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1内蒙古呼和浩特市实验教育集团内蒙古呼和浩特市实验教育集团 2016-20172016-2017 学年七年级英语上学期期中试学年七年级英语上学期期中试题(题(A A 卷)卷)第卷(选择题,共计 65 分)I.单项选择 (每小题 1 分,共 15 分)( )1. There is apple on the table. apple is sweet. A. a; The B. an; The C. the; A D. an; A( )2.-What color are these shirts?- blue.A. These are B. they are C. It is D. They are( )3.-What are you in?-Im in 3.A. Class,class B. class,class C. class,Class D. Class,Class( )4.-How many are there?-Twenty.A. sheep B. apple C. desk D. water( )5. Our English teachers name is Ann Ally Green. We can call her .A. Mr. Green B. Miss Green C. Mr. Ann D. Miss Ann( )6.-Where ?-There it is.A. the coat is B. is the map C. are the shops D. the trees are( )7. There some juice and bread in the fridge.A. have B. are C. is have D. is( )8. He isnt European boy. He is English boy.A. a, an B. an, a C. an, The D. an, an( )9. Lets football after school.A. to play B. play C. go play D. playing( )10.I like .A. swiming B. go swimming C. swims D. swimming( )11.The girl is from . She is .A. America, American B. Chinese, ChinaC. English, England D. American, America( )12.This is desk.2A. Lucys and Lily B. Lucys and LilysC. Lucy and Lilys D. Lucy and Lily( )13. name is Roy.A. Sarahs brother B. Sarah brothersC. Sarah brother D. Sarahs brothers( )14. and are in the same school.A. He, me B. Him, meC. I, he D. He, I( )15. The teachers desk is the classroom.A. in front of B. in the front of C. behind C. next toII. 完形填空 (每小题 1 分,共 10 分)There are 16 students in our class, twenty-three boys and twenty-four girls. One of the boys 17 English. His name is John. He is thirteen. He likes Chinese. But he is not 18 at it. 19 are the two American girls? They are twins(双胞胎). 20 names are Mary and Jane. They are twelve. They always 21 the same clothes. They are my 22 .The other boys and girls 23 Chinese .We Chinese students all like the English boys and the American girls. They like us, too. We play games together and we help each other. Where is Daming? He 24 playing football 25 the playground and the gym, and he may be there.( )16. A. fourty-seven B. fourty-eight C. fourty-nine D. forty-seven( )17. A. are B. is C. am D. /( )18. A. good B. well C. bad D. badly( )19. A. What B. Why C. Who D. Whose( )20. A. They B. Theirs C. Them D. Their( )21. A. put B. wear C. in D. on( )22. A. classmate B. family C. teachers D. friends( )23. A. all are B. both are C. are all D. are both( )24. A. enjoys B. enjoyed C. enjoies D. enjoy( )25. A. on B. in the middle C. between D. to3III.阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 40 分)(A)This is Catherine. Her family is from the capital of England. Her family name is Cooper. She is nineteen. Her father is a doctor. His name is Henry Cooper. He works at a hospital in New York. Mrs. Cooper also works in the same hospital, but she is not a doctor. Catherine is now in China. She studies in Beijing. She studies Chinese. She is now in her second year. She lives in that building. Her room number is 204. She lives with another girl. Her name is Betty Brown. She is from the USA. She studies Chinese, too. The two girls are good friends. They both like China. They often help each other.根据文章的内容,选择正确的答案:( )26. How many people are there in the passage(文章)?A. Five B. Three. C. Four. D. We dont know.( )27. Wheres Catherines father from?A. New York B. the USA C. London D. Tokyo ( )28. Who is living with Catherine now?A. Mr. Cooper B. Mrs. Cooper D. No one D. Betty( )29. Is Betty Mr. Coopers daughter?A. Yes, she is. B. Im not sure. C. We dont know. D. No, she isnt.( )30. What does Mrs. Cooper do?A. She does well in. B. She works in a hospital.C. She is a doctor. D. She is a nurse.(B)Hello, Im Lin Tao. This is my school. Its big, and its also beautiful. There is a big playground. The gym is next to the playground. In front of the gym, there are science labs. Behind the gym, there is a sports hall. So we can see the gym is between the science labs and the sports hall. In the sports hall, there are many kinds of balls. Look! This is our teaching building, and there are 45 classrooms in it. In every class, there are at least (至少)50 students. On the right of the teaching building, there is a d
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