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Unit 8 Invitation,Lesson 1 Are you free this afternoon?,Unit29 See a Doctor,Module 9 Dealing With Problems,I. Teaching Objectives(教学目标):,By the end of this unit, you should be able to (本单元你应该学会) 1. Learn how to handle when someone is ill in a travel.(学会如何处理当有人在旅途中生病) 2. Grasp new words and expressions about seeing a doctor .(掌握有关看医生的重要单词、短语),II Teaching Procedure,Step1 Warm up Step2 Presentation Step3 Practice Step4 Summary Step5 Homework,Step1 Warm up,Task1 Topic Introduction When you decide to have a travel, you must prepare some medicines and carry a Medical Kit. But if the illness is serious , you must see a doctor.,Task2 Warming up Activities,1.Match the words and the pictures,A B C D,1)headache 2)thermometer 3)clinic 4)transfusion,Task2答案,1. 1) B 2) C 3) A 4) D,Step2 Presentation,Have you ever lost in a trip, how did you deal with the situation ?,Task 3 Routine Dialogue 日常对话 Dialogue1:Have a Headache Situation: Jack has a bad headache during the journey. His father takes him to see a doctor.,Pre-listening questions:,1. What is wrong with Jack? 2. How old is Jack and how should he take the medicine ?,Dialogue 1答案,1. He has a bad headache ,has a cold and runs a fever. 2. He is already eight years old. Take the medicine regularly three times a day and one pill each time.,(J: John Green D:Doctor) D: Good morning .Whats wrong with you? J:Good morning, doctor .My son has a bad headache. D: Tell me what you did yesterday. J: We went to the Great Wall. The wind was very strong. We felt very tired. (Jack is having a runny nose .) D: Let me take his temperature and give him an examination. (After ten minutes later,The temperature is 38.) J: Is he ill serious , Doctor? D: Nothing serious. He has a cold and runs a fever. Dont worry. How old is your son? J: He is already eight years old. D: Ill write you a prescription .By the way , is he allergic to any medication? J: No , he is not allergic to any medication. D: Ok. Take the medicine regularly three times a day and one pill each time. He needs a good rest and drink more water. J: Thank you very much. D: Thats all right.,Words and expressions thermometer mmt n.温度计,体温计,症候 transfusion trnzfjn n. (临床)输液 symptoms smptm n. 症状,症候 examination g,zmne()n n. 考试;检查;查问 throat rt n.喉咙,嗓子 inflame nflem vt. 激怒,使燃烧,使发炎 prescription prskrp()n n.药方,指示,惯例 medication mdken n.药物,药物治疗 catch a cold 感冒 take ones temperature 给某人量体温 run a fever 发烧,Useful sentence patterns 1. My son has a terrible headache. 2. He had a runny nose after we backed. 3. His throat is inflamed and he runs a fever. 4. Ill write you a prescription .By the way , is he allergic to any medication? 5. Take the medicine regularly three times a day and one pill each time.,Useful sentence patterns 1. 我的儿子头疼的厉害。 2. 在我们回来后他一直流鼻涕。 3. 他的喉咙发炎了,并且他发烧了。 4. 我会给你开个药方,顺便问一句,他对药物过敏吗? 5. 定期服药一天三次,一次一片。,Dialogue2: Be Dehydration Situation: Mr Smiths daughter Alice is ill after one days travel. So his father decided to take her to a clinic .,Pre-listening questions:,1. What happened to Alice? 2. What did the doctor do when Alice got to the clinic?,Pre-listening questions:答案,1. Her face is very pale , she feels very tired and dizzy. she is dehydration. 2. Take some medicine and drink plenty of water with a little salt . She should have a good rest and not go out in such a hot day.,(D:Doctor A:Alice ) D: Good afternoon, whats the matter with you ? Your face is very pale. A: Good afternoon, I feel very terrible. D: How long have you been like this? A: Half a day, we have been touring all day! It wears me out and I feel very hot. D: It is very hot today. Do you feel dizzy? A: Yes, I dont feel like eating anything. D: You are probably dehydration. A: What should I do now? D: There is nothing to worry about, take it easy. Take some medicine and drink plenty of water with a little salt. Then you will feel better. A:I will take the medicine on time. D: Youd better have a good rest and not go out in such a hot day. A: Ok , thank you very much.,Words and expressions,dehydration dihadren n.脱水 tour t n旅游,旅行 clinic klnk n.诊所,临床 worse ws adj.更坏的,更差的(bad的比较级) wear sb out 使某人筋疲力尽 have a rest 休息 feel like v. 想(做某事),Useful sentence patterns 1. How long have you been like this? 2.It wears me out and I feel very hot. 3.Do you feel dizzy? 4. Take some medicine and drink plenty of water with a little salt. 5. I will take the medicine on time.,Useful sentence patterns 1. 你像这样已经多久了? 2.我快累死了并且我感到非常的热。 3.你感到头晕吗? 4. 吃一些药,喝些淡盐水 5. 我会按时吃药的。,
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