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单击此处编辑主标题,单击此处编辑副标题,单击此处编辑标题,正文部分样例A 正文部分样例B 正文部分样例C 正文部分样例D 正文部分样例I 正文部分样例II 正文部分样例III,单击此处编辑标题,正文部分样例A 正文部分样例B 正文部分样例C 正文部分样例D 正文部分样例I 正文部分样例II 正文部分样例III,正文标题,第一级 第二级 第三级 第四级 第五级,正文标题,第一级 第二级 第三级 第四级 第五级,样例文本A,Gemmi Cong 精美PPT模板尽在如下豆单 http:/www.docin.com/d-326.html&forward=2 欢迎大家欣赏和下载,样例文本A,Gemmi Cong 精美PPT模板尽在如下豆单 http:/www.docin.com/d-326.html&forward=2 欢迎大家欣赏和下载,样例文本B,When CICS was delivered to Amoco with Teletype Model 33 ASR support, it caused the entire OS/360 operating system to crash (including non-CICS application programs). The majority of the CICS Terminal Control Program (TCP - the heart of CICS) and part of OS/360 had to be laboriously redesigned and rewritten by Amoco Production Company in Tulsa Oklahoma. It was then given back to IBM for free distribution to others.In a few short years, CICS generated over $60 Billion dollars in new hardware revenue for IBM, and became their most-successful mainframe software product.In early 1970, a number of the original developers, including Ben Riggins (the principal architect of the early releases) relocated to California and continued CICS development at IBMs Palo Alto Development Center. IBM executives did not recognize value in software as a revenue-generation product, until after federal law required software unbundling. In 1980, IBM executives failed to heed Ben Riggins strong suggestions that IBM should provide their own EBCDIC-based operating system and integrated-circuit microprocessor chip for use in the IBM Personal Computer as a CICS intelligent terminal (instead of the incompatible ASCII-based Intel chip, and immature Microsoft 1980 DOS).In 1974, CICS development responsibility was shifted to IBMs Hursley, United Kingdom Laboratory, where development work continues today.,样例文本B,When CICS was delivered to Amoco with Teletype Model 33 ASR support, it caused the entire OS/360 operating system to crash (including non-CICS application programs). The majority of the CICS Terminal Control Program (TCP - the heart of CICS) and part of OS/360 had to be laboriously redesigned and rewritten by Amoco Production Company in Tulsa Oklahoma. It was then given back to IBM for free distribution to others.In a few short years, CICS generated over $60 Billion dollars in new hardware revenue for IBM, and became their most-successful mainframe software product.In early 1970, a number of the original developers, including Ben Riggins (the principal architect of the early releases) relocated to California and continued CICS development at IBMs Palo Alto Development Center. IBM executives did not recognize value in software as a revenue-generation product, until after federal law required software unbundling. In 1980, IBM executives failed to heed Ben Riggins strong suggestions that IBM should provide their own EBCDIC-based operating system and integrated-circuit microprocessor chip for use in the IBM Personal Computer as a CICS intelligent terminal (instead of the incompatible ASCII-based Intel chip, and immature Microsoft 1980 DOS).In 1974, CICS development responsibility was shifted to IBMs Hursley, United Kingdom Laboratory, where development work continues today.,样例文本C,COBOL的数据种类COBOL程序的数据,主要有以下3种:变量(Variables) 常量(Literals) 表意常量(FigurativeConstants)变量和常量自不必说,说说表意常量。使用有特定意思的多个词组合成一个常量的代名词。好处是便于编码人员识别。比如:HIGH-VALUES、LOW-VALUES等可以表达一定意思的名称作为常量代名词。,样例文本C,COBOL的数据种类COBOL程序的数据,主要有以下3种:变量(Variables) 常量(Literals) 表意常量(FigurativeConstants)变量和常量自不必说,说说表意常量。使用有特定意思的多个词组合成一个常量的代名词。好处是便于编码人员识别。比如:HIGH-VALUES、LOW-VALUES等可以表达一定意思的名称作为常量代名词。,内 容 概 览,内 容 概 览,内 容 概 览,第一节,第二节,第三节,第四节,第五节,内容,公 司 发 展,交 互 图,饼 图,50%,24%,10%,16%,50%,24%,16%,10%,AAA,DDD,BBB,CCC,项 目 AB,项目A,项目B,项目内容XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,项目内容XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,状 态 图,内容 C,内容 B,内容 A,关 系 图,A结点,D结点,C结点,B结点,A,B,C,D,关系,概 念 图,项 目 图,A,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,B,YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY,C,ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ,B,C,A,影 响 分 析 图,文字内容,影响3,影响2,影响1,图 表,DDD,FFF,EEE,BBB,CCC,AAA,中间,标 题,图 表,AAA,BBB,内容,内容,图 表,ccc,AAA,标题,bbb,aaa,BBB,CCC,项 目 图,项 目 图,总 结,1,2,3,4,5,标题,Thank you!,
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