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1人教新课标英语必修教案人教新课标英语必修教案 Period 6 Assessment The General Idea of This PeriodThis period is to help the students to elevate their acquisition about farming and their ability of employing the expressions and grammar learned in this unit. Teaching Important and Difficult Points Help the students learn to assess whether their knowledge about this topic has increased. Teaching Methods Question-and-answer activity Pair work and group work to make the students work in class. Teaching and learning Aids A multimedia A blackboard Three Dimensional Teaching AimsKnowledge and Skills Elevate efficiently the students knowledge about farming. Elevate the students ability of using the expressions and grammar learned. Process and Strategies Check up what they have learned in this module by evaluation and tests. Feelings and Value Through this part the students will surely know what they have mastered and havent mastered,and thus work hard to consolidate it. Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Greetings T:Good morning,boys and girls. Ss:Good morning,Miss/Mr. Step 2 Revision T:So far we have finished this unit which is about.? Ss:Its about a story about Dr Yuan Longping and a passage about organic farming. T:In this unit we also learnt some drills about giving suggestions and advice,do you still remember them? Ss:Yes. Step 3 Assessment T:Today we are going to see how hard you worked and how much more you know about farming. 非测试性评价非测试性评价A quiz about farming. Tick the statements according to what you do or think. 1.I can easily name ten kinds of agricultural production. 2.I have visited the countryside several times. 3.I can clearly tell the advantages of organic farming and the disadvantages of the chemical fertilizer. 4.I think everyone should know something about farming and the importance of the green food. 5.I believe the farming in China will be developed better and better. 测试性评价测试性评价.单词拼写单词拼写 1.H is one of the biggest problems in developing countries. 2.The o of grain has doubled in China in the last ten years.23.He enjoys playing the v while his brother likes singing. 4.Are you s with your exam result? 5.N fertilizers are better than chemical ones. 6.The American people (斗争)to get independence from Britain. 7.His skin is black because he got (日晒) in his holiday. 8.Middle school students are not allowed to drive (摩托). 9.China is rich in (矿产) resources. 10.It is (肯定)that the weather is turning warm.句型转换句型转换 1.I dont like playing football.But I like playing basketball. I _ playing basketball _ playing football. 2.It is necessary for me to buy a new bike. _ is necessary. 3.The new building is 200 metres high.The old building was only 50 metres high. The new building is _ as the old building. 4.Bob awoke from his dream with the hope that he can could buy a new car. Bob awoke from his dream with the hope of _. 5.Ben went closer to the painting in order to see it clearly. Ben went closer to the painting _ he could see it clearly. .用动词的正确形式填空用动词的正确形式填空 1.It was useless _ (study) for such an examination. 2.I hate _ (look) at when I am doing lessons. 3.He regretted _ (make) the decision too hastily. 4.I forget _ (see) you there. 5.He meant _ (train) the boy to be a good swimmer. 6.It was time for work.They stopped _ (play) cards. 7.The patient insisted on _ (operate) on even if there is little hope of success. 8.He is devoted to _ (set) up more schools for poor children. 9.He walked quietly,afraid of _ (frighten) the snake. 10.I saw Tom _ (lean) over the fire. .阅读下面一段短文阅读下面一段短文,用所给动词的正确形式填空。用所给动词的正确形式填空。 bornregardsearch fordevoteexpand thanks toridsatisfied withwould ratherlead He wants everyone to call him a farmer.For thats how he _1_ himself. _2_ into a poor farmers family in 1931,Dr Yuan graduated from SouthWest Agriculture college in 1953.Since then,he has _3_ his life to finding ways to grow more and more rice.Dr Yuan _4_ a way to increase rice harvests without _5_ the area of fields. _6_ his research,the UN is trying to _7_ the world of hunger.You might guess that Dr Yuan,who is now rich and famous,is _8_ his life.However,he cares about little spending the money on himself or _9_ a comfortable life.Indeed,he believes that a person with too much money has more, _10_ few troubles. .单项选择单项选择 1.I know Bob is not much of a football player,but when it _ to maths,he is among the top three in the class. A.refers B.goes C.comes D.concerns 2.I know its not important,but I cant help _ about it. A.to think B.and think C.thinking D.being thought33. _ several times the young scientist still kept on making his experiments. A.Having be
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