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Lesson 12 - The Kindness of Strangers,12 The Kindness of Strangers Sentence Analysis,I never even lifted my foot off the accelerator. (Para. 2 )the part of a car that can make the car go faster when you press it,The author was really shockedhow he could have been so indifferent, so unfeeling and so unsympathetic.,Lesson 12 - The Kindness of Strangers, through the land of the almighty dollar. (Para. 5),To be continued on the next page.,the country in which money has as much power as God, here referring to the United States.,Lesson 12 - The Kindness of Strangers, when it seemed to run contrary to their own best interests. (Para. 7)to run against,To be continued on the next page., when it seemed to be in a way that is opposite to their best interests. / when it seemed to be exactly what they should not have done for their own safety.,Lesson 12 - The Kindness of Strangers,But I hate to see (Para. 9)我真不愿见到 Examples:I hate to disturb you , but could you take a look at my computer?I really hate to ask my parents for money.,To be continued on the next page.,Lesson 12 - The Kindness of Strangers,But what I found most touching was the fact that they all did it as a matter of course. (Para. 11),the use of “fact” followed by an appositive clause,To be continued on the next page.,as a most natural way to act,Lesson 12 - The Kindness of Strangers,Now were talking (Para. 12) This is used when you think someones suggestion is a very good idea. “现在我来劲了。”-I suggest we first get hamburger andthen a big ice-cream.- Now we (you) are talking! Lets go. b) -Lets call it a day. - Now we (you) are talking.,To be continued on the next page.,Lesson 12 - The Kindness of Strangers,Tell you what. (Para. 12) “(Ill) tell you what” is used when you are suggesting or offering sth.“我和你说啊; 听我讲”More examples: a) - Id like to go very much. But its too far away.- Tell you what. You take my car. Im not going anywhere today.b) - I wont be able to come back home until 7:00. But I have to pick up my son at 5:30.- Tell you what. Ill pick up your son and bring him to my place.,Lesson 12 - The Kindness of Strangers,. “mountain stay-at-home people” who rarely entertained in their house. ( Para. 13)other examples:the next-to-last step 倒数第二步a wait-and-see policy 观望政策a take-it-leave-it attitude 事不关己的态度,compound word,people who stay at home all the time and do not like to do exciting things,Lesson 12 - The Kindness of Strangers,This revelation made my night there all the more special. (Para. 13)suddenly made known to you. from the verb ”reveal”.“all the more + adj.”used for emphasis, which means “more (special) than usual” (愈发;愈加)other examples: all the more difficult, all the more interesting all the more beautiful,The end of Sentence Paraphrase.,Vocabulary:,accelerate: go faster; make sth. happen faster 加速;加快e.g. This Ferrari Mondial can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in 6.3 seconds. 法拉利 蒙迪尔型汽车能在6.3秒内从时速0英里加速到60英里。e.g. to accelerate the rate of economic growth 加快经济发展速度acceleration n. e.g. the acceleration in the rate of economic growth 经济的加速发展 e.g. acceleration due to gravity 重力加速度accelerator: n. 油门;加速器,compassion: n. a strong feeling of sympathy for people who are suffering and a desire to help them 同情;怜悯e.g. to feel compassion 感到同情to show compassion 表示同情compassionate: adj. feeling or showing sympathy for people who are suffering 有同情心的; 表示怜悯的e.g. a compassionate smilea caring, compassionate man,conquer: v. to take land by attacking people or by fighting a war 攻取;占领 e.g. The Normans conquered England in 1066.2) to defeat an enemy 击败 e.g. The Zulus conquered all the neighbouring tribes. 祖鲁人打败了所有邻近的部落。3) To gain control over sth. difficult, using a lot of efforts 克服;制服 e.g. fear 克服恐惧 inflation 克服通货膨胀 4) ones hearts: make someone love you 博得某人的欢心,amaze: v. to make sb. very surprised e.g. Dave s his friends by suddenly getting married. e.g. Their loyalty never ceased to me.amazed: a. extremely surprised e.g. We were amazed at her rapid recovery. e.g. Im amazed that youve never heard of them.amazing: a. extremely good, esp. in a surprising and unexpected way 好得惊人的;精彩的 e.g. an performance 精彩的表演 e.g. an bargain 令人惊喜的便宜货amazement: n. e.g. To my amazement, she came up to me and shook my hand.,synonyms,magnificent: adj.extremely impressive because of being very big, beautiful, etc. 宏伟的;壮丽的e.g. The view from the summit was magnificent. 从山顶望去,景色十分壮观。,fantasticgrandmajesticsplendidgorgeousgreat,intrigue: v. to make sb very interested and want to know more about sth 激起的兴趣;引发的好奇心e.g. I was d by his request. 他的请求引起了我的兴趣。 e.g. Youve really d me tell me more!intrigue: n. the act of secretly planning in order to harm someone or make them lose their position of power 阴谋;密谋 e.g. political intrigue 政治阴谋 e.g. I soon learnt about all the intrigues and scandals that went on in the little town. 我很快便知道了小镇上流传的种种阴谋与丑闻。,patriotic: a. e.g. a man who served his country well 为国尽忠的爱国人士 e.g. songspatriot: n. 爱国者patriotism: n. 爱国主义;爱国精神,
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