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STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT: CAPSTONE CONCEPTS AND PRACTICE 公司战略管理,HSBC School of Business Peking University,Our expectations for this class,Understand basic terms of Strategic Management, which will serve as the “mutual language” in business communicationsRelate textbook concepts to real business practiceUnderstand why companies make certain decisions Develop your own opinions and suggestions with solid reasons,Transportationwaterway Production Technologylow level of technology CommunicationsPublic mail/postal service FinanceNo big banks, no developed banking system GovernmentPublic investment,Evolution of global business environment and the infrastructure (before 1840),Transportationrailroad growth Production Technologymass production, machine equipment Communicationstelephone Financedevelopment of security market and investment banks, accounting system Governmentmore involved in regulation: law, insurance, work safety,Evolution of global business environment and the infrastructure (before 1910),Transportationautomobile and air Production Technologycomputer and information technology Communicationsfax, internet data and file transmission Financedeveloped and diversified banking system and service Governmentless regulation, moving toward facilitator,Evolution of global business environment and the infrastructure (today),Country Competitiveness Rankings (Population over 20 Million),Country 2002 2003 United States 1 1 Australia 2 3 Canada 3 2 Malaysia 4 6 Germany 5 4 United Kingdom 7 5 France 8 9 Spain 9 8 Thailand 10 10 Japan 11 11 China 12 12 Brazil 13 14 Korea 15 10,Country 2002 2003 Colombia 16 20 Italy 17 14 South Africa 18 16 India 19 19 Brazil 21 15 Philippines 22 18 Romania 23 27 Mexico 24 19 Turkey 25 23 Russia 26 21 Poland 27 22 Indonesia 28 25 Argentina 29 26 Venezuela 30 24,SOURCE: From World Competitiveness Yearbook 2003, IMD, Switzerland. http:/www.imd.ch.wcy.esummary, April. Reprinted by permission.,Any cross city difference?,Your exercise,The Roles of the manager at different organizational levels,Strategic Planning,Management Control,Operational Control,SP: the process of deciding on objectives, on changes in those objectives, on the resources to attain these objectives, and on the policies to govern the acquisition, use and disposition of those resourcesMC: the process by which managers assure that the resources are obtained and used effectively and efficientlyOP: the process of assuring that specific tasks are carried out effectively and efficiently,企业战略的层次,从实施战略主体的角度来看,企业战略包括三个层次:,竞争战略的种类,在广泛市场领域实施标准化产品、基本性能,低价格的战略,在广泛市场领域实施独特性能、高质量、高服务、高品位、高价格的战略,在狭窄市场/具体产品上分别采用上述两种战略,基本情况: 一、产品品种 主导产品:线材、螺纹钢、圆钢等建材为主; 辅助产品:角钢、槽钢、焊条钢、焊管、弹簧钢、棉花打包丝钢、扁钢、挡板钢、镀锌铁丝、冷拔丝等; 二、核心市场 以新疆市场作为主要市场,2001年,总销量的80%在新疆,20%销往区外; 三、补充市场 兰州、西安、成都、银川、西宁; 四、主要竞争对手酒钢,产品结构与八钢相似,2001年,在新疆钢材销量约25万吨,新疆市场占有率约20%; 五、八钢销量 2001年,八钢销量区内约102万吨,区外销43万吨,共计145万吨,八钢在新疆市场占有率约为80%; 六、销售战略 以建材销售为主,以新疆为核心市场,以利润最大化根本,最大限度地占领新疆市场;,案例:钢铁行业:八一钢铁/1,魏博士,您好! 很抱歉打扰您,八钢对企业规模到底发展多大最为合理这一问题讨论了很长时间,现在还没有权威的结论,有的赞成大规模发展,有的赞成以资源最佳利用,利润最大化为原则。我认为,应从科学的、专业理论的高度,来认识解决这一问题,给企业决策者提供正确的理论依据。 本课题由本人负责,因能力所限,想请教您,给予指导、帮助,以下是我的一些想法,您阅后具体事宜我们再电话联系,谢谢!八钢股份公司研发室 李龙 2002.3.27 联系电话:3881434(办)、Email:lilongbygt.com.cn,钢铁行业:八一钢铁/2,附录:营销规模数学模型的建立 模型建立基本原则:销售利润(或公司利润)最大化 已知条件:钢材品种规格、各品种规格单位成本、各区域市场平均销价、运费(八钢各市场);区内钢材消耗量(预测给定值)、区外钢材消耗量(兰州、西安、成都、西宁、银川,预测给定值)、八钢钢材区内市场占有率(预测值)、新疆经济增长幅度(固定资产投资增长率);历年(15年)相关数据(各品种规格区内销量、各品种规格区外不同地区销量、各品种综合销售利润、各品种区内、区外销售利润); 达到目的:结合以上条件,以利润最大化为原则,确定出: 1、企业合理营销(生产)规模 2、最优品种结构组成 3、合理的区内、外销售比及其品种规格构成,钢铁行业:八一钢铁/3,八钢股份真的是资源优化问题吗?,竞争战略案例,Value creation and distribution between producer and buyer,PB: You are willing to pay $15,000 for a Honda Civic.Unit cost of Honda Civic: $10,000.Price Honda Civic charges: $12,000.,A intuitive look at Hondas possible choices,Customer Perceived Benefit,Unit Cost,Choice A: Low cost, with slightly lower quality. Choice B: Differentiation, make the car more unique (better quality with slightly high cost). Choice C: Trying both.,A,B,C,U-Haul,Rolls-Royce,$320,000,There is nothing quite like a Rolls-Royce !,Cost leadership strategy,An integrated set of actions taken to produce goods or services with features that are acceptable to customers at the lowest cost, relative to that of competitors with features that are acceptable to customersRelatively standardized products Features acceptable to many customers Lowest competitive price,Activities supporting cost leadership strategy,How Cost leadership could lead to above average return?,Potential entrants need to enter on a large scale in order to be cost competitiveSuppliers large purchasesBuyers Low price!Rivalry ?Substitutes ?,Differentiation strategy,An integrated set of actions taken to produce goods or services (at an acceptable cost) that customers perceive as being different in ways that are important to themNonstandardized products Customers value differentiated features more than they value low cost,
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