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刘丽娟 104050331,Brief introduction of author,F. Scott Fitzgerald was born in St Paul, Minnesota of mixed Southern and Irish descent. His father, Edward Fitzgerald, was a salesman, a Southern gentleman, whose furniture business had failed. His greater impact to him was “even if your business has failed,we have to maintain the habit of generous style”. Mary McQuillan, his mother, was the daughter of a successful wholesale grocer, and devoted to her only son.,Analysis of character & story plot,The story deals symbolically with the failure of the American Dream. It is the story of a young mans search for his ideal of love. It also is a story of what the young man must do to win that love before he discovers that it is not worth having. The novel is always compared to Fitzgeralds life.,Comparing,Gatsby struggle for money, Daisy, fame, but ends sadly Ruined by lover Daisy and wealthy people around Fitzgerald Struggle for money Zelda Spoil time on parties Tortured by lover Zelda Ruined by alcohol and corrupt life,喜欢了不起的盖茨比的理由有很多:喜欢开头那句父亲的忠告:你在评论他人的时候,要记住并非所有的人都有你这样优越的条件。喜欢看着盖茨比站在海边遥望黛西家码头上的绿灯,喜欢看着他“以奇怪的方式伸出手臂”,喜欢那种惊奇和热切;喜欢盖茨比豪宅上彻夜不明的灯光,和从花园里随风飘至的音乐和笑声,那样声色犬马,醉生梦死。以及盖茨比躲在这一切繁华背后的孤独和被压抑的欲望。喜欢死后的那段人情冷暖,喜欢看着那辆来自另一个世界尽头的汽车来到豪宅门口,却没有发现美好的宴会早已散场。也喜欢书中的语言、隐喻、讲故事的方式,和精致却缜密的结构。,comment,
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