。习惯表达: a good job 一件好事 lose ones job 失业 be out of a job 失业 do a good job 干的不错 It was his job to repair bicycles and at that time he used to work fourteen hours aday.修理 自行车就是他的话,而且常常是一天要干 14 个小时。responsibility 指“由于法律、职业或道德等的要求而应尽的责任”, 含有“法津上对后果 负责任”的意味, 如: The resposibility rests on us. 这由我们负责。Do not forget your duty to your parents. 不要忘 记对父母应尽的责任。 3.course n. 过程;经过;进程 in the course of discussion 在讨论期间 道路;路线;方向 The ship was blown off course. 那船被吹离航线。 【习惯用语】 in course of 在.的过程中 in due course 在适当的时候;不久以后 in the courts of 在.期间 during the course of 在.期间 4.meanwhile adv. 此时 同时Theyll be here soon. Meanwhile well have some coffee. 他们即刻就到,我们现在先喝点咖啡。Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been. 与此同时,我的舌头忙于寻找被拔牙齿的伤口。 Meanwhile, two other actors had carried two large food baskets to a shady spot under some trees. 与此同时,另外两位演员把两个盛着食物的大篮子拿到树下荫凉的地方。 Jane was writing a letter and meanwhile Pat was watching T.V 简在写信,而在此同时帕特在 看电视。 5.case n.事;事例 This is a case of stupidity, not dishonesty. 这只是个愚蠢的例子,并非不诚实。 情形;场合;状况 Well, in that case, I would prefer to stay on the bus, I answered. 唉,那样 的话,我宁愿留在车上啦,我回答说。 a case of poverty 穷苦的情形 病症;病例 This is a case of fever. 这是一发烧的病例。 案件;诉讼 a difficult case to prove 一个很难办的案子 In this case Im acting for my friend Mr Smith. 我在这次诉讼中代表我的朋友史密斯的利益。 The case against Mr. White is said to be heard tomorrow. 据说怀特先生被起诉一案定于明天3开庭。 The case was settled out of court. 这案件在庭外解决。 事实;实情 The police have a clear case against the prisoner. 警察有充足的事实对付那个囚 犯。 Is that the case? No, thats not the case. 事实是那样吗?不,事实并非如此。 【习惯用语】in case 假使,以防(引导虚拟语气)Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot. 倘若太阳很利害,你就把帽子戴上。 in case of 假如;如果;万一 In case of rain they cant go. 万一下雨,他们就不能去了。 in any case 无论如何,不管怎样 in no case 决不;无论如何不 in that case 如果是那样的话 in this case 假如这样的话 in the case of 就.来说, 关于 6.accuse vt. accused, accusing 控告;指控 The police accused him of murder. 警方指控他谋杀。 The police accused him of stealing. 警方控告他犯有盗窃罪。 Mary was accused as an accomplice. 玛丽被指控为同谋犯。 accuse/charge两个动词都有“控诉,指控”之意,但它们后面所搭配的介词不同。accuse v.指控,控诉,与介词 of 连用。The police accused him of theft.警察指控他犯有盗窃 罪。charge v.可以指因为小错而受的责备,也指因违法而受到控告,与介词 with 连用。The police charged him with murder.警察指控他犯了谋杀罪。【常用搭配】in charge of 主管,看管 in(under)the charge of 在的掌管下charge sb.with 指控某人charge(sb.)(money)for sth. 要价,要(某人)付.(钱)买某物take charge 开始管理,接管7.deny vt. denied, denying 否认;否定;拒绝相信 He said that I had stolen his bicycle, but I denied it. 他说我偷了他的自行车,可是我否认了。 背弃;摒弃 He denied his country. 他背弃了自己的国家。 拒绝;不给;不予;不允许 He denies his wife nothing. 他对他的妻子有求必应。 【习惯用语】 deny oneself 自制;克己;舍弃 4deny /decline /refuse /reject 都含“拒绝”的意思。 deny 指“坚定地否认某事为真实的”,如: He denied the charge. 他否认了控告。 deny doing(否认做过某事);deny sb. sth(拒绝给某人某物)。Deny+that 从句decline 指“较正式地、有礼貌地谢绝”,如: He declined our invitation to dinner.他婉拒了 我们请他吃饭的邀请。主要用于拒绝有关社交活动的邀请或要求帮助的请求,后接名词或 动词不定式,主语只能是人。I invited her to join us, but she declined.我邀请她和我们在一起, 可是她婉言谢绝了。refuse 系普通用语,指“坚决、果断或坦率地(不友善地)拒绝”, 如: He refused to take the money. 他拒绝接受此款。 reject 指“以否定、敌对的态度而当面拒绝”(指通过抛弃或送走、专横地拒绝), 主语可 以是人或物,后接名词,不能接动词不定式。如: They rejected damaged goods. 他们拒收损 坏的货物。He asked her to go to the movies three times, and each time she rejected him.他三 次约她去看电影,但每一次都被拒绝。8.defend vt. 保卫;防护;防守 She had to defend herself against the guard dog. 她不得不防备看门狗咬她。 辩护;辩解 ;守卫;防御 Hes better at defending than attacking. 他的防守优于进攻。 The accused man had a lawyer to defend him. 被告有一律师为他辩护。 【习惯用语】 defend against 保卫; 抵抗 defend from 保护, 保卫(使不受伤害) 【参考词汇】 defend /guard /protect /preserve 都含“保护” 、 “使安全”的意思。 defend 指“保卫” 、 “防御”, 应用范围很广, 对象可以是具体的, 也可以是抽象的, 用于 defend sb. against / from harm 结构。如: defend oneself against enemy 防御敌人。 guard 指“注意观察、戒备
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