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架构师的职责及工作描述什么叫架构师系统分析员属于Analyst 角色组合, 与其相比, 架构师则是属于Developer 角色组里的一个角色,一个非常重要的角色。架构师的职责及工作描述The software architect role is responsible for the software architecture, which includes the key technical decisions that constrain the overall design and implementation for the project. 负责在整个项目中对技术活动和工件进行领导和协调。构架设计师要确立每个构架视图的整体结构:视图的详细组织结构、元素的分组以及这些主要分组之间的接口。因此, 与其他角色相比,构架设计师的见解重在广度,而不是深度。架构师负责理解系统的业务需求,并创建合理、完善的系统体系架构。架构师也负责通过软件架构来决定主要的技术选择。这典型的包括识别和文档化系统的重要架构方面,包括系统的需求、设计、实现和部署“视图 “。The software architect has overall responsibility for driving the major technical decisions, expressed as the software architecture. This typically includes identifying and documenting the architecturally significant aspects of the system, including requirements, design, implementation, and deployment “views“ of the system. The architect is also responsible for providing rationale for these decisions, balancing the concerns of the various stakeholders, :注 :这就是说架构师要在大家意见不统一的时候给出一个基本的并且这些人都比较能接受的基本意见, 这就是要求架构师要有一定的判断力和决定能力以及体现核心作用、核心力量和支柱的这样一种领导力。driving down technical risks, and ensuring that decisions are effectively communicated, validated, and adhered to. :注:架构师一定要具备降低风险(当然主要是技术方面)的能力,以及他的这种架构思想切实得到贯彻和落实的能力。建模软件应用和方案,并创建和管理可重用的模式和模型;维护在我们的软件系统中的系统组件和他们的接口。建模信息架构,创建和维护组织技术设施的布局,并提供满足业务需求的技术观点和远景。架构师的技能要求和能力素养In summary, the software architect must be well-rounded, posses maturity, vision, and a depth of experience that allows for grasping issues quickly and making educated, critical judgment in the absence of complete information. More specifically, the software architect, or members of the architecture team, must combine these skills: 构架设计师必须多才多艺、成熟练达、洞察力强、经验丰富。这样,他才能在无法获得完整信息的情况下迅速领会问题并根据经验作出审慎的判断。更准确地说, 构架设计师 (或者构架团队的成员)必须兼具以下技能:Experience in both the problem domain, through a thorough understanding of the requirements, and the software engineering domain. If there is a team, these qualities can be spread across the team members, but at least one software architect must provide the global vision for the project.经验:既包括在问题领域的经验(通过彻底了解需求),也包括在软件工程领域的经验。对于一个构架团队,这些素质要求可由各团队成员来分别承担,但其中至少要有一名构架设计师能够把握项目的全局。Leadership in order to drive the technical effort across the various teams, and to make critical decisions under pressure and make those decisions stick. To be effective, the software architect and the project manager must work closely together, with the software architect leading the technical issues and the project manager leading the administrative issues. The software architect must have the authority to make technical decisions.领导才能:能够推动各个团队的技术进展,并能在压力下作出关键性的决策然后将其贯彻到底。要提高效率, 构架设计师和项目经理必须紧密协作。构架设计师主要负责解决技术问题,项目经理主要负责解决行政管理问题。构架设计师必须有权在技术问题上作出决定。Communication to earn trust, to persuade, to motivate, and to mentor. The software architect cannot lead by decree, only by the consent of the rest of the project. In order to be effective, the software architect must earn the respect of the project team, the project manager, the customer, and the user community, as well as the management team.沟通:能够赢得他人的信任,以对其进行说服、 激励和指导。 构架设计师不能靠命令进行领导,而必须要赢得项目中其他人员的赞同。为了提高效率, 构架设计师必须赢得项目团队、项目经理、客户、用户群体以及管理团队的尊敬。Goal-orientation and Pro-activity with a relentless focus on results. The software architect is the technical driving force behind the project, not a visionary or dreamer. The career of a successful software architect is a long series of sub-optimal decisions made in uncertainty and under pressure. Only those who can focus on doing what needs to be done will be successful in this environment of the project.以目标为中心、积极主动,不懈地追求成效。构架设计师是推动项目发展的技术动力,而不是空想家。在其职业生涯中,成功的构架设计师一直都要在捉摸不定和承受压力的情况下作出折衷决定。构架设计师只有将注意力集中在该做的事情上,才能在项目中取得成功。从专业角度看,构架设计师必须具备系统设计员(designer )的所有能力。但是:However, unlike the designer, the software architect: tends to be a generalist rather than a specialist, knowing many technologies at a high level rather than a few technologies at the detail level makes broader technical decisions, and therefore broad knowlege and experience, as well as communication and leadership skills, are key. 注 : 此处两点,一语道破架构师和设计师的本职区别。请认真体会,侧重点是不同的。架构师应该能够:理解企业应用的体系结构,能够对分布式企业应用系统体系结构、面向服务的应用系统体系结构的设计要点给出指导性建议的。团队里架构师配备的方法和指导原则If the project is large enough to warrant an architecture team, the goal is to have a good mix of talents, covering a wide spectrum of experience and sharing a common understanding of software engineering process. The architecture team need not be a committee of representatives from various teams, domains or contractors. Software architecture is a full-time function, with staff permanently dedicated to it. 如果项目较大,需要组建一个构架团队,则应尽量广聚贤才,使该团队既拥有广泛的经验,又对软件工程流程具有一致的认识。构架团队不应该是由各团队、领域或承包商的代表组成的委员会。软件构架设计是一项长期的工作,始终都需要配备专职人员。For smaller projects, a single person may act as both project manager and software architect. However, if at all possible, it is better to have these roles performed by separate people, in order to ensure that time pressure on one role doesnt cause the other role to be neglected. 注 : 小型项目架构师可以兼做项目经理。但是不要因为时间安排问题导致两种角色互有影响。架构师需要
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