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阅读教学方法和案例 Module 1 & Module 2 Reading,南京九中 张茹芳2007-08-15,单元版块二:Reading,Readingvs. Personality,Readingvs.Yearly entrance examination,Structural approach Functional approach Humanistic approach,Material development Meet students Interest Entertainment New information Cross-cultural significance Learners personal experience & cognitive development Suitable lexical density(词汇密度) Attractive design Suitable for exploitation,Roles of the learner,Motivated learner(内在动力的学习者) efficient doer(有效率的做事者) active thinker(积极的思索者) proficient communicator(高水平的交际者),阅读-语言技能目标描述(7级),1. 能从一般性文章中获取和处理主要信息; 2. 能理解文章主旨和作者意图; 3. 能通过上下文克服生词困难,理解语篇意义; 4. 能通过文章中的线索进行推理; 5. 能根据需要从网络等资源中获取信息; 6. 能阅读适合高中生的英语报刊或杂志; 7. 除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到23万词以上。,1. 帮助学生掌握阅读技巧(略读skimming, 找读scanning),以获取信息。 2. 帮助学生掌握阅读戏剧、报刊文章、信件、日记、演讲等各类文体的阅读技巧。 3. 帮助学生掌握阅读各类体裁的文章(记叙文、议论文和说明文)的技巧。 4. 帮助学生掌握预测信息,揣摩作者情感、意图的方法,培养猜测词义、根据上下文推理、总结主旨大意等的技巧。 5. 运用启发、引导、参与、反馈、评价等方法,帮助学生逐渐形成阅读策略。,6. 在掌握阅读策略后,要运用阅读策略,在阅读过程中培养获取和处理信息的能力。 7. 培养学生运用所学语言知识理解长句、难句的能力,提高其阅读水平。 8. 帮助学生运用阅读策略,掌握理解文章结构、理解图表信息、理解逻辑关系、理解作者意图等方法。 9. 引导学生欣赏英语文学作品,并能正确评价所读文章。,1、尽可能给学生更多的阅读机会;感悟阅读文章; 2、引导学生划出文章中精彩句子、段落; 3、问的问题给学生思考的时间、培养其独立判断能力。,1 :3 课外读物是课本阅读量的三倍。,Supplementary reading:,新概念英语2 文学名著简写本 名人演说英文报纸-政治(战争、争端)、体育、环保、地震等,选材-紧跟形势、贴近生活,Gone with the WindGreat ExpectationsPride and Prejudice Wuthering Heights Jane Eyre ,Reading skills,Extract main ideas Reading for specific information Understanding text organization Predicting Inferring,Reading skills,Dealing with unfamiliar words Understanding complex sentencesUnderstanding writers style Evaluating the text Reacting to the text,Reading as self-controlled decoding activity,we need to: -Develop a different way or approach of thinking & logical reasoning -Understand Culture behind language -Develop Reading strategies - Encourage the Ss to challenge themselves,Reading abilities,Reading with purpose(s)-Meaningful reading:Reading for information (information retrieval & processing)Reading for living (immediate needs, job oriented) Reading for pleasure & appreciation (cultivation)Reading for self-improvement (sustainable development),Procedure:,Background knowledgeComprehensionReproduction (retell) Free activity,-Skimming New-word guessing Prediction Induction deduction,-Debate; Topic discussion Group discussion Communication,Ways to improve reading ability,General questions Questions Multiple questions True/false statements; why? Fill in the blanks according to the text.,1.5-2 periods Behind meaning Develop reading ability,Reading- Not for the language, but beyond the language.,Reading,精、泛结合(listening; speaking; reading; writing; ) 多(输入 ) 、快(上课节奏 ) 、粗(语言知识点10个; less than 15个 ),enjoyable; meaningful; pleasant,Language points,1. Listening; speaking; group work; dictation; 2. Translation; sentence-making; story-making; sentence convertion; hints; situation,3. Learn words by heart. 4. Take notes- listen to the teacher carefully、review、find what word hasnt been remembered. 5.Recite texts-understand、imitate、read aloud、read fluently、recite.,Types of text,1. Narrative textstoriesnovelsfolktalesmythspoems,2. Persuasive texteditorialsadvertisementsletters to the editorspeeches,Types of text,3. Informational texttextbooksencyclopedia articlesmagazine articlestables; graphs; and maps,4. Everyday textfood labelsschedulesdirectionsbrochures,Different levels of questions on the Test,Reading the linesReading between the linesReading beyond the lines,Different formats of questions on the test,Multiple-choice questionsOpen-ended questions,Before You Read,To get an idea of what it is about. Read the title. Read the first sentence or two. Skim the entire article. Participate in class discussions.,Ask yourself “ What can I learn from the title?” and “What do I already know about this subject?”,The writer wants to catch your attention in the first sentence or two. You may also find out what you are about to learn.,Look over the article quickly for words that may help you understand it. Put down unfamiliar words in your Personal Dictionary.,Your teacher may show you pictures or objects and ask you questions about them. Try to answer the questions.,While You Read,To help you make sense of what you read: Concentrate. Ask yourself questions. Look for the topic of each paragraph. Refer to the vocabulary you have learned.,After You Read,Organizing Ideas Comprehension Skills Reading Strategies Expanding Vocabulary,Small talk- Low achievers:,皮革马利翁效应(Pygmalion effect) Teacher expectation effect Asking questions skillfully Giving proper praise Finding cause Developing confidence Tutoring sincerely,Small talk-class,Teacher-talking time To the point Teaching beliefs Teaching technology,Draw the Ss attention; Hold the Ss attention; Keep the Ss thinking,Small talk-To achieve a good lesson,Student-attentive; active Teacher-enthusiasm; passion; humorous; improvisation; confidence; creative; imaginative; delighted Contents-meaningful; interesting; useful Activity-control; semi-control; free (interview; debate; news; competition; story),
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