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Specialized English for the Major of Automation,专 业 英 语,Unit 2: Control Theory,Grammar 1. Explication of the Acceptation 2. Conversion of Part of Speech 3. Common Use 4. Translation of Attributive Clause,1. Explication of the Acceptation (词义的引申)order n.次序, 顺序, 正常(工作)状态, 秩序, 会议规则, 命令, 定购, 定单operational order 操作命令,运算指令order code 指令码 order of matrix 矩阵的阶order of connection 连通(连接)次序technical order 技术说明,技术规程order of poles 极点的相重数(阶)working order 工序 order of magnitude 数量级be in/out order 正常/发生故障give an order for sth. 订货 in order to 为了,词义转译 一些无法直译或不宜直译的词或词组,应根据上下文和逻辑关系,引申转译 All the wit and learning in this field are to be present at the symposium.所有这一领域的学者都将出席这个科学讨论会。(不译成“智慧与学识”) Zinc is easy to obtain from its ore。锌容易从锌矿中提炼。(不译“获得”),词义具体化 翻译时,根据汉语的表达习惯,把原文中某些词义较笼统的词引申为词义较具体的词 This method works well.这种方法很奏效。Vibration has worked some connection loose.震动使一些接线松了。 The machine works smoothly.这台机器运转正常。The movement of the spring is made to work a pointer on a dial, so weight is recorded.弹簧伸缩带动刻度盘指针,从而记录下重量。,The mine has been long worked.这个矿已经开采了很久了。The interference worked much instability in the system.干扰给系统造成了很大的不稳定性。,词义抽象化 翻译时,根据汉语的表达习惯,把原文中词义较具体的词引申为词义较抽象的词,或把词义较形象的词引申为词义较一般的词。 The contributors in component technology have been in the semiconductor components.元件技术中起主要作用的因素是半导体元件。(把“主要贡献者”抽象化为“起主要作用的”) we have progressed a long way from the early days of electrical engineering。电气工程自从出现以来,已经有了很大的发展。(不译“已经前进了很长一段路”),词的搭配heavy current 强电流; heavy crop 大丰收;heavy traffic 交通拥挤; heavy industry 重工业Rubber,porcelain and glass are commonly used to resist electric current。橡胶、陶瓷和玻璃常常用来隔绝电流。(不译“抵抗电流”),2. Conversion of Part of Speech(词性转换) 英语名词化结构及动名词译成汉语的动词。 Integrated circuits are fairly recent development.集成电路是近几年来发展起来的。 In the dynamo, mechanical energy is used for rotating the armature in the field.直流发电机中机械能用来使电枢在磁场中转动。,介词在很多情况下,尤其是状语,可译成汉语的动词。 Noise figure is minimized by a parameter amplifier.采用参数放大器,即可将噪声系数减至最低。 Power is needed to stall the armature against inertia.为使电枢克服惯性而制动,就需要一定的能量。,某些表语可同系词一起合译为汉语的动词。In this case the temperature in the furnace is up.在这种情况下,炉温就会升高。When the switch is off, the circuit is open and current doesnt go through.开关断开时,电路开路,电流不能通过。If low-cost power becomes available from nuclear power plants, the electricity crisis would be solved.如果能从核电站获得低成本电力,电力紧张的问题就会解决。,表特征的形容词,在其后加上“性”、“度”转译为名词IPC is more reliable than common computer.工控机的可靠性比普通计算机高。,将形容词译成副词The same principles of low internal resistance also apply to milliammeters.低内阻原理也同样适用于毫安表。The modern world is experiencing rapid development of information technique.当今世界的信息技术正在迅速发展。,某些英语动词的概念难以直接用汉语动词表达,翻译时可转换成为汉语的名词。The design aims at automatic operation, simple maintenance and high productivity.设计的目的在于自动操作,维护简单,生产率高。 某些副词可以用汉语的名词表达。The instrument is used to determine how fully the batteries are charged.这种仪表用来测量电池的充电程度。 This device is shown schematically in Fig. 3-11.图3-11所示为这种装置的简图。,某些副词可以用汉语的形容词表达。An current varies directly as the voltage force and inversely as the resistance.电流的大小与电压成正比,与电阻成反比。 Java is chiefly characterized by its simplicity of operation and compatibility with almost all OSs (Operating Systems).Java主要的特点是:操作简单,并和几乎所有操作系统兼容。,3. Common Use for Describing the Characteristic 主-系-表 (S - C - P)(use nouns) : This is so sensitive an instrument that it can measure the slight change in pressure.该仪器如此灵敏,以至于能测出压力的微弱变化。 This is too weak a signal.该信号太弱。,主-谓-宾 代替汉语中的“主-系-表” “Have”句型表尺寸、大小、长度、高度:物Ahavea表大小等名词of数量These steel plates have a thickness of 2 centimeters.钢板厚2cm。表比较:物Ahave比较级(as原型)要比较的名称than(as)物BX-rays have a shorter wave length than light rays (do).X射线的波长比光波的要短。,表优缺点等特点:物Ahave表特点的名词 This external load has a low resistance.外部负载的电阻较小。 That type of antenna has the advantages of simple structure and high efficiency.那类天线的优点是结构简单,效率高。 The Q output waveform has a frequency exactly equal to one half that of the input.Q输出波形的频率刚好等于输入的一半。,采用“Be”句型表尺寸、大小、数量:物Abe数量表大小等的形容词(in表大小的名词) These steel plates are 2 centimeters thick (in thickness).钢板厚2cm。表比较:物Abe比较级(as原型)in要比较的名词than(as)物B X-rays are shorter in wave length than light rays (are).X射线的波长比光波的要短。,采用静态结构表示特征、状态“系动词表语” (表语主要是形容词,有时也可以是名词或介词短语) These Laplace transforms are readily obtainable (can be obtained) through a direct application of Eq.5.通过直接应用方程5,可以获得拉普拉斯变换。 This problem is now under consideration (is now being considered.)这个问题正在考虑中。 This new method is on trial (is being tested).这个新方法正在试用中。,使用某些静态动词阐述某种现象 The high voltage leads to (causes) the breakdown of the transistor .高电压导致三极管击穿。 Under this condition a current results (is formed) in the circuit. 在这种情况下,电路中产生电流。,描述对象特点这种器件特点是体积小、重量轻、效率高、成本低。 This device is characterized by its small size, light weight, high efficiency and low cost. This device is small in size, light in weight, high in efficiency and low in cost. The features of this device are small size, light weight, high efficiency, and low cost. 这些设备的体积各不相同。 These devices are of different size. These devices vary in size.,表倍数关系 The switching time of the new-type transistor is shortened three times. 新型晶体管的开关时间缩短了三分之二。(或-缩短为三分之一。) In water sound travels nearly five times as fast as in air. 声音水中的传播速度几乎是空气中传播速度的五倍。 Electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed as light. 电磁波传送的速度和光速相同。,
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