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1最新最新 20182018 年高中英语人教版精品详细学案资源年高中英语人教版精品详细学案资源人教版新课标人教版新课标 必修四必修四 Unit 2 Working the land 导学案导学案课题Working the land重点、难 点Sunburn struggle expand circulate rid.of satisfied equip suitable confuse refer to reduce supply summary exchange certain共勉:Where there is a will ,there is a way 高考瞭望高考瞭望 1satisfy 为高考高频词汇。2006 天津,7考查其作主语补足语用法。2006 重庆,24考 查部分倒装句式及 satisfied 的用法。考查角度为:(1)satisfying 与 satisfied 的区别和用法;(2) satisfying 的各种搭配形式;(3)satisfied 的状语用法。 【预测】2010 年高考中对 satisfy 的考查将主要集中在 satisfied 的主语补足语用法以及 satisfy 的搭配形式上。 2whatever 引导的从句是高考考查热点。考查主要有以下两个角度:(1)引导名词性从句, 相当于 anything that,如2006 山东,27;(2)引导让步状语从句,相当于 No matter what ,如2006 江西,27。 【预测】2010 年高考中对 whatever 的考查主要集中在 what/whateverno matter what 引导的各类从句的用法区别上。 课文再现课文再现 Yuan longping is an agricultural_1_(先锋 )_growing rice that has a high_2_(产量). He was born in a _3_(农民)family in 1931. In the 1950s,_4_(饥饿)was a serious problem in many parts of the countryside, which made him realize the _5_(需要)_for increasing the rice output. So after graduation from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953, he _6_(献身)his life to finding ways to increase rice harvest without _7_(扩大)the area of the fields. In 1974, he invented _8_, which makes it possible to produce _9_(三分 之一)_more of the crop in the same fields and now farmers are producing harvest_10_(两倍) _as large as before by using his special strain._11_(多亏)his research , the UN is trying to _12_(消除)_the world of hunger. Now, DR Yuan is _13_(传播)_his knowledge in India, Vietnam and other less developed countries. He is now called “Father of hybrid rice” by the world. 基础回顾基础回顾 单词单词 1. sunburn 【观察思考】 1)Her skin sunburns very quickly 2)We were all sunburned from a day on the beach.【归纳总结】2【巩固运用】 1)看到他晒伤的肩膀我们很吃惊.2)He was sunburnt from a day working in the fields2. expand 【观察思考】 1)He is thinking of expanding his business. 2)The eagle expanded its wings 【归纳总结】【巩固运用】 1)His company_(扩展为一个大公司) 2) He expanded on his new theory. 3. equip equipment n_- 【观察思考】 1) We must equip the children mentally and physically to meet the trials they will face. 2) The soldiers were badly equipped. 3) This gramophone was equipped with stereo speakers. 【归纳总结】1)那是一家现代化的,明亮且装备精良的医院. 2)The boys _(带上)with torches and ripe, and set off 4. reduce 【观察思考】 1)The Depression reduced many to begging on street corners 2)The store has drastically reduced winter coats 3)Enemy bombers reduced the city to rubble.【归纳总结】_ 3【巩固运用】 1)这一开革把我们都我们都降为公务员了. 2)The number of smokers there is said to_ (减少了百分之三十). 5. supply 【观察思考】 1)Daily necessaries was in short supply during the war. 2)Our parents supply us with food and clothing. 【辨析】supply. offer 与 provide 的区别? supply_offer_provide_ 【归纳总结】_ 【巩固运用】 1)我认为我可以负担得起。 2)He(给我一份工作)but I didnt accept. 3)We provided them (with) board and lodging 4)We are well supplied with foods We _food 6. certain certainly adv._ 【观察思考】 1)It is certain that he took the TV set from the house. 2)We are certain of victory. 3)Im certain I have made no mistake. 4)Certain plants grow in this area. 【辨析】certain 与 sure 的区别? certain_ sure_ 【归纳总结】【巩固运用】 1)我肯定他们要迟到。 2)In certain parts of the world the temperature of the earth increases thirty degrees centigrade with each kilometre down. 7. exchange 【观察思考】 1)Many schools drop PE time to exchange for the time of academic courses 2)He gave me an apple in exchange of an orange.4【归纳总结】_ 【巩固运用】 1)He gave me a book _(交换)a piece of cake 2)We _(交换地址) with each other when we parted. 3)They_(争吵)before the meeting but were finally persuaded to agree 短语短语 1. search for 【观察思考】 1)what are they searching for in the building? 2)They were searching the spy for the map. 3)Scientists are in search of a cure for the disease. 4)They joined us in the search of the lost child. 【归纳总结】_ 【拓展】hunt for._search for_look for_ 【巩固运用】 1)They are hunting for a mysterious something. They_ _ _ a mysterious something. 2)村民们在森林里寻找那头鹿. 3)Will you join us_(寻找) the treasure? 2. would rather 【观察思考】 1)I would go to a movie rather than go shopping 2) Id rather die than live without you.【归纳总结】_ 【拓展】:would rather do.than doprefer to dowould rather than dowould do.rather than
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