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第十课 随机振动,2018年9月9日,随机振动,在工程中特别是在车辆工程中广泛存在着随机振动,车辆行驶时由于路面不平引起的振动就是一个典型的例子。在这一章,我们讨论线性振动系统受外界的随机激励而引起的随机振动。 随机振动服从概率统计规律,因此随机振动的振动规律可以而且只能用概率统计方法描述,我们只能满足于知道物理量的统计值。因此,与确定性振动不同的是,我们只能知道振动系统激励和响应的统计值。,不能用确定的函数表达,知识重点,随机信号的均方值 线性系统输入与输出均方值的关系 均方值、功率谱、功率谱密度 线性系统输入与输出功率谱密度的关系,主要内容,随机过程与数字特征 相关与功率谱 频响函数与随机响应,主要内容,随机过程与数字特征 相关与功率谱 频响函数与随机响应,Each record is called a sampled, The total collection samples is called ensample.,Stationary Ergodic Random Vibration,Thus, for a stationary ergodic random phenomenon, its statistical properties are available from a single time function of a sufficiently long time period. This chapter treats only this class of stationary ergodic random functions.,Expected value,Mean square value,Variance and standard deviation,主要内容,随机过程与数字特征 相关与功率谱 频响函数与随机响应,Correlation(相关),Correlation is a measure of the similarity between quantities. As it applies to vibration waveforms, correlation is a time-domain analysis useful for detecting hidden periodic signals buried in measurement noise, determining propagation time through the structure, determining the structures spectral characteristic.,Autocorrelation(自相关),Cross correlation(自相关),Power spectrum and power spectral density,Power spectrum and power spectral density,Power spectrum and power spectral density,Example,Example,Parsevals theorem,Parsevals theorem,Winner-Khintchine equation (维纳辛钦公式),主要内容,随机过程与数字特征 相关与功率谱 频响函数与随机响应,FRF and random response,Example,本课重点,相关与功率谱(密度) 均方值、傅立叶系数、功率谱密度之间关系 输入输出功率谱密度与频响函数的关系,The end! Thank your for attention!,
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